The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1865: A momentary break of memory

"A few, please!"

Claude led Qin Yang towards his mother’s residence, while simply answering Qin Yang’s question: “I hired Mary to take care of my mother. After all, I’m busy at work and don’t have time to stay with her all the time. And even if I have been by her side, she might have a natural conversation with me in the last second, but in the next second she will suddenly not know me and ask who I am in a very strange tone. Full of doubt and guard..."

Claude’s face has an unbearable pain: “Her memory seems to be prone to retreat, or cassette tape, just like a normal disc player, suddenly jammed, and then rewind a long time ago. I can't remember what happened after that, as if it never happened."

Qin Yang had already known many symptoms of Alzheimer’s patients, so he was not surprised to hear Claude’s statement, because it was a very common mid-term symptom, and as the symptoms deepened, she would even remember completely Sorry, even forget who I am...

"I need to be diagnosed and treated first, and maybe try acupuncture again, but Mr. Crowder, hope is not great. You should not expect too much."

Crowder took his mother to visit many famous doctors. He also knew that there was no clear and effective treatment for this disease so far, so he didn't react strongly to Qin Yang's words.

He has accepted his fate.

Trying hard to get Qin Yang to take a shot is just that he refuses to give up in his heart.

He wants to work harder, as a son, even if there is a chance, he is not willing to give up.

"Come in!"

Claude opened the door and asked Qin Yang and others to enter the room. Situ Xiang took Lucien and stayed outside. After all, it was a patient, and it would not be good for too many strangers to come to interfere.

A middle-aged woman wearing an apron in the room was mopping the floor, looking at Claude, and respectfully shouting: "Sir!"

Claude nodded: "Where is my mother?"

The middle-aged woman is Mary who takes care of Claude's mother. She whispered: "The old lady is looking at photos in the house."

Claude's eyes dimmed and turned his head and whispered: "My mother's favorite thing now is to look at my previous photos, but at this time, she usually doesn't recognize me, and her memory is still in my 20s. When I went to work abroad after graduation..."

Claude's eyes were slightly flushed by two points: "At the beginning, my mother wanted me to stay and work in the city where I was home, but at that time, I wanted to achieve my career. At that time, I had a good study opportunity, but I needed to work abroad. For a few years, I stubbornly chose to go abroad, but now I want to come. I left with a cruel heart, I am afraid that my mother's heart was deeply broken, so her memory will stay in the years when I was still working in my hometown. , Cook for me every day, waiting for me to get off work..."

Qin Yang took a deep breath. Although Claude was talking about his mother's condition, Qin Yang felt a bit empathetic.

Parents who don't want their children to be around?

Even if parents tell their children that when you grow up, you should spread your wings and go where you want to go, but they only say this based on the child’s future and for the child’s consideration. If from the parents’ selfishness, perhaps I can see my child every day, watch him go to get off work and leave work, watch him marry a wife and have children, tease the child...

"Then she doesn't know you now, what should I do?"

Claude sighed: "Show her our photos, as well as the words she wrote by hand, about things that only our family knows, her memory may be restored temporarily, or maybe... it won't be restored... …This method worked well before, but now it’s getting harder and harder to work..."

Qin Yang nodded: "Try it, after all, let her recognize you, otherwise I can't treat her as a stranger."

"it is good!"

Mary walked in and whispered, "Mrs. Shanna, Mr. Crowder is here!"

"Crowder is back?"

A slightly surprised voice sounded, and immediately a silver-haired old lady walked out of the room, but when she saw Claude, Qin Yang and others standing in front of her, the smile on her face disappeared suddenly, replaced by a deep "Who are they and why come to my house, Claude?"

A look of pain flashed in Claude's eyes, but a smile appeared on his face: "Mom, I am Claude, am I your son?"

Shanna looked at Claude in confusion, and then decisively shook her head: "What are you talking about? My son is only twenty-five years old. How can you be so old? He will come back soon. Who are you? Leave, or I Call the police!"

Mary is obviously no stranger to this kind of thing, she skillfully picked up a bunch of photos from the side and handed it to Shana: "Mrs. Shana, he is really Claude. Look, this is a photo of you and her. , And your own signature. These are all photos of Claude over the years..."

Shana looked at the photo in front of her in confusion, her eyes full of shock, and she was obviously shocked by the facts before her. Suddenly, her complexion changed and she looked at Claude in front of her with bright eyes.

"Claude, you are back... who are these, are you friends?"

There was no relief in Claude's eyes, and the painful expression deepened a bit, but he forced a smile on his face: "Yes, Mom, these are my friends, they are all very famous doctors, you Isn’t it a headache lately, I ask them to come back and give you a diagnosis..."

Shana greeted warmly: "Sit down, Mary, and pour some water for the guests... You child, I am not a serious illness. If you need such trouble, just work with peace of mind and I will take care of myself. "

There were a few more tears in Crowder's eyes, he turned his head and blinked, and said with a strong smile: "They are all my friends, and they happen to be here to work together, so ask them to help you take a look."

"Okay, it's really troublesome to My boy, I always do things carelessly. If I don't say anything, it will cause you trouble. You can bear with me..."

Qin Yang smiled and walked over: "Old lady, let me check it for you first."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang walked to Shana and was about to invite Shana to sit on the sofa, but Shana suddenly changed her face, took a step back, and stared at Qin Yang and others with vigilant and vigilant eyes, and said harshly. : "Who are you and why are you in my house?"

Qin Yang was stunned, and looked sideways at Claude.

Claude looked embarrassed, his expression pained, his eyes were flushed, and he seemed to cry at any time.

Qin Yang sighed, then turned his head and said, "Mr. Cloud, it seems that only a backup plan is used."

Claude gritted his teeth and nodded.

Qin Yang turned his head to look at Shana, his eyes became dark and deep in an instant, and he firmly caught Shana's gaze...

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