The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1866: Reverse treatment

When Qin Yang and the others left Claude's mother's house, it was already noon, and the treatment lasted for about two hours.

Shana is still sleeping, her face is peaceful, her mouth is slightly raised, with a slight smile, she seems to be having a very good dream.

Although Claude was a little worried about her mother, looking at her sleeping manner and even breathing, she could tell that there was nothing wrong with her mother. On the contrary, after receiving Qin Yang's acupuncture and massage, she slept very relaxed and the quality of sleep Also very good.

He Qingfeng didn't make a move, he just watched Qin Yang's treatment process all the way, and was amazed at Qin Yang's technique of using Guanyin needles.

Qin Yang didn't worry about the leakage of the Guanyin needle. Firstly, He Qingfeng would not do such a thing. Secondly, the Guanyin needle must be performed with special mental methods. Even if he steals the teacher, the exact same actions are useless.

"Mr. Qin, I have already booked a location in a nearby hotel. Let's have a casual meal together. I also want to know more about my mother's condition."

Qin Yang did not twitch, and readily agreed. After all, he also had something to tell Cloud.

The group arrived at a nice hotel not far away. After entering the private room and sitting down, Claude ordered a meal. Qin Yang refused Claude's proposal to drink, so Claude ordered a drink instead.

"Mr. Qin, how is my mother now?"

Qin Yang wiped his face with a snow-white hot towel, and then replied while wiping his hands: "It's not very good, because the pathology of this disease is still unclear, so the treatment is difficult to determine. I hypnotized you. Mother, asked her about some things. Under hypnotized state, she can remember everything, which shows that these memories still exist, but something is blinding these memories and causing them to break."

After a short pause, Qin Yang made a metaphor: "It's like the sun shines on the earth, clearly, but dark clouds float in the sky, blocking part of the sun, causing only a part of the sun to remain, and the others are given by the dark clouds. Covered, in fact, the shaded sunlight does not exist anymore, but it is only blocked by dark clouds. When the dark clouds disperse, the sunlight will once again shine on the earth, clearly."

He Qingfeng was very interested in Qin Yang's metaphor, and asked first: "Then what do you think this dark cloud is?"

Qin Yang put down the towel and smiled bitterly: "I don't know, the human brain is very miraculous. So far, it has not been thoroughly studied. It may be an external stimulus or a subconscious stress response. Who knows? What?"

Claude was a little disappointed, but thinking about the treatments Qin Yang had done to his mother, he couldn't help asking: "Then what are the treatments you did before?"

Qin Yang explained: "This disease is basically all elderly people, and they all appear when their body or brain functions begin to decline, and it becomes more and more serious as the decline intensifies, and finally to the most serious. Lost the ability to think, so I was thinking, if people's body functions become more vigorous and able to resist aging, can this disease continue to be prevented?"

"My acupuncture and moxibustion methods for your mother are all to stimulate her important acupoints. Massage is to dredge the meridians and collaterals. They are all to stimulate her body function and make her body function better. When her body function becomes better Even better, when the thinking ability becomes stronger, maybe she won't continue to suffer serious disease like before?"

"She is estimated to sleep until three or four in the afternoon, and then you need to carefully observe her reaction to see if she is more energetic than before, and the most important thing is whether she still breaks the memory in an instant. I just finished acupuncture and it was like a blow. The injection of stimulants is normal. If she still behaves the same as before in this situation, it means that my treatment idea is wrong."

Claude looked at Qin Yang expectantly: "If it gets better, does it mean that there is a possibility of a complete cure?"

Qin Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I can't guarantee this. Even if my treatment is useful, it will at best stimulate her body's potential, using acupuncture and drugs to resist the continued aging of her brain and the continued decay of this disease. But it’s a natural law for people to die from old age, sickness, and death. No one can resist. When my acupuncture and medicine still cannot prevent her brain from aging and decay, maybe the disease will recover again...

Claude's eyes dimmed, but he still looked at Qin Yang with infinite expectation: "If it works, what should I do? How can I keep my mother as awake as possible?"

"I will prescribe a prescription for you. You give her the medicine according to the list. How long will it last? It depends on the recovery state of your mother's body and the length of time the medicine lasts. I may not know this, and all I said All of this is based on the effective treatment of her when she wakes up, otherwise, all of this is useless, that is to say, I have no way to treat her..."

Qin Yang looked at Claude apologetically: "I'm sorry, this is the best I can do, I tried my best."

Claude was not disappointed, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Qin, no matter what, you have tried your best, and I still have expectations. Judging from the peaceful sleep of my mother, I think Mr. Qin’s treatment does not matter. It’s good for my mother’s body."

He Qingfeng stroked his beard and smiled: "Qin Yang, your idea is pretty good. If it really works, it may extend a lot of special treatments."

Qin Yang naturally understands what He Qingfeng’s words mean. It’s impossible to cure Alzheimer’s completely so far, but stimulating vitality can prevent the aggravation or even improvement of Alzheimer’s disease. There are many capable people in the world, and ordinary doctors may not be able to. Stimulate the vitality of patients, but these doctors who know all kinds of strange medical skills can do it.

At least He Qingfeng, who said this, would definitely have some means, otherwise, he would not have said such a firm words.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Anyway, let’s observe it first. Actually, I had a chat with Pario, a well-known witch doctor in Feibin yesterday. Is the disease a mental illness, and can it be treated with witch doctor's mental therapy?"

He Qingfeng's hand stroking his beard stopped, frowning, and said in a low voice, "Mental illness? It seems to have a little meaning..."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "I'm just an inference. When I see Pario again in the afternoon, discuss with him!"

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