The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1867: Ask for advice

After dinner, Claude sent Qin Yang and others back to the hotel respectfully. There will be a meeting this afternoon, which is also the first meeting of this famous doctors exchange meeting.

The famous doctor exchange meeting will last for many days. Each day is divided into two sessions in the morning and afternoon. Each session will invite a well-known doctor to give a lecture report, and then leave a period of time for everyone to ask questions, and then the lecturer will answer.

The doctors in these speeches are all authoritative figures in various medical fields. As invited guests, they will be willing to announce their ideas and some treatment methods for everyone to discuss and learn, and they will also answer questions for everyone. If they can’t be resolved, Then everyone can discuss, so as to form a good learning and communication atmosphere and achieve common progress.

There are many fields of medicine, and people’s energy is limited. It is impossible to become an all-round doctor with one person's ability to master all fields. No one can do it, so every doctor usually has One of the areas that I am best at, may be proficient in two or three areas, and at the same time have a certain degree of understanding in other areas.

Except for the regular lectures and exchanges of famous experts, the time of each evening is freely arranged. If anyone is willing to stand on the podium to talk about their medical skills or a certain research or a certain concept, as long as they apply to the organizer according to the process, then the organizer will A conference room will be prepared for the applicant, and the applicant and his content will be pushed to all the guests attending the conference.

This kind of self-applied lecture is free. Guests can choose whether to participate. If there are more than one doctor lectures on the same day, the guests can choose the courses they are interested in.

This supplement has increased the interactive nature of this exchange meeting, allowing more people to express their medical arguments, and allowing more people to participate in learning more cutting-edge medical skills.

Qin Yang did not have the turn to give lectures, and Qin Yang himself was not interested in speaking. After all, Qin Yang felt that what he needed more was learning. After all, he was young, and the cases and experience he had contact with were still too few after all, and he was good at treating many subjects, but If you want to say which field has reached the top in the world, there is no one.

In the afternoon lecture, Mike, a cardio-cerebrovascular expert, is well-known in the world. He spoke very seriously and in-depth. After all, all of you here are famous doctors. If you just talk about it in general and don’t get some dry goods, I’m afraid Be laughed at.

Qin Yang listened very carefully. He even took a notebook and took notes while listening. Although the lecture videos can be sent to the group for download afterwards, Qin Yang still likes to use notes to record his own experiences and doubts. .

Mike's lecture lasted for two hours, from two o'clock to four o'clock, and then it was time for free questions.

There are not as many people asking questions as you might have imagined. Perhaps it is because everyone is a well-known doctor, and some of them will respect their identities and refuse to ask questions easily. After all, asking questions means not understanding and ignorance.

Mike answered the questions of several questioners. For a time there was a two-point cold. Mike smiled and was not surprised. He closed his document and was about to announce that when it was over, Qin Yang, who was sitting in the middle, set himself Raised his hand high.

The host saw Qin Yang at a glance, came over overjoyed, and handed the microphone to Qin Yang. After all, it was embarrassing to be a host if he was cold.

Qin Yang stood up, raised the microphone, and introduced himself first. This is the rule of questioning, so that Mike on the stage can know who he is communicating with.

"Hello, Mr. Mike, I am Qin Yang, from China..."

As soon as Qin Yang's voice fell, the buzzing discussion in the auditorium suddenly rose a lot, and many people looked at Qin Yang in surprise.

"He is Qin Yang!"

"Really young, amazing!"

"He is a doctor? I only know he is a very powerful practitioner..."

"He is a very powerful practitioner, but is his medical skills also very good? I really haven't paid attention to this matter."

The exposure of practitioners swept the world. As the most dazzling existence in that individual match, Qin Yang naturally attracted the attention of countless people. Therefore, when Qin Yang reported his family, many people were surprised because they didn’t know that Qin Yang was free from practice. In addition to being a great doctor, he is also a great doctor-those who are qualified to participate in this famous doctor exchange meeting are naturally famous doctors, and they are definitely not qualified to participate in the general public.

Mike sitting on the stage also brightened his eyes and smiled and said, "Mr. Qin, what is your problem?"

Qin Yang smiled and asked: "Mr. Mike, you are an expert in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. I diagnosed and treated a patient with Alzheimer's disease this morning. I hypnotized the patient with hypnotism. The patient’s memory is accurate and clear. But in a normal state, she would suddenly forget her son, not knowing her son, and the memory is like rewinding and staying in the scene of his son when he was 25 years old. I know that there is no clear cause of this disease in the world. And the treatment method, but I would like to ask Mr. Mike, what do you think of this disease, and what I want to know the most, is what has suddenly suppressed her memory and caused her memory to break suddenly?"

Mike looked at Qin Yang with interest: "Mr. Qin, you just said that you diagnosed and treated patients. Before answering your question, can I know what kind of treatment you have taken?"

Qin Yang stood up and asked questions really sincerely, not to make things difficult for Mike with Alzheimer's disease. After all, Mike is a world-class expert, so there are not many opportunities for face-to-face communication.

Qin Yang said frankly about his thoughts and his actions: "This is just my personal conjecture. UU reading is immature, but my treatment will not hurt the patient, so I just tried..."

Mike's eyes lit up: "Inspire vitality, inhibit aging... Mr. Qin, your proposal is very interesting, and your metaphor of dark clouds and sunshine is also very appropriate... But what is the dark cloud, I will also talk about mine view……"

Mike started from the memory and working methods of the brain, and finally published his own speculation that it should be a peculiar brain inhibitory behavior in the brain. This brain inhibitory behavior may be caused by some kind of brain secretion, or the brain A certain kind of decay produces a stress response, just like when a person receives a huge stimulus, it protects people from passing out...

"Mr. Qin, although aging is irreversible after all, your treatment method is very creative, so can I ask how it turned out?"

Qin Yang answered frankly: "I haven't received a call..."

Before Qin Yang finished speaking, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated, his voice paused, and he took out the mobile phone and took a look: "I might have to answer the phone first. The patient's son is calling..."

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