The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1868: A genius or a liar?

No one else asked questions anyway, and there was still time. As an expert doctor, Mike felt very interesting after listening to Qin Yang's theory and treatment methods, so he didn't mind or even support his attitude.

"Please answer the phone, I think everyone here wants to know whether your conjecture is true and whether your treatment is effective..."

Qin Yang nodded and said into the microphone: "Sorry!"

Qin Yang lowered the microphone and raised the phone to answer the call: "Hello..."

Qin Yang just said a word, and Claude’s excited voice rang in the microphone: "Mr. Qin, it has worked! Your treatment has worked! My mother woke up at 2:30, and it has been two hours now. Now, she is in good spirits. The most important thing is that she recognized me as soon as she woke up, and until now she has not broken her memory again..."

A bit of joy appeared on Qin Yang's face: "Then how was your mother's state before treatment?"

Claude was inexplicably excited: "Before, my mother's normal memory never lasted for less than half an hour, and sometimes it was normal for a few minutes, but now it has been two full hours, and her memory has not been broken. It is still very clear, Mr. Qin. , I believe your treatment method must be useful, I will go to decocting medicine!"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Okay, what's your mother's situation, please contact me at any time."

"Okay, Mr. Qin, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, go ahead!"

Qin Yang hung up the phone, raised his head, and found that many people around him were looking at him with surprise. Obviously, they had guessed the answer from their own words and attitude.


Although I don't know how effective it is, at least it seems that Qin Yang's treatment is effective.

Mike was far away and couldn't hear clearly, but he guessed something from the joy on Qin Yang's face and smiled: "It looks like good news, Mr. Qin, can you share it with us?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yes, it is indeed good news. The patient has been awake for two hours, and her memory has remained awake, and there is no memory break. Before, the longest time she was awake was less than half an hour. It’s even just a few minutes in many cases..."

The audience burst into pieces.

"Is this a new type of treatment direction?"

"Does this mean that Qin Yang has mastered the treatment of Alzheimer's disease?"

"I don’t think two hours can prove anything. It requires longer observation. And Mike just mentioned a very critical point. Aging is irreversible. Even if the patient is stimulated with drugs or special techniques, the patient will be in a kind of inhibition of aging. However, is it similar to the effect of stimulants? After this effect, will the patient’s condition become more serious, and will it bring other side effects or symptoms?"

Mike's eyes lit up suddenly: "Mr. Qin, although it is impossible to determine whether this is a real effective method so far, at least the effect has been seen. Perhaps we should pay attention to the subsequent effect and some possible reactions..."

Qin Yang smiled and nodded: "Yes, I will continue to observe... In fact, I still have a guess, is this a disease caused by mental decay?"

Qin Yang does not have the term mental power. After all, most of you here are Western medicine practitioners who believe in various instruments and data. They will be more cautious about things that cannot be detected by instruments, because they cannot be quantified, quantified, and cannot be tested. Pictured.

Qin Yang did not wait for Mike's answer. He smiled and added: "This is just a baseless guess of mine. If you are interested, you can communicate privately."

Qin Yang put down the microphone and ended his own questioning. After all, Mike is an expert in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular fields, and may not have researched in psychiatry.

Mike seemed a little excited: "I can't answer this question, but I am willing to communicate this question with Mr. Qin privately..."

The meeting soon ended, Qin Yang stood up and walked out.

The reason why he put forward one of his conjectures at the conference is not to show the limelight, but to throw this argument in front of everyone. He believes that whether it is for or against, many experts and authorities will use them in the future. To demonstrate or express their own opinions.

This is enough.

Although Qin Yang studied medicine, he never thought that his medical skills must be learned from heaven and humans, and he must surpass everyone. He just does what he can and lives his own life, which is good.

Everyone walked outside the venue, and many people talked about it, and the topic of the discussion couldn't be separated from Qin Yang.

"Qin Yang is only in his early twenties, he has a way to treat Alzheimer's disease, what a genius!"

"Regardless of whether it is cured or not, at least he is bold enough to propose a treatment plan and a conjecture. Even if it turns out to be wrong in the end, it also proves the activeness of his thinking. After all, what we need more often is a way out of the routine. Thinking of thinking may be incorrect, but it may open up another world."

"It's really amazing, a rising star, it's no wonder Ishida who can beat Japan's Madam Ishida, he really has the ability!"

"I'm going to talk to him later, but I don't know if he wants to start a class. If he wants to give a lecture, I must go and listen."

The vast majority of people expressed their positive appreciation for Qin Yang. After all, all the people here are experts and famous doctors. They may not be able to ask for advice, but they still admire the achievements of others from the heart.

But there are also a few discordant voices in the crowd.

"Is there such a I don’t believe it. On the first day of the meeting today, he was from China. What kind of Alzheimer’s disease did he come here to treat? And it just happened. When he asked a question, he happened to call to tell him that the treatment was successful? How come I think this is like a pre-arranged hype..."

"Hey, yes, I think it's a coincidence that you said that. I didn't stop playing early, just in time for everyone to pay attention to him, and his phone rang."

"If things are fake or arranged, isn't it just to hype him? As for the patient, he can arrange it. After all, the memory break was half an hour or ten minutes before. This is not for him to say casually. , He said casually for two hours now."

"Yes, he is only in his early twenties, a few acupuncture, a few massages, he can overcome Alzheimer's disease that the whole world cannot overcome? This is too nonsense, believe it or not, anyway I don't believe it... …"

"Yes, it must be a hype! I want to expose him!"

"Exposure him, let his reputation be discredited, let this liar get out of the exchange meeting!"

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