The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1871: Challenge from Onmyoji

"You really never forget to advertise..."

Situ Xiang looked at Qin Yang's Weibo, and couldn't help showing a helpless smile on his face.

Qin Yang laughed and said: "Finally, there is an opportunity to advertise. Don't miss it. After all, 80 million fans will forward them to various groups. Don't waste this opportunity. I'm not ashamed to advertise specifically."

Lan Lingyu was also amused by Qin Yang's show operation: "You are a slippery operation! As expected, you are a professional advertiser delayed by practice!"

Qin Yang laughed and was in a good mood: "I can't say that I can sell more these days, and I can make a fortune again. Very good, very good!"

Situ Xiang pursed his lips and smiled: "I think there are not many ads on Weibo. You see, those celebrities who advertise in a big bowl have to hide and hide, and make a little more. Advertising will be scolded by people, but your advertising has been labeled as a traditional program. It seems that your Weibo exists for advertising. If you don't advertise, everyone feels uncomfortable."

Situ Xiang said while pulling the comments below, and couldn't help laughing.

"The same advertisement, the same style, Qin Yang is really a windy man!"

"After seeing Qin Yang's adverts as always, my hanging heart was let go!"

"Qin Yang who doesn't advertise is not a good Qin Yang!"

"The advertisement is like this, I serve! The most important thing is that I remember all of them. When I go shopping and see these three products, I can't help but smile!"

"Yes, just a knowing smile! Upstairs +1, I thought I was the only one who was abnormal. It turned out that it was more than me. Now I can rest assured..."

"Is this a magical advertisement? Others advertised and dropped followers. Qin Yang advertised, but the fans were still soaring. This is more than 90 million, and it is about to exceed 100 million. What is this concept?"

Seeing this comment, Situ Xiang turned around and looked at the number of fans who followed Qin Yang, with joy in her eyes.

"Your fans are about to exceed 100 million..."

Qin Yang smiled: "Very good."

Qin Yang walked into the venue with ease, and before he walked into the venue, many people looked over at once, with two subtle eyes.

Qin Yang's face was calm, and if nothing had happened, he found a place to sit down, and Lan Lingyu sat down next to Qin Yang.

There was still some time before the meeting, Qin Yang took out his mobile phone to pass the time, but he walked quickly to Qin Yang's front.

Qin Yang raised his head, looked at the forty-year-old man in front of him, and said faintly: "Something?"

The man opened his mouth in English: "My name is Zhong Mingcheng, from South Korea, I want to challenge you!"

Qin Yang frowned: "Challenge me? Why?"

Zhong Mingcheng said coldly: "At the beginning, you used conspiracy and tricks to win that gambling agreement in South Korea, which humiliated our people. I want to challenge you. I want to defeat you openly and expose you as a liar to the world!"

Qin Yang smiled: "What are you comparing to me?"

Zhong Mingcheng sneered: "Everyone is a doctor, so naturally it is better than medical skills."

Qin Yang asked casually: "How to compare?"

When Zhong Mingcheng raised the challenge, he had clearly thought about it a long time ago: "Naturally, it is better than curing diseases to save people."

Qin Yang smiled: "Okay."

Zhong Mingcheng didn't expect Qin Yang to promise so readily, but he was taken aback for a moment, but then he came back to his senses: "Tonight?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "I'm still going to listen to other people's lectures at night, but I don't have time to compete with you."

Zhong Mingcheng frowned and snorted coldly, "Are you scared?"

The corner of Qin Yang's mouth turned up two points, and said mockingly: "Now it is the exchange meeting. It is the time for everyone to communicate and study. You don't spend time on communication and learning progress, but are busy competing with others for fame and fortune. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Zhong Mingcheng's face flushed suddenly, and he was speechless for a while.

The eyes of the people around him all fell on Zhong Mingcheng's face, their eyes were full of ridicule and gloating.

Challenge Qin Yang?

Is this guy a good guy?

Do you think he looks good and bully?

The day before yesterday, Zhang Ze wanted to slap Qin Yang in the face, but he was slapped in the face by Qin Yang. Now his face is probably still swollen. Do you want to be like Zhang Ze?

The point is that Qin Yang is right.

Every lecture is very important now. Perhaps you can learn something from it, comprehend something, and make yourself progress, but you have to take people to the test and delay the time for others to study and progress. You are scolded for this Isn't it right?

Zhong Mingcheng gritted his teeth and said: "Then how long do you say?"

Qin Yang smiled: "Competition is also a way for you to learn from each other. If you want to, wait until the free time of the exchange meeting process ends. You can accompany me as much as you want."

Qin Yang's words were reasonable, and Zhong Mingcheng couldn't refute it, so he could only agree: "Okay, don't make excuses for slipping away in an emergency!"

Qin Yang smiled: "Although I don't know where you came from, I don't think it will make me run away in fright."

At this moment, another person stood up not far away, walked slowly over, and said in a deep voice: "I'm from Japan, Puwa Ogawa, since someone wants to challenge you, and you accepted the challenge, then you should Don't care about one more challenger!"

There was an uproar around him.

"Puhe Xiaochuan, he has also stepped forward! Here is a good show!"

"Puhe Ogawa’s reputation is much stronger than Zhong Zhong Mingcheng is also a practitioner, with excellent medical skills and great strength, but this Puhe Ogawa is not only an excellent practitioner, but also A very famous doctor, the most important thing is that he is a very famous onmyoji!"

"Onmyoji! This is the name of the wizard in Japan. It is said that the onmyoji knows how to watch the stars, look at people's faces, and can also measure directions, know disasters, draw spells, perform illusions, and even legends can communicate Yin and Yang. Is this true? Is it fake?"

"Who knows, these special characters hidden in the city are all very evil, but in my personal opinion, communicating yin and yang should be an exaggerated statement. It is a kind of way they pretend to be mysterious and make themselves more easily feared. Means, but other things, should really be possible."

"The challengers are getting more and more powerful. The Shitian Ishida who Qin Yang won in Japan before is also a master of medical practice. Now he has an onmyoji. It seems that both Japan and Korea want to learn from Qin. Yang found this place back."

There was a lot of discussion, Qin Yang raised his head slightly and smiled: "Okay, anyway, one challenger is also a challenge, and two challengers are also challenges. Then come together. Anyway, it's a discussion, everyone!"

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