The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1872: You missed him by 1

Qin Yang didn't know how powerful Zhong Mingcheng was, and he didn't know Pu and Xiaochuan either, but since the other party was challenged by naming Dao, there was no reason to shrink back in full view.

Life and death are bearish, just do it!

Besides, it's just a medical skill competition!

Qin Yang is not afraid of losing, what's more, you have to compare whether to lose or not to know!

The people around saw that Qin Yang agreed to Pu and Xiaochuan's challenge without hesitation, and their eyes showed admiration.

Although some people say that Qin Yang’s actions yesterday were falsified and others believe it, no one dares to say that Qin Yang does not have medical skills, and that Qin Yang’s master doctor is both martial and martial. It’s impossible for Qin Yang to be incapable. The general behavior, on the contrary, makes people believe that what the report says is false.

Seeing Qin Yang agree to the challenge, Puhe Xiaochuan bowed his hands peacefully: "Okay, refreshing enough! Then we will make an appointment after the exchange meeting is over!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Okay!"

Pu and Xiaochuan smiled at Qin Yang, turned their heads and left. They were very polite from beginning to end, and they spoke very kindly, not as cold as Zhong Mingcheng, but instinct told Qin Yang that Pu and Xiaochuan absolutely More difficult to deal with than Zhong Mingcheng.

When everyone was talking, Pario, who was sitting not far away, stood up, came to Qin Yang and sat down in an empty seat.

"Mr. Qin, great! I admire you more and more. That's all about Zhong Mingcheng, a cultivator, a famous doctor, and he is very famous in Korea, but when he is out of Korea, not many people know him, but Napu and Xiaochuan But he is a ruthless character, because he is an onmyoji..."

Qin Yang blinked his eyes: "Onmyoji? The kind who understands ghosts and gods?"

Pario smiled: "Many people also think that we witch doctors can understand ghosts and gods, but can we really do it?"

Qin Yang understood the hidden meaning of Pario's words, and asked in a low voice: "Then where is this Onmyoji powerful?"

"Onmyojis are actually a kind of wizards. They are only called Onmyojis in Japan. They are called differently, but the essence is the same. They are only good at other things, such as stargazing, physiognomy, feng shui, etc. , But I think these are not unfamiliar to China, after all, many things are passed from China..."

Qin Yang nodded and smiled: "It seems that Puhe Xiaochuan is a powerful character."

Pario nodded: "It is true. I have dealt with him once before. It is very powerful. Although I have never met, I can feel that he is very skilled in the use of mental power. He can be called perfect and can save people. Can also kill..."

Qin Yang frowned: "Killing?"

Pario said in a low voice: "Witches kill people invisible, and they can hurt people's hearts and minds when they are silent. They can even turn people into fools, or control others to do things that destroy themselves. He challenges you this time. Although it is challenging medical skills, I guess he will test his mental power more directly with you. After all, this is more direct and simple violent!"

"Compare mental power? How to compare?"

Pario shrugged his shoulders: "It's very simple, look at each other and use their skills to attack until someone concedes defeat or decides the winner.

Qin Yang has practiced pupil skills for so long, but he has never experienced a situation of confrontation with human spirit. Now he asked curiously: "Mr. Pario, have you ever competed with others? What is it like? Scene?"

Pario laughed and said: "Naturally, there has been one. Actually, fighting with spiritual power is the same as fighting with the strength of a practitioner. If there is too much difference in strength, you may suffer a huge impact in an instant. If the strength is similar, then It will see who can handle it better. In the end, whoever can't handle it will admit defeat. As long as the difference in strength is not too great, you don't have to be afraid of being killed by the opponent directly..."

Qin Yang secretly made up his mind, and later called Shigong Miao Jiangong, and asked him about the use of mental power to fight. This Pu and Ogawa made it clear that he was going to make a comeback for the lost Shida, and to find back for Japan’s rising power. Facially, he would definitely not show mercy to his subordinates, only the worse he lost, the more he could achieve his goal.

The two were chatting. An expert stepped onto the stage and started his lecture. Qin Yang also closed his mouth and listened carefully.

During the lunch break, Qin Yang had eaten, and first received a call from Claude.

Crowder first apologized for Qin Yang being framed by others, saying that he had taken out his mother’s previous examination and treatment records in Eagle Country to the public, proving Qin Yang’s innocence, and then told Qin Yang about him. Mother's reaction this day.

After she woke up, Mrs. Shana stayed awake for several hours, and then went into the memory fracture again, but fortunately, she did not last long before regaining consciousness again. At the end of the day, the memory fractured three times for all durations. Not long, although the memory will still be broken, but it has been much better than before.

Qin Yang told Claude to take medicine to his mother according to the prescription. Acupuncture massage is only a temporary relief, and more medicine is needed to achieve a stable state.

This stable state does not mean that she will be completely cured and that memory will not be broken again, but that she will remain in a state of relatively mild symptoms.

Qin Yang couldn't cure the disease completely, but Claude was very surprised about it.

After Qin Yang hung up the phone, he dialed the number of Shigong Miao Jiangong.

"Master, I was attending a medical exchange meeting in Fibin. A Japanese onmyoji challenged me. It was better than medical skills in name. But I guess it might involve mental attacks in the end... Master, have you ever experienced this? "

"Japanese Onmyoji? Which one?"

Miao Jiangong is known as the three-eyed god, who has practiced pupils for decades, and has dealt with all kinds of colleagues. Moreover, Miao Jiangong also went to Japan to engage in He still treats Japan. I know it very well, and immediately ask the other person's name.

"Puhe Ogawa."

Miao Jiangong's voice became two more solemn: "He, I haven't played against each other, but I have heard of him, a genius, a hard stubble!"

When Qin Yang heard that Miao Jiangong knew about Puhe Xiaochuan, he became more and more alert for two points. This guy doesn't look simple.

"His mental power is very high, and he has reached the point where he can perform illusions. If this corresponds to the pupil technique, it should be the ability of the fifth layer of the illusion world, and you are only the fourth layer of pupil technique black hole, worse than him... …"

Qin Yang's heart was stunned: "So, I am not his opponent?"

Miao Jiangong said in a deep voice, "Your mental power talent is very high, and you have only reached the fourth level of black hole after practicing for such a short time. It can be seen that your spiritual power is very high, not necessarily lower than him, but you have not reached it yet. Illusion, that is, you cannot use your mental power to create an illusion for the other party. If you really do it together, you will suffer a lot..."


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