The Supreme Spy

Chapter 527: Father and Son Agent

"What do you want to know?"

Qin Hua held a glass of Coke and looked at Qin Yang calmly.

Qin Yang curled his lips and said, "Who are you, who are they, and what are they looking for?"

Qin Hua smiled, lowered his head and took a sip of Coke, and thought for a while and said: "I do the same job as you."

Qin Yang opened his eyes wide and looked at his father in shock.

The same job?

Qin Hua smiled peacefully at Qin Yang, did not speak, just looked at him like that.

"My job?"

Although Qin Yang had basically guessed the answer, before Qin Hua said clearly, Qin Yang did not dare to expose his identity easily, even if he was his father.

Qin Hua looked at his cautious son approvingly, smiled slightly, lowered his voice and said, "Ye Xidong, Long Group."

Qin Yang stared at Qin Hua in a daze, even if he had the answer at first, but when his father said these two key words, Qin Yang still had an incredible feeling.

His own father is also an agent of the Dragon Group!

Qin Yang's mind was a little messy. After he was thrown into Longgang as an agent by his master, he had always been careful to protect his identity, even if his family did not dare to tell it, but he never expected that his father would also be an agent!

Qin Hua looked at his son with a complicated expression and smiled slightly: "Your master asked you to go to that place, on the one hand to increase your experience, and on the other hand, to give you another identity protection. After all, your master has many opponents. But haven’t you ever thought about such an important matter, did your master make the decision alone? Don’t you have to let us be parents to know?"

Qin Yang stared at his father blankly: "Do you know this?"

Qin Hua nodded calmly: "Of course you know that your master discussed this matter with me, and I nodded in agreement. Of course, this matter was not told to your mother. Just like my identity, this is stipulated by the regulations. , You should be very clear."

Qin Yang smiled bitterly: "Everyone knows, I'm the only one in the dark."

After a brief pause, Qin Yang looked at Qin Hua with a strange look: "Dad, I finally understand why you always go abroad and always don't have time to stay at home. Presumably your foreign trade job is just a cover-up, right?"

Qin Hua explained: "That foreign trade company is real, my position, salary, etc. are all real, even if I go to work usually, everything in that company is legal, but you It should be understood that that is only the surface, we are all people with dual identities."

Qin Yang nodded silently, not knowing what to say for a while, what happened today gave him too much shock.

Qin Hua pushed the plate in front of him towards Qin Yang and smiled and said, "I'm afraid you didn't have enough for the meal just now. Although the fast food is a bit short, let's make do with some more."

Qin Yang picked up a chicken wing and gnawed it silently. When he finished gnawing the chicken wing, his thoughts were already smooth.

"Dad, what mission are you here for? What is the origin of those chasing you?"

After Qin Yang asked, he added: "Can you tell me?"

As an agent, Qin Yang naturally knows the confidentiality manual. If some confidential tasks are involved, even if he is his son, even if he is also an agent, he cannot leak the secrets.

Qin Hua smiled: "I was tracking an arms dealer recently. I met him in Birmingham a few days ago. Everything was going well originally, but at the last minute, the British Military Intelligence Agency M6 came out and everything was done. Messed up."

Qin Yang frowned: "The three who followed you today are M6 people?"

Qin Hua shook his head: "No, the people from M6 didn't find me. These three people are under the arms dealer. When we met before, I took advantage of the chaos and I snatched an important document from him. They were all hidden in Birmingham, but I didn't expect the other party to chase after London. It seems that my false identity in London has been exposed."

Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief. If it were just an arms dealer, it would be okay. If the three people today are M6 people, it would be a real problem.

Qin Hua obviously also knew what Qin Yang was worried about, and smiled: "I know it in my heart, but then again, if the three people are M6 people, I have to do this. Once they leave alive, I will use fake Identity, it doesn’t matter. Your true identity will definitely be found by them."

Qin Yang nodded: "Then have you completed your task now?"

Qin Hua shook his head: "It hasn't been done yet. I have to find the arms dealer and get some important information from him to complete the task, but he is now hiding."

Qin Yang asked in surprise, "Why didn't the three people ask?"

"It's just a little bit. If they all knew where that guy was hiding, that guy wouldn't be alive and kicking for so long. Now this has become quite tricky. Not only has Ingrid M6 intervened, but also the American CIA and Russia. The KGB has appeared, and everyone is looking for that guy."

Qin Hua said here with a frustrated expression: "If it weren't for the gang of idiots from M6 to spoil the situation at a critical time, that guy had already produced that important piece of information, and I would be able to complete the task. "

Qin Yang asked curiously: "What is the situation?"

"In the Lafohan War that broke out in the past two years, according to reliable information, someone was involved in it, planned a series of military activities, and finally provoked a multinational war. The arms dealer has evidence to prove all of this. Those who want this thing to be exposed, and those who prevent this thing from being exposed have already surfaced."

Qin Yang was taken aback, and immediately said anxiously: "Since it is so dangerous, do you want to continue to perform the task?"

Qin Hua said solemnly: "Naturally it needs to be continued."

Qin Yang frowned and said, "Does anyone help you?"

"Well, there were people before, but when the M6 ​​had a spoiler, the person cooperating with my mission was seriously injured. I am currently hiding in a safe room to recuperate. I am the only one for the time being."

Qin Hua looked at Qin Yang's frowning brows and said softly: "Don't worry, I don't know how many times I have experienced this situation. It's okay. As long as I get something, I will disappear for the first time. It was found."

Qin Yang smiled bitterly, he got the stuff, and said it was a sentence, but in fact, how could it be so easy?

This is Ingrid, the home court of M6. The guys who call themselves gentlemen agents have already taken action. My father is single-handedly. Isn't this difference in strength?

Qin Yang bit his lip: "Dad, I will help you."

Qin Hua shook his head: "Your identity cannot be exposed..."

Qin Yang smiled, his expression full of confidence: "Dad, have you forgotten, you are a person with a dual identity, why am I not?"

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