The Supreme Spy

Chapter 528: undercurrent

Until Qin Yang returned to the castle, Qin Yang's mood was still agitated.

His father turned out to be an agent!

The doubts over the years have been swept away, no wonder he is always not at home, no wonder he always fails to receive calls on time, no wonder he always disappears for a while for no reason...

Before he knew his father’s identity as an agent, many of his behaviors were irresponsible, but after knowing his identity, he knew that even if he did what he is now, his father didn’t know how much hardship he had put in.

Qin Yang and his father exchanged contact information. Naturally, it was not a daily contact number, but a secret contact method when performing tasks.

Qin Yang is ready to help his father complete his task.

Although Qin Yang may be far worse than his father in experience, but in terms of combat effectiveness, Qin Yang beats his father too much.

The same is the use of firearms to fight. Well-trained practitioners are definitely much better than well-trained ordinary agents. There is a huge gap in shooting accuracy, reaction speed, and sensory ability.

Qin Hua originally refused Qin Yang’s help, but when Qin Yang said that he could turn into others without revealing his identity with a fake leather mask, Qin Hua finally agreed to let Qin Yang assist him at the right time. After all, Qin Hua did. He needs help, and his son's combat effectiveness is beyond doubt.

Thinking about the tasks he was going to carry out and his father's tasks, Qin Yang felt that he could not continue to live in the castle, and his actions would be very inconvenient.

In the evening, Connie also returned to the castle. At the dinner table, Qin Yang made a plan to leave.

Connie said in surprise: "Where are you going?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Didn't I go out to visit a friend today? I met an elder with him, and his health is not very good. I am going to stay with him for a period of time and help him adjust his body by the way. "

Qin Yang's reasons were reasonable and reasonable. Neither Connie nor the Kenrath couple could refuse. After all, Qin Yang was not the doctor they paid for, and he had complete freedom of life.

"You are gone, what about my aunt's injury?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "I will not leave London. I will come to acupuncture for my wife every three days, and it will not affect her treatment."

Connie breathed a sigh of relief. Although she wanted Qin Yang to stay in the castle, Qin Yang had said that she was going to accompany her elders, so she couldn't force Qin Yang to stay in order to treat her elders.

"Do your elders live far from here?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "It's a bit far, but if you drive, it won't take much time... During this period of time, you will accompany me to stroll around, which will delay you a lot of time. I'm leaving, you can also give yourself a holiday. Take a rest."

When Kenrath saw that Qin Yang had made up his mind and made arrangements, he stopped persuading him and said with a smile: "Then I will arrange a full-time driver for you. I can help you run errands and be a guide. It’s convenient everywhere."

Qin Yang declined and said: "Don't be so troublesome, just arrange a car for me."

"Well, then do as Mr. Qin said. If you need anything, please speak up as soon as possible. I will definitely do it."

The next morning, Qin Yang drove a Mercedes-Benz prepared by Kenrath and left the castle of the Duke of Kenrath.

Qin Yang parked his car in a five-star hotel not too far from the Haig Research Institute, and opened a long-term room in the five-star hotel. This will be Qin Yang's residence.

Qin Yang took out an old-fashioned mobile phone that he had previously held at Spider's, with an unregistered blank calling card inserted in it. He called Spider and asked him to help him fix a remote house where he could hide.

After half a day, Spider called and said that the room had been settled, and all the things he asked for yesterday had been prepared.

After receiving the address, Qin Yang left the hotel, went forward to the blind spot of the camera, took a taxi, arrived near the house and got off the car, then walked into the alley, then entered the building, and found the secret hiding place by the house number. House.

Taking out the key under the flowerpot nearby, Qin Yang carried his box and walked into the room.

After carefully inspecting the house and confirming the escape route in danger, Qin Yang took out the fake leather mask and began to tinker.

The artificial leather mask is very light and thin, and you need to prepare it in advance every time you use it. If necessary, you can put a set on your head. It may be flawed if you use it in the daytime, but if you use it at night or handle it carefully before use There will be no problems with the marks on the eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

Qin Yang filled the artificial leather mask. After the filling was completely solidified, Qin Yang put on the mask. In the mirror, Qin Yang had become an ordinary middle-aged man, with a small trace on his face. Scars.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Qin Yang nodded in satisfaction.

I have to continue to corrupt with to see if I can find an excuse to enter the Haig Institute and conduct a field investigation.

Qin Yang took off the mask, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed Mickey's phone.

"Hi, buddy, will you have a drink together tonight?"


China, China Shipping.

In Huanyu Building, the office of the chairman of Huanyu Group, Situ Xiang sat in a chair with a cold expression.

Mei Tian, ​​in a professional suit, put a folder in front of Situ Xiang: "Miss, we have been following Qin Yang's news. I just found his news today. He made a reservation at the Silverwood Hotel in downtown London. The room is set for a long-term period, and it seems to be staying there for a long time."

Situ Xiang frowned and said, "Why did Qin Yang go to London without saying a word?"

Mei Tian reported in a neat report: "We checked the call records of Qin Yang's mobile phone, but we learned very little. After all, there is Yinggle."

Situ Xiang squinted slightly, supporting his chin with his right hand, and fell into thinking.

Mei waited quietly.

A minute later, Situ Xiang raised his head and looked decisively: "Book me a ticket to London and I will fly over as soon as possible."

Mei Tian asked worriedly: "Miss, are you going to London to deal with him?"

Situ Xiang nodded: "Doing things in China, he always binds his hands and feet. Since he has gone abroad, that's just right. Let us have a good fight in London. What's more, he is in the light, I am in the dark, I After all, it is necessary to gain an advantage."

Mei Tian knew that once Situ Xiang had made a decision, he would not change it, and said, "Yes!"

"Go, as soon as possible!"

After Mei Tian left Situ Xiang's office, Situ Xiang picked up his mobile phone and dialed a phone number that only existed in his mind.

"Qin Yang went to London, you fly to London as soon as possible, we meet in London!"

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