The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1297 of the Three Kingdoms

High-definition chart: "Can be evil, Zhu Zhi dog thief, it is time to get news, secretly surrender Chu Wang, then dare to deceive me !?"

Under the surprise, he will take the soldiers to kill Zhu Ying.

Gao Yuan is stopped brother, miserable: "Big brother, this is not the same, when the speed is sent to Yongchang County Taishou Mengda, his intelligence has passed people, tens of thousands of army, and also have a good relationship with the soldiers ... Let him take the soldiers to destroy Zhu Wei! "

"My brother is really talented, you will be careful ..."

Gao fixed minds, immediately enlighten a heart, to pay a big event, let him rush to Yongchang County even night ...

In the next few days, Chu Jun is still in the battle of Shu County.

Lu Bu Hao Heart, Estuary, there is still tens of thousands of troops, but it is already a cold, and there is no one dare to wise!

Zhu Yao hangs from the waiver, and the whole day will be short in their own camps, and the wine is watered, but it is also a case.

On this day, the general will be awarded: "Adults, now the Chu army's soldiers, peerless, Wen Hou Lu Bu will have surrendered Chu Wang, I can't wait until I can't resist, I can guarantee it. Adult Ronghua is rich! "

[The third is more sent, stable and updated, seek automatic subscription, more than ten times! .

The first thousand one hundred and twenty chapters rebellious, fame like a rhinoceros cavalry?

This Ehiff, the result, the result, was killed by Lu Bu, there is already a shadow in his heart ...

Zhu Yao is weak, and it is imposing that the power is rich, and I will move my mind, ask: "" Ehuan General, what you said ... "

The Ehuan is close to Zhu Zhu, saying: "I will smell this day at the end, Chu Wang must already break the Zhongyuan Million Army, and have fallen the generals of Lu Bu, only to sway the south ..."

"At this time, the three counties will be more than 100,000, and it can't stop the Chu army ... In this case, why?"

Zhu Wei moves in his heart, he is susceptible to: "Can this? I betrayed Yizhou first, I am afraid that I can't help it for Chu Wang!"

Ehuan smiled: "Adults! Chu Wang is a generous, the end will not be awkward, you can be so good to be so good, if you surrender, then it is a big, Ronghua rich, will also Is there a small?! "

Zhu Wei was shaken in his heart.

Why is it rebel?

Of course, for more power is rich, now I will be able to have a benefit of a defeated army, and I am too guarded in the county!

However, he is still worried that after the 13th surrender, he can't guarantee your power status!

"Adult, the faster this, the better!"

The Ehiff took out the secret letter that Pang Tong called him, said: "For the past few days, he is too afraid that it is already suspicious!"

"It turns out!"

Zhu Zhu took a secret letter and looked at it. He looked down and decided: "Tonight is more, open the city gate, let the military into the city !!"

Night coming.

The original moonlight was covered by black clouds, and they did not see five fingers, black paint ink.

The waters of the wind, the Ehiffon took the soldiers and opened the city gate of Xucu County.

The Chu army of the news in advance, under the leadership of Lu Bu, the tiger generally kills the city!

Although the big man is a new army, everyone is the northwest and brave men, plus Liu Hao's aura blessing, instantly rushed away, slashed the Southwest rebels, and did not force.

Especially in the city, the defenders in the city do not fight, Lu Bu is like a dragon, and the man killed and falls ...

In Kuku County, the residual limbs are everywhere, the blood flow is wild!

The Ehiffon is thinking that since it is going to drop, it should be dedicated to the sketch, with his own troops, and go straight to the big camp.

Gao Qi Zheng was hanging from the camp, see Ehuan, stunned: "The General of the Ehiffn, what is this?"

Oh Huan said: "The last will send too much adult on the road!"


A whispering, it is cut off, and the high-definite man is cut off, and the bone is rolling over the ground ...


The three armies are amazing!

What is this all this evening? !

Do you cut your own people instead? !

This night's war, continued to the oriental fish belly, and stopped.

"Military persons, God machine, ghosts are not tested!"

Lu Bu worsum is blood, but it is comfortable.

It used to be with human blood and died, and the knife was bleeding.

Now listening to the consciousness of Pang Tong's peerless science, breaking the enemy, too simple! !

"The military adult, the battle tonight, is the fire between Zhu Zhi and the high and the two parts of the two sides."

The Jinyi Weima Malay of the Battlefield was finally organized.


Pang Tong nodded, ,

"Chu Wang is driving, there is still 30 miles to Coke County!"

"Speed ​​out of the city, welcome Chu Wang driving!"

Pang Tong arranged a hand in his hand, with Lu Bu out of the city, greeted Liu Wei's arrival.

When they saw the Kowloon, they went to the road, and the mouth called:

"Chen, etc., see Chu Wang!"

"Chu Wang Qianqiu is not fast !!"

"Chu Wang Qianqiu is not fast !!"

"All in all!"

Liu Wei, a seven-sea, dragon armor, Dragon, Tiger step, went to Pang Tong's side, one hand, helped Pang Tong and Lu Bu, he laughed: "Lonely has not until you, you will receive a newspaper. Eight thousand army, breaking it ... "

"The phoenix and warm Hou, it is really shocking!"

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