The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1298 of the Three Kingdoms

Pang Tong is happy with Lu Bu, but I don't dare to be proud, said: "The merits of the micro-ending, the fun of the teeth, please the Lord to enter the city!"

This is almost the same generation in the future generation of Kuku County.

However, with the Yue Yanshan, I don't accept the teaching. Every time I have been in the middle of the Central Plains, I repeatedly betrayed it, so it is called it is Nanban!

Liu Hao stepped into the county, but he did not urgently use the meal, but it hosted the Wolong Zhuge Liang, ghost Guo Fengxiao and others came to the hall.

Liu Hao asked in the same area: "Kong Ming, what do you see, what should I do next?"

Zhuge Liang's brain rapidly turned, laughed: "The main public, Meng Da, Zhu Zhi, high-definition three people, for the thief of disturbing Yizhou, can not remove ..."

Liu Zhen nodded, he is not a great.

Zhuge Liang's killing a rebellious proposal is very compliant with Liu Wei's heart.

"Just Zhu Zhu hit the banner of surrender, if you kill him directly, I am afraid that there is a damaged master name ..."

Wolong Zhuge Liang lightly shakes the goose feather fan, the left hand is squatting, 243 Gong said: "The minister has another one ... can undertake the anti-quencher of the phoenix, the three thieves are invisible!"

Liu Wei came to a bit of interest and asked: "The military teacher please say, listen to the lonely!"

Zhuge was laughing: "Zhu Tsi is afraid of the main public situation, this is surrendering, why does the master do not let him take this army and horse to go to Yongchang County, as an internal response, cooperate with the West Road Ma Chaaujun, and the Heli kill Meng Da ... Let the two dogs bite the dog! "

"Whether it is Meng Da, or Zhu Zhu Dian, there is no loss for the main bureau, the main public can sit into it, and the strength of Yongchang County is lifted, it will be broken!"

Zhuge Liang is Zhuge Liang, countless nobles!

Liu Wei's heart is slightly, nod to say: "The rebellion of the three counties is just an appetizer! This is the two hundred thousand troops behind it.

Pang Tang nodded: "The Lord Ming Ming, the minister is in Yizhou, once have been aware of this Nanzhu, Baomeng, the ability to fight, the ability, the hand is divided into a few caves, there are hundreds of people ... "

Donned, Pang Tong continued: "Moreover, the barbarian army combats, a different Central Plains army, but also like a rhinoceros as a ride, although it is very strange, but the impact is strong, it is quite invincible, the main public can not prevent ... "

[Fourth, there is also one chapter in the evening plus, seek automatic subscription and reward ...].

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-one chapter Liu Wei killed, Meng Da appsed up!

"I don't know how this is like cavalry power ..."

Liu Wei is also very curious.

When he travels in the past, he also sat too much | icon.

Nowadays, Nanzheng North War, crossing a few worlds, has seen countless elite cavalry, but did not have seen big | elephant, the beast cavalry like the rhinoceros cavalry.

After discussing with the Zhenqi, Liu Yucheng came in to surrender, the Tao County, Taichung, and asked: "You are Zhu Yue, Zhu Yugu?"

"It is a criminal!"

Zhu Zhu is full of sweat, kneeling the local area, I don't dare to breathe loudly, see him behind him, already wet a large piece!

Liu Hao asked with the mouth: "You have fallen, you can know what this is too high to say?"

In fact, he has long been there.

Gao Dixed was killed by the Ehiffn, and there was already on the list of Liu Hao, and he also contributed to defeating the worship value!

Zhu Xi Dalun, Zong Zong: "Gao Xing this thief, I don't know how to live, dare to fight Chu Wang Tian Bing, have been killed by the criminals!"

In the crowd, Tiger Step 280, first hand, in the first hand, kneeping the height, one knee, kneeling, and she said: "At the end of the Eh, he kill the high, and it is here. Chu Wang! "

Liu Hao's brocade must have stepped through the head, and Liu Wei put his hand casually, and made a haunt for the sky!

- 87, intelligence 54, politics 32, the rate of 72!

Stunt, barbicity; when the battle is fighting, not afraid of hardships, force +1!

Liu Wei suddenly squatted, and Jin Mang was blunt, and he dried: "You are big, dare to combine with Meng Da with bitterness."

Shu Huan, said: "This ... this is really high-definite, no false, please ask Chu Wang Mingtao!"

Zhu Xi is the fear of Liu Hao, and it is almost scared.

Liu Yu face cold, put his hand, said: "Drag out of it!"


Seeing the West, Xu Wei, two major fierce | Men, Tiger stepped, just to kill two people.

At this time, the phoenix cluster Pang Tong hapeled, arched, and said: "The Lord, this Zhu Wei is too guarded, it is true surrender, Han room loyalty, can not be easy to kill!"

Zhu Zhu looked at Pang Tang, worshiping: "Chen ... sincere and fear, I don't dare to lie to Chu Wang!"

Liu Hao smiled: "Say it is good! You go to the Munda head, alone, I will reuse it,"

"Chen ... the minister leads!"

Zhu Xin helplessly promised, it is finally loose.

Then Liu Hao fell in the hall, he gave it out, with the 10,000 knockout under the hand, go straight to Yongchang County ...

Distance to the Ban Mengmine, it is not a few days, and it is a few days, and he has sent his military division to Yongchang County, with the Mengda joint.

This day, Yongchang County is too hunting, is patrolling military camp with the barbarian military division, but the right eye is always jumped.

As the saying goes, the left eye is hopping, and the right eye is jumping!

"Is there anything bad?"

Meng Da's heart was a shadow, but he saw the gratie and sweeping the Yongchang County soldiers camp, and he smiled and said: "Is Chujun a standard? How to resist my barbarian army ?!"

"Hey! The giant, the rhinoceros is dispatched, I am afraid that these guys should be stepped into a meat?"

The barbarian guards he brought, it is also a tiger's back bear, and laughs.

In Yongzhou Yongchang County, there is also a county country for more than 30 million.

The county is only a Tuna soldier, and even the formal army of the Chu army is not ...

Meng Da has a discussion, and smiled. At the time! "

He blowing the sky, and the people and others were laughing. "So unobstructed Chu! When I waited for our army to attack Bayu, Meng won the adults, then Meng Dynasty is a prime minister!"

At this time, sudden footsteps quickly.

I saw a spark, my heart was coming to report: "Too much adult! Well, Gao Qi is coming! !"

A few people look, Menda Road: "Take him in!"

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