The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1470 of the Three Kingdoms

Yang Fengdao: "But what?"

I repel the road: "But the little exploration is clear, this Han army's troops general, but a surname Yue's, called Yue Fei, heard did not hear ..."


Yang Fengxin Dale, laughed: "This person is unknown, I don't have anything out, this general is in front of the trip to the side attack, this unnamed Han will, must have reactive ... Progit (Xu Huang's expression) What is it? "

Xu Huang, which is ambiguous, but it is frowns, and he only said: "This matter ... is serious, the general should be cautious!"

The marching Sima Ushen is awkward, but it is said: "General Yang said, there is a bit of a feasible reason. If this is effective, you can do the best for Wei Wang, isn't it a fast?"

Xu Wei is the marching Sima, who is called by Cao Cao, is responsible for advancing Yang to make a planning, and some suggestions.

Under the hand, most of them were the Baolong Thia, and they had a heart:

"The big brother said it, this is a good opportunity, there is a missed !?"

"The persimmons should be clamped, this Han will be unknown, visible is cannon ash, just in the prestige!"

"Maybe ... We can live in the Han emperor, Wei Wang must have a reward, and we also mix a general!"

In the white wave thief, Yang Feng, Han Si, Li Le, Hu Chang and others are all sings of the brothers, when they felt, and later, they were convinced.

However, Cao Cao intends to play with the right to play, only Yang Feng is sealed as a car rider, the rest of the official steps is lower than Yang ...

Now, it is impossible for the Han army. If it is able to attack the official, Wei Wang can not reward?

Hu Chi and other three people playing the wishful abacus, and Yang Feng, said Yangfeng's itch.

Yang Feng's department will say Xu Huang, but said "Han Huang Yingwu, the people of the hand countless, if the greed, must be defeated!"

"Grass, Xu Huang, who is you?"

"Made! Long people are chaired with their own wind!"

"Free people, I am ashamed!"

Hu Chi and others are unhappy.

Xu Huang jumped out to sing against the opposition, stop everyone, is equal to the way of breaking everyone's fame.

The head of this group is born, no matter what the Han Huang attacks, there is no sound.

They can see it in their eyes, only the real interests in front of them!

So, Yang Feng is not there, and sinks halfway. It is still to Xu Ran. It is not a good thing ... "

Hu Chi and others have drums | noise: "I am afraid of an egg!? The emperor is not a head two hands? When he was robbed by the Huangjie thief!"

"It's, people die, do not die, afraid of an egg!"

"Just successively, at this time, there is an unexpected reason ?!"

This group of white waves is head, and it is really mad.

Guo Tu was originally wanted to persuade it. As a result, he saw that these people were so arrogant, and they didn't say it.


In this way, people who have just been used, it is not a three-language two-language to persuade.

Xu Huang is only speechless.

"That's a big ticket!"

Yang Feng Ye is very authentic: "This time, we led the brother 30,000, and the squatting is full of officials, and the Han army is not steady, and the night will be killed, and they are not able to do it. If it is a boy, the brothers are divided into this. A rich! "

"Ronghua is rich, here!"

Han Si, Li Le, Hu Chi three people, big joy, the table is awkward!

These people immediately went to the soldiers and horses, killing the officials, staying Xu Huang, a person stationed in Yangwu Camp ...

Han Si, Li Le, Hu Chi, also known that the soldiers are expensive, this time has brought 30,000 light cavalry, combined with Yang Fenghui, the daytime emergency army, calculated time, only to come to the night, will sneak the Han army camp.

The Han army coach Yue Fei, in the middle of the courage, the military's Wolong, the philosophy of the philosophy in the military.

Two people saw Yue Fei sent a soldier array, and the camp is covered, and it is dark: Yue Fei this person, deeply versatiler, and the majesty is like a huge torch, discovers such a handsome!


In addition to the Chinese army, Jin Yiwei pronouns came from the military vents: "Cao Wei's strength, began to move, Yangwu, Baima, Yanjin and other places, the flag cover the sky, Cao Junying account, countless ..."

Yue Fei Shen Sheng said: "Where is Cao Cao? What is the specific troops distribution?"

Jin Yiwei secretly: "Three places have not seen Cao Cao Wangqi, may be in Li Yang, at this time, the accounts, the specific force, still unclear, I only know that Yanjin is the general Xia Hou, the white horse is a monk, the monk, Zhang Yan ! "

"As for Yang Wu Shoujun, at least 100,000 numbers, the commander is the car ride, Han Si, Li Le, Hu Talent, Yang Feng, four people!"

"White waves !?"

Yue Fei has a wrinkle.

He has been in the north, and naturally knows the name of Guanzhong Baibao.

The first thing is Han Si, Li Le, Hu Talent, Yang Feng, these four people!

Now Cao Jun's soldiers, a large part is the Montenegro thief comes with the white waves!

Yue Fei asked: "What is the view?"

[Fourth, there are additional plus in the evening, the flowers are different, ask for help ...].

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-four chapters Wolong Zhuge Liangqi, Yue Fei used the soldier!

Zhuge Liang gently shakes the goose fever, and the short should be fluttering, and smiled. "These thieves, greedy | Teary

Feng Xia Tong then said: "Yangwu is in charge of Chang, but the military, Cao Cao's old giant, but it will give such an important place to the white waves of these difficulties, so life is strange ..."

Yue Fei Shen said: "What is the meaning of the philosopherman?"

Pang Tong has a long need, saying: "Or order Xuchang, do it well in the city, don't be attacked by Cao Cao!"

Xuchang is the capital city of Cao Wei in the Three Kingdoms. It is very dangerous in the geographical location.

If Xuchang is broken, Yuzhou, Zhangzhou, and Sipi, all will be placed under the attack of Cao Jun!

Yue Fei Jingjing Army machine is ambitious, and it is clear: "To cooperate with your strategic plan, Gu Cheng should not be low-key, be sure to strengthen, what is Yu Wen Chengdu?"

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