The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1471 of the Three Kingdoms

Yu Wen Chengdu is out, holding boxing: "At the end of!"

Yue Feidao: "You will lead to 10,000, guard the Yangwu Xiaodao. If the thief will want to sneak attack, the big camp, inevitably take the Yangwu Xiao Dao, when you welcome your head!"

Yu Wen Chengdu asked: "General Yue Jun, Yangwu City to Guandu, there is a road, suitable for the emergency army, keeping the road?"

Yue Fei was in the first, and he was awarded the responsibility of Liu Hao, almost almost the same year.

Yu Wen Chengdu has no idea, that is not realistic.

Wolong Zhuge Liang laughed: "Yue will give me a great man, you don't want to go ... this group of white waves, it is still a thief, it is difficult to become a big device, and it is a conspiracy. I don't dare to take the emperor. ! "

"It turns out this ..."

Yu Wen Chengdu is in his life.

Yue Fei then ordered: "What is Guan Yu?"

The five tigers will guard Yu Yu: "What is the command?"

Yue Fei Road: "You and Yue Yun leaders 30,000, starry nights, and went to Xuchang. If there is Cao will strike, it is a night!"

Guan Yu's face is calm, but Yue Yun first accepts military orders to play, excited.

Yue Fei Hao Ran got up, pointed at the position of Yangwu, "said the generals, if Yang Wu Cao will be sneak attack, you can rate silver lion light cavalry 10,000, detach the rush of Yangwu, if you have seized the army, I will inevitably break ,! "

"The end will, obey!"

...... ...

Yue Fei Ji Jingjun machine map, then it will definitely say: "General Zhang Fei, you can do 30,000 people, get around the official road of Yangwu Xuchang, encounter Cao Jun, can struggle to break it ... After breaking the army, straight Yangwu City! "

Zhang Fei Leopard eyes widened and gave life.

The transfer will come down, the two sides have not yet started war, and they have already carried out a large number of battles, and Yue Fei is still calm, and the eight wind does not move.

Zhuge Liang and Pang Tang have arched his hand, said: "General Yuejun commands, very proper, fruit is really hard, I am very admired!"

It will be praised by the Seven Millennium Milnel, and others are only excited to jump.

Yue Fei is calm, but it is said: "All the secondary military military divisions are also, I don't dare to work, and I will see how the situation is developing, and I plan to do it!"

Yang Feng, Hu Chi and other white waves, with more than 30,000 people, along the Yangwu Trail, the first day, and finally arrived at the Hanjun Camp in the middle of the night.


The former army arrived, taking advantage of the dark night, urgent Malay: "Yang Jun, good news ... Guandu Han army, preparation is rushed, not ready!"

"Hahaha! Time is perfect!"

Hu Chi and others have bright eyes and green!

"This is the mother, it is really a good thing to help me!"

"Haha, after tonight, you and my brother, will will be famous in the world!"

Yang Feng also asked excitement: "Are you sure? Hanhuang flag is not?"

I scrapped in the chest |, I said: "" I also said the old brother of Bai Baojun, I didn't dare to have half a word, deceive the general! "


Yang Feng et al., Has been entered a strong intensive agent, and it has been laughed. This day's emergency tired tired is alleviated a lot ...

Since the opportunity is placed in front of you, what is wrong?

"Brothers! As long as they have been in front of the official of the Han army at the front of the world, this general package you eat meat, big bowls, women play casually!"

Yang Feng, Han Si, Li Le, Hu Chi four will begin to drive morale.

Tens of thousands of Cao Jun will start showing bloodthirsty violentity!

In the chaos of the chaos, no one is life in the hands?

These people are not good, Xu Zhi is born, suddenly despite the exhaustion of the day, and kills the Han army.

Night cold.

On the Yangwu Trail, cool hammer.

When there is a ten mile from the Han Army Officer, Yang Feng's predecessor suddenly came to a slap.

"what happened!?"

Yang Feng suddenly surprised, asked.

The army is trusted to report, "Not good! The former army met the Han army, and was fighting!"


Yang Feng, Hu Chi and others, suddenly violent, angry: "Don't you say that there is no perception, the dog day, dragged out to Laozi!"

This scout is also a day.

I am dead during the day, find news, absolutely calm, this to night, run out of food ...

Don't go to the road ...

The military is urgent, Yang Feng, Hu Chi and others are not more thinking, and they have told the weapons in their hands.

"Made ... this group of mess!"

Yu Wen Chengdu rides a thousand miles of yellow dragon gods, holding a phoenix wings, staring at this group of Cao Jun under the hillside: "Sure enough, this group is not asked to die!"

At this point, Yu Wen Chengdu is convinced with Yue Fei.

"Chen Wu, Ding Feng, Xu Sheng, you respect this general reason, after the general kills, immediately kill the advice, tonight this general wants them to come, can't go!"

"The end will, obey!"

Chen Wu, Ding Feng, Xu Sheng, etc. will hold a fist.

[Fifth, the addition of the ticket, free flowers, evaluation tickets ...].

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-five chapters Yu Wen Chengdu has ridiculous, Xu Weiwanfu is enemies!

Yu Wen Chengdu handheld the Feng wings, a horse is headed out, directly into the front of Cao Jun!

This is the unparalleled rushing, and it is like a frenzy to roar, and Yang is unable to be a troops of an elite trick, how to resist it?

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