The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpaid Supreme Chapter 1487 of the Three Kingdoms

3.9 Cao Zhendao said: "Uncle Lian uncle is the name of the world, that is also a famous name for decades, and has experienced how much dreamed of the scene, and there is a big way. What? "

"Moreover, with my opinion, although the Han Jun is ignorant, it is difficult to attack the completed Jixian County, as long as the wall is clear, defended for ten days, the army rescue, the Han army must retreat!"

As the saying goes, the sea is horizontal, and the square is a hero!

Cao Zhen said in the history of Wu Hou Zhuge, defeating the Cao's Cao's Caica, who is defeated with Sun Wu, finally showed!

Xia Houwei bite his teeth, and he will hold the box: "The end will be ... must not get rid of the man !!"

[The third is more sent, stable and updated, automatic subscriptions are more plus, seek readers to help ...].

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-eight chapters of the drug is the killing of Cao Zhen!

The Han army did not have an emergency, and there was a classic tactics that Cao Zhen thought it was a three-shorter classic tactics.

Put the road in East, South and West, and only one empty road in the north gate.

Cao Zhen is alive, arranged in the city defense, put on the battle, personally leading Cao Jun's elite, pursuing the nest, killing from Ximen, Jixian ...

At the same time, the North Gate of Jixian slowly opened.

Cao Jun will lead Xia Hou Wei, led the elite of the school affairs, and quickly escape from the North Gate ...



Xixian is west, killing the sky.

Chen Qingzhi and Jia Wei were driven together, under the Chinese army flag, only to hear the shuttle battlefield from time to time, a brocade, to fight, to the middle army, to hold the boxing: "Military division, Duty, The Lord, the county, Cao Zhen, led the army from the Xixian Xi City door, and directly in the army! "

"Ha ha!"

Jia Yu's eyes, smiled and said: "This is the county of the county to tune the mountain.

In the face of the crisis, the county will hold Cao Zhen, but still so courageous!

Jia Yu's slightly smashed, showering a murder!

Jinyi Wei admires: "Wenhe Military Subsidi will be calculated, the North City door has come out, but the generals have already furnished, do you want to fight them !?"

Jia Yu is eye-catching, smiling: "Take a few killed ... only leave a living port, let him go back to report!"

Jin Yiwei is slightly smashed, but there is no more asking, and it is said: "Hey!"

Looking at the Jinyiwei Covenant, the Flying Eagle believes to be, the Chinese military guards Zhang embroidered Zhang embroidered: "Military division, why not kill Cao Mun, but leave him live?"

Jia Wei is handwearing in the sleeve, looking at the direction of Yuxian County, smiling: "But a husband, what is the goodness of killing? Playing long line, can you catch big fish!"

If Chen Qingzhi nodded, he was sincerely served: "The meaning of the text and military divisions, want to mobilize Cao Wei's strength, let them have to save the county?"

Jia Yu nodded: "Just this, this is this Cao Zhen, dare to raise the army in the military, this person is grateful, exceeds ordinary people, must not let him, otherwise it will become a big man in the heart of the heart in the future ...... "

"The end will, obey!"

Zhang embroidered refused to think, this suddenly realized!

Starting from the ax mountain, Jia Wei is a big chess!

Every step of falling, must let the Cao Wei's Congzhou Legion expose a flaw, which is gradually unfavorable. ...

This is the positive!

Now the Cao Jun in the county is coming, it is a very good chess, put the long line to catch big fish ...

Whether it is Jinyang City's defenders or the defenders of the pot, come to rescue the county, then send dishes!


Since ancient times, it is a soldier holy place. Deng Ai was chased by Lu Bu crazy, and finally relying on himself to be a dispatch, withdrawn into the pot.

"Deng General, Ax Mountain Battle, has been finished, and our army has been folded more than 30,000 people, and the state general, it is broken by 13 people ..."

It didn't just until the Pot Guan didn't have long. The school government had already completed the specific battle of the Ax Mountain, passed to Deng Ai.


The loss is too painful!

The play is to drive the horse, fleeing to the pot, fart, fart, the shares are sick, and the words are awkward: "Han Jun is murdered, I am a ghost, I am not as good as!" "

Deng Ai face, but said to the play: "Military division, Ax Mountain Battle, there is nothing to do, this is a certain amount, if it is a greedy, it is, in turn, the Han army's enemy gauge, Why is this !? "

At this time, Deng Ai put his proud.

He is a little time to eat, you can't afford to be around people around, and one is worshiped by Cao Cao, and the mentality is a bit floating.

Especially for the dozen ambush, after the defeat of Wen Hou Lu Bu, the whole person has a proud of being put in the eyes of the world!

Now, Deng Ai is finally awake.

His deployment is deployed, which is completely broken by the Han Jun Lord, and it is counter-harvest!

It is now in a passive battle now.

The auzag wrinkled: "At this time, I haven't saved the point at this time. As long as you have a steady situation, wait for the Wei Wang to open the situation in Guandu Battlefield ... It is completely able to re-regain the initiative!"

Can you?

Deng Ai silently did not speak, thoughts, suddenly called: "Not good!"

Drama: "Who is not good?"

Deng Ai came to the side of the military machine, and the finger pointed to the military plane.

The play is shocked, and the sound: "Is it ..."

"Yes, it is Jixian!"

Deng Ai face is getting more and more downsful, staring at the county on the map, slowly: "Yixian is our military grain and grass, and the life of the state ..."

"If I am the Hanjun Lord, after the Ax Mountain is holding most of our army, it is attracting the potential to the pot, attracting our military, immediately led the army to attack the county, truncated the granulation of the granules, is it not a I live in our army's throat ... "

Drape is a first-class counselor, the basic strategic eyes are still there, and it is also a cold breath!

If it is really like Deng Ai, it will be big! !

Yixian lost, thousands of tens of thousands of battles for several months, gone!

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