The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1488 of the Three Kingdoms

You must know that Cao Cao is originally a strong army, and the soldiers and horses are exaggerated. It is more than a million, but the grain and herb are simply encouraged!


When the two people were shocked, the pros about racing from the outside, and she said: "The military division, Deng, not good, Jixian ... Yixian is surrounded by the Han army ..."


Deng Ai and the play of the two people have a dizziness, and there is a desperate in my heart ...

[Fourth, seek automatic subscription, the difference is a few plus, seek assistance ... By the way to the book friends, Cao Zhen is absolutely a cow, the big defeated Hu Jianjun, big broken Wu Guo Liang! .

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-nine chapters, the state shake Cao Zhen!

One step, step by step!

Even if there is no full disk, it is also in an extremely adverse position ...

After the ax, Deng Ai is very miserable after being broken by Jia.

Now, whether it is saving the county, it is already difficult!

Deng Ai Shen sucking, calming the heart, asked: "General Cao Zhen is very good at Wei Wang very optimistic, I can sit by the Han army, caught in a disadvantage?"

Cao Wei's military teacher's drama is a human being, but it is more than Deng Ai, and it is broken. "" Speed ​​sent people to Jinyang City, the real meeting Cao Hong, only he can decide ..., return to Guandu, ask Wei Wang dials food! "


The pronouns of the Cao Military School, rushed to lead.

Xia Houwei's night sleepless, the emergency horse rushed, directly in Jinyang City to find Cao Hong ...

Cao Cao is suspicious, arranged in the river, and the generals of Xia Hou Yu, and also arranged their own proceedings Cao Hong.

Cao Hong's brother Cao Ren, is known as the generals of defense, Cao Hong himself is also a budget, not only the martial arts, strategic eyes, nor is it bad.

"Your mother's egg, this Jinyang City, really poor !!"

Cao Hong was very depressed.

He is born in a greedy | Integer, every place, always do everything possible to search for some money in the local area ...

Lu Bu is in the town, and the internal government can be quite limited. Although Jinyang City is the capital of the state, it is not much rich.

Especially in the state, many rich luxury valves have taken the party, and they will be relocated, escaped to Guanzhong Changan and a relatively stable place ...

Cao Hong did not get the benefits, of course not cool, and kill a few people in the past few days.

However, it happened more uncomfortable ...

Cao Hong saw Xia Houwei, who was a wolf, and a big felling glasses, asked: "Xia Hou Wei, your mother is not with Zi Dan, how do you run to Jinyang City?"

However, after Cao Hong listened to Xia Houwei, after the matter of the original situation, the look gradually downs, widened his eyes, shocked: "Grass! How can this possible !?"

Jixian is the grain and grass of the front line, and Cao Zhen is also a rare general, and there is also Deng Ai Centency!

How could I be surrounded by the county !?

Xia Houwei said, "Uncle, Zi Dan was trapped in Yixian County, if you don't save him, I am afraid that it is a life and life!"

Cao Hong frowned.

Cao Hong and Xia Houwei are all his pro-family. It is absolutely will not falsely reported to the military, watching his appearance, but also from the chaos of the army, and put two ferturbation on the back ...

At this time, Cao Hongcai was so exciting that the situation in the state is actually so passive.

Han army is not working hard, it is a thunder!

Cao Hong is deep sucking, saying: "Transport this military order, the school affair is urgently horses the firefighting field to the Guanzhou Guandu battlefield, let Wei Wang ruling ... Also, let the Pingxi University Deng Ai, sit in the town, the pot, can not easily attack Otherwise, it must be entered by the Han army! "

"Small, obey!"

The prostitute of the school affairs, blames, and goes out.

"Uncle, this ..."

Xia Hou Wei's face is painful, what is going to say, but was taken by Cao Hong raised his hand and stopped.

Cao Hong silently said, muttered: "The son of this time is that it is already too much ... , , !"

Cao Zhen came out of the county, giving Xia Hou Wei to the time of the run.

But he didn't think of it, he went out, so it was completely back ...

The invincible tiger leopard ride, under the murderer of the Hanjun Dragon Scales, the death of the cavalry!

Under the Han army flag, Chen Qing's eyes were cold, and the sword ordered, "completely broke Cao Zhen, life and death, no matter!"

"Chen Shuai has made, kill Cao thief!"

"Chen Shuai has made, kill Cao thief!"


The killing of the boiling sky is a long time in the air!

Dragon Scales and Barriers and Cao Zhen Tiger Leopards ride the army, hit the hit together, on the wild wilderness, the scream is endless!

Although the tiger leopard ride is elite, the dragon scales are heavy, and the five-line Ruijin cone is formed, just like the sharp sharp knife, the evil poker is in the heart of Cao Zhenhu Leopard!

"Temple of Zi Dan ... you are going, we are broken!"

Cao Jun Deputy General Cao Feman, doubled red, crazy.

Seeing that the Han army soldiers are peerless. Cao Zhen is shocked and said: "This ... I have passed, the Hanjun Dragon Scales, the rig, actually so horrible ..."

Although he is good, it is called a famous genius, but now it has just been evident, experience is very insufficient.

Error estimated the fighting power of Dragon Scales.

Will Chen Qingzhi will give the enemy opportunity?

The Wuxiang, the Western Liangjin, who will be in the hot troops, kill it out from the bus!

"Cao Si break, the West is the first level !!"

White lion gun is breathtaking, shutting the void, picking up dozens of Cao Jun Tiger leopard ride, when it is uncomfortable!

"Can be evil!"

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