The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1585 of the Three Kingdoms

After the meditation is half rang, Cao Caozhed his eyebrows and issued this order.


Cao Wei everyone is alive.

"Let's take a look at the general!"

Arrange the school affairs to guard the front side of the country, Cao Cao Haoran got up, and walked down toward the Ying Hong rest.

Yan Hong walked from the pot and walked away from the Pot, Ru Mao is drinking blood. It is worse than the wild. It is still a few days, and finally arrived at the official battlefield.

Original tight mental state, to a relatively safe environment, Ji Hong's whole person relaxed.

One relax, finally dizzy ...

However, when he arrived in Cao Cao, Yan Hong was already awakened, taking it up and touched it, he was greeted: "The state of the Pot is broken, the Dun Ai, the magical talents, do not know, the end Yes, please blame the king. "

"The victory is the military, alone, asking you ..."

Cao Cao's brain pain, asked some of the serious information about the state, the sense of mood: "Chen Qingzhi, Jia Wei, Lu Bu ... Liu Wei did what to do, can you let so much fierce?"

Sima Yi finally started panic ...

For the current situation, Cao Wei's forces have already come to the edge of the cliff. As long as Liu Wei is gently pushing, it will fall into the one of the abyss!

Cao Wei everyone, there is a place!

Their heart is full of fear of Liu Wei, there is only one thought: Han Emperor Liu Wei is too powerful!

The three-way army is unfair, and the flowers of Cao Cao will be turned into water.

Cao Cao was losed, this is the rhythm of the overall strength being crushed!

King Knife Han Qiqi is a crippled wrinkle, and it is also a message: "Wei Wang ... is the plan, what is it?"

King Kware Wang Han Qiong, is also a fine old fox, of course, can feel that the current situation does not seem to be so optimistic ...

The atmosphere in the account is subtle, and Cao Cao said: "Zhongda, what do you think?"

Xiong Xiong Sima Yi, can only be strong, arched, and the surprise said: "After the Han army took the state, he will inevitably bought troops, directly rushing Wang Yucheng, Wu Yi disappeared, giant deer is also subject to The Han army threatens ... "

"At present, our army has only two options ... First, it is the truth of the three armies. In the battle of the official road, if it can win, it can be struggling to turn the tide, and the support of the building will pour. ! "

Cao Cao's face change, asked: "Zhong Dada is somewhat, and what is it?"

Sima Yi two sides wide big sleeves, , : "Wei Wang, now China has the advantages of tiger chariot, vertical and horizontal, first destroy the big man in the camp, shock the big man three armies, and they hit the battle ...... Chen believes that this battle is worthy of defeat! "

Sima Yi did not have the end, but only had a hard scalp, showing his confidence, and attaind Cao Wei.

Cao Cao hits the festival, angry: "Zhongda is not bad, the Han Dynasty is evil, dare to kill the love, but I don't know if the sorrow will win ... pass ordered, the three army, three days later, Guandu Baochao, and Liu Yu !!

Guandu, white horse.

The wind is bleeding, it is easy to cold.

Wei Han Dafar, as scheduled!

Cao Cao has mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops, and it was in front of the Han army.

The flag covered the sky, the drumming sound is like a ribbon, so that everyone who is in the battlefield is boiled!

"Hanhuang has no way, greedy good music, Daxing soldier, causing the soul to pick up charcoal, the people do not deposit one ... Today, the Hebei is full of intensely, and there is no dilemma, in court!"

Cao Cao Wang Hou grouped, pulling the horse in front of the array, and I don't know which kind of sour is the text, and the Liu Hao has spurted into the fainted fainted since ancient times ...

"Funny! The people under the next rule, a rich clothing, the life is beautiful, and the soul is moma!"

"That is, the Emperor, sweeping Liuhe, sweeping the wild, the sacred Wenwu, but the ancient times does not encounter Mingjun!"

"Cao Cao himself is crazy in the north, and the people who are engaged in people are not talking about them. Now they will tell these fits!"

"Cao Ang, the skin of Qi Nima!"

Unfortunately, Cao Cao will come out to give Liu Yuli plenty of water, and have not achieved half a point ...

The Han army up and down, let him call him, and no bird.

Even Cao Wei people feel a little red.

Cao Cao's pottery water is really no reason.

Liu Wei's implementation of new politics, reducing taxes, and has a lot of good resources for the people, the people of the big man, after a few years of rest, the people have slowed from the chaos, and the food and food, the living level is a few more people under Wei Zhi. Grade ...

Cao Weizhong, is not a fool, can you not know what you live?

Cao Cao is not a whistling?

"Cao Ang hongsheng moves his own feet ..."

On the god of Liu Wei, I saw the emperor, as if I saw Cao Cao as looking like a joke, smiled: "Cao Ang, the south of the North, I have no defeat, today's battlefield from the North, I will send you to the road!"

Seeing that there is no effect, Cao Cao is embarrassed before, heard Liu Wei's words, but also unexpectedly not 2.2 set:

what! ?

Just rushed back from the North Battlefield! ? It's hard to be Liu Hao, I have been in the river, attacking the riverside! ? The Wales of the official is just a law of eye! ?


I thought this, Cao Cao's face was black into a pot of pot ...

It was played between the shares in Liu Yu!

Cao Cao's face is hard to look like the mother, and the evils have smashed Liu Wei and called: "Mo is the profit of the tongue, the battle of today, I have to call you this no dodge to know!"

"Oh, Cao Heng, what do you have any means, make it out, all the best!"

Liu Yuen said that he said.

[Fourth, stabilize and update, seek flowers, ask for evaluation ticket, ask for reward, ask for a reminder ...].

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-five chapters have the trip to the dragon!

Liu Wei and Cao Cai dial the horse, but he did not speculate, and he returned to the Chinese army, and he was handsome, and he began to dispatch the soldiers ...

Hey ~~~~~

The eyes and sorrowful horns, suddenly rang in the empty plains!

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