The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1586 of the Three Kingdoms


Heavy and complete footsteps, hundreds of thousands of Cao Wei soldiers, the soldiers are strict, the first is the tiger chariot specializing in the Han army invincible cavalry charge, and there is a generals of the Tiger Leopard to move!

In addition, Cao Wei more than 100,000 dractors are also hand-held, a suffocating, Hebei Shenji Bow and arrow in hand, then the first floor, only wait for Cao Cao, immediately, will immediately !

"Breaking the powerful Han army, starting with success, is today!"

King's King Han Qiong, alone, Xia Hou, Wan people, Qi Hong, Wen Du, Qiuqiu, North Palace, etc.

The opposite Han army is on this side, Tian Di Red Dragon Army flag is hunting, and the heroes are drums, boiling!

Liu Wei nodded at Yue Fei, Yue Fei's heart got the god meeting, began to show the handsome flag, behind the soldiers, began to move in order!

Ace to the ace!

Overbearing the Qinglong chariot pioneer, the responsibility of the practice of the five sons will be Zhang Yi, Lejin!

Wuzi will have the addition of training proficiency. After a period of hood cooperation, the Qinglong chariot will attack, which is almost the battlefield ...

After the Qinglong chariot, it is high pet with Yue Yun, Mu Qing, Zhang Hui, and the four thousand traps, wearing a heavy armor, and the two-eye killer stares at Cao Wei.

Yu Wen Chengdu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Yang Zexing, etc., will lead to the big man, the big man, the mysterious, the silver lion light cavalry, the tiger, the Tiger, the sky, the three words, 10 thousands of Chinese army, Qi Qi Array, Arch Liu Yu Emperor Huang Hao Hani!

From the perspective of the number, the Han army took more than 150,000 army to the Cao Jun, half of the number of people, but from the perspective of the momentum, the Han army morale is like a rain, but it is completely suppressed Cao Jun!

Liu Wei, looking at the battlefield, and she faded: "Cao Wei will drive to the mambok for the task of the tiger chariot, and pay for the Qinglong chariot!"

High pet, Yue Yun, Zhang Wei, Lejin and other generals, I will lead my life: "The last will certainly not call your disappointment, if you can't break Cao Wei Menghu chariot, willing to mention it!"

"Wow, Han army ... how can there be a chariot !?"

"Hey! I feel that the Han army is the Qinglong chariot, it seems to be higher than my army tiger battle, but also a greatness?"

"The Emperor of the Great Han, when it is unbearable, actually still hide such a trunk!"

"This is hard to fight!"

Cao Wei, saw the Han Jun, suddenly launched a Qinglong chariot, shocked the eyeball ...

Qinglong chariot, from the appearance, more than a tiger chariot, more terrible breath ...

what! ?

How do you have a familiar person?

Isn't it that Cao Wei will be happy? ?

Many Cao Wei will stay in the horror!

I can't believe my eyes!

What is this fucking, what is the situation?

Lejin is not your own? ?

When the two sides were confront, Cao Cao also felt the power of the Cao Wei, asked: "What is the situation, the three army vibrate?"

Sima Yi said: "The Lord, Lejin General ... In the Han army, it seems to be revealed by the Han Dynasty ..."


Cao Cao was suddenly large, and in front of the Han army Qinglong chariot, I saw a familiar figure ...

It is been leaning by he leaning on the joining of the Han, how to run to Liu Wei! ?

"Wen Qian (Lejin's expression), lonely for many years, friendship, you are still alive, it is so good ..."

Cao Cao's little eyes began to turn, and shouted to the music.

If you can persuade Lejin, it is equal to a nail in the Han army, isn't it beautiful?

Even if you are unsuccessful, you can also let Liu Yizhen are suspicious. Maybe you can remove Lejin!

Have to say, the treacherous machine is too deep. In this moment, he seized the opportunity and thought of such a toxic.

Lejin called: "Cao Cao, your ancestors are Han Chen, you will lead the big man, but it is not thinking about the country, but it will rebelly, but it is reversed. Killing! "

Sima Yi: ""

Cao Weizhong: ""

Cao Cao: ""

I heard the music, and Cao Cao took out a bite!

I feel that there is a feeling of great injuries ...

He wants to break his skin, and I don't understand. Liu Wei is what medicine for Lejin, told him that he is loyal to the big man?

Dedicated Dragon Xia Hou Yu is angry, calling: "Grass! Lejin, you this anti-diamesis, you are unbelieving, you actually dare to betray the Wei Wang, see the generals do not smash your dog!"

"The big festival, I can I don't know!"

Lejin laughed: "Xia Hou, you will have one eye, and dare to go, can you see the northwest of the southeast ?!"

Seeing that Cao Jun moon has already loose signs, then let go, I am afraid that I have to go to the foot, Cao Cao hurriedly saved the whip: "Tiger chariot, ready to attack!"

"Dawns, followed by!"


King Kware Wang Han Qiong and Xia Hou have to lead, and the tiger chariot starts Qi Qi!

"Yang Renxian, Zhang Wei, Lejin rate Qinglong chariot will come to the enemy!"

"High pet, Yue Yun, Zhang Ti, etc., the camp is ready to attack!"

Liu Hao, the rest of Yang, Yang Ren, high pets, etc., is also the war, each of which is the army!

Tens of thousands of troops have arrambled, and the sound of the fire and the sound of the drums are mixed together.

"This battle, you will win!"

Liu Hao took a sigh of breath, calmly, such as him, and heavily worried.

After opening a battle in a battle, Liu Wei is sitting on the Tiandi's chariot!

On the battlefield, the Qinglong chariot and the tiger chariot began to hit each other!

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