The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1651 of the Three Kingdoms

"Your Majesty, the minister is going!"

The Ministry of Harbor Yang Xiu, standing out, interrupted Liu Wei's thoughts.

Liu Hao played, said: "Speaking!"

Yang Xiu was arched, and Zigong said: "The big man is prosperous, since there is only the intention of being able to compete in the north, why not recruit the merchant in the emperor, if there is a business gathering, for the new, it will inevitably let the newcomer Speed, embarrassing the rapid development! "

"This idea is good, the investment promotion of later generations, driving local development ..."

Between Liu Wei, there is a glimpse of Yang Xiu, between the two eyes, and quite surprised.

During this time, Yang Xiu's light is completely covered by the seven Boardian military divisions. At this time, it is the ability to grow up, the intellectual attribute is with political attributes, all increase the number!

The most critical is that Yang Xiu shake the opportunity to shake the key place ...

"This is wonderful, and since Dezu, since this suggestion, since the heart, I have thought I have been thinking about it?"

Liu Wei died, smiled, said: "This will give you arrangement, you are very good!"

Yang Xiu slightly, but did not think that such a big piece of pies fell to his head, but his reaction was not slow, and immediately worshiped, with his hand, Zong Zong: "Thank you, Grace, Meng Your Majesty, grant a grant ... Weekly is willing to take the role of the dog! Your Majesty is the British Ming Dynasty, Wanshou No Border! "

Liu Wei is lam behind: "I love Qing, what else should be done, nothing to neglect ..."

The big military division Zhuge Liang said: "Your Majesty, the military machine has passed the news, Zheng He General came from Fusang, please know!"

Said, Zhuge brighted the cheerful paper roll of wastles, and it was delivered.

Fusan island's intelligence! ?

Liu Wei's spirit is slightly oscillated, and Li Lianying nodded. Li Lianying read: "The minister has went to the sea, and it has been spent on the East China Sea. It reached the land of Fusan Island. The island is quite, short and dirty ... On the island, the forces are very confusing, there is the mother of the country's country, the most powerful, more than 100,000 people, and the evil Ma Tao female Wang Ziyu ... "

Li Lianying read, the group of the moncherace, and also listened quietly.

Everyone knows that Liu Hao's wild look, for the Islands Fusan, almost the same attitude as Xianbei, destroyed and fast!

Zheng He is a sea, to the island, first led the army to steadily, and there is no urgency to launch an offense, but collect information first.

Know yourself and know each other, you can do it!

Only the pre-information is done, and the post-strategy deployment is only one, Zheng He follows Liu Wei for so long, and it is very advanced. In this plaque, detail will be sent back to the situation in the Island. The court center, let Shang Shundai's top-ended persons to rule the strategic plan!

Liu Wei listened to the end and I asked: "What is the idea?"

The big military division Xu Wei said: "Your Majesty, Chen believes ... At this time, the party can use the soldiers, stabilize the people, is at a critical time, should not take the sea battle, the logistics front is unfavorable!"

The Three Army did not move the grain and grass, which is the most coarse truth of the soldier.

If the extension of the Daiwai battle, the extension of the big Chinese army is completely unfun, it is only a key to the victory of the victory.

Xu Wei is also a state-made state. Liu Wei is now sitting on the gang teacher.

Feng Xia Tang is also the opening: "Your Majesty, the Yuan Dynasty military division said this, Fusan Island is now destroyed, but he first waited until the new all, the north dust will be said to say ... You can let Zheng He General will not move. Put the Yin Island customs, topography, first clear, and then doing it! "

"Yuan Dynasty and the words of Shengyuan are deeply awkward!"

Liu Wei is also quite recognized. At this time, he moved in the north. The top of the top, only to sit in the largerites, in order to carry out the next step!

"Chuan Yun military order, let Zheng He detailed the military map of the Island Fusan, it is best to figure out the detailed force deployment of each city, just wait for the , Gong! "

Pang Tang said: "Your Majesty, the gods of the saints, the world, the fans, admire the five-body investment!"

"His Majesty is like a true dragon, it is true hero!"

Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and others, also used the eyes of admire admire, looked at Liu Wei.

Can enter energy to retreat, can be reached, it is true hero!

Liu Hao Jingze lounged the abyss, stunned, formerly, moved to the soldiers, like the real dragon Tengda in the clouds, thunder!

[Fourth, stable and updated, there are additional points in the evening, seek book friends to open automatic subscription, every 50 automatic subscriptions, buns plus more ...].

The first thousand four hundred and forty-seventh chapter was pulled by Liu Wei!

After the Tempse of the Temporary Temple of the Temporary Pedestrian Palace, Yang Xiu was sought after by a group of colleagues:

"Dezu today's proposal, some agreement!"

"Dezuying is only a peerless, simply in the emperor, there must be a vast future in the future!"

"Oh, the Germany is flying in the future, or it is still a lot of bits."

"I saw it early, Dezu is not in the pool!"

"Hey! The treasury is empty, Yang Xiu District Huangkou is a hunger, can it become a hundred million people ??

"Wait, look at him is ugly!"

In the big man, Liu Wei will prepare the new plans, gave Yang Xiu hosted, the old fox of these macro officials, has smelled the trend of the court, for Yang Xiu, quite more sought after.

Of course, many people don't look at Yang Xiu, speaking, ridicule.

"Everyone is to do things for your own, talk about it, do not carry it!"

Yang Xiu was shocked, and the face of handsome and unfashionable faces, he revealed a lot of privilege. He is a very joy, full of reverence of Liu Wei: all because of Liu Wei!

Liu Hao said, he mentioned that this hot position, didn't know how many people stared at the bottom!

In the big man's court, I want to promote the promotion, not the qualifications, and it is not a family forces.

Six nine products, completely assess the abilities!

Preparation of new capitals, it is already a big project, at least let Yang Xiu accumulate enough policies, do well, and even let him continue further!

"Grand is big, can't be lost!"

After Yang Xiu, I didn't go to the restaurant. After I was drinking, after I was in the cold, I went to the house directly, I went to Yangfu, and the old runner Yang Yu's residence, the light buckle, called: " Hey, your son is asking! "

Liu Hao intends to move the north, this is in the cabinet, and it is not a secret.

The focus of the officialdom, naturally moving toward the northern offset, all officials, and the court Head, and have taken the family to the north. The old secretary Yang Yue is high, and is one of the old cabinet, naturally, I have already arrived in the north.

Yang Hao's voice came from the inner chamber. "" Come in! "

Yang Xiu pushed the door and found Yang Wei's self-drinking self-drink.

Three Kiniqing still retains, and it is also the highest award, but the glory is listed in six and still books. Yang Yu is currently in the state of pension.

"Hey, today in the court, Your Majesty will prepare new things, hand it over to the children!"

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