The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1652 of Three Kingdoms

Yang Xiu said.

Preparing for the Emperor, this is beautiful, it will make Liu Wei to see, the name is young, not necessarily it!

Yang Biao's eyepiece, blowing the hot air on the tea, saying that: "Since there is this decision, it is the definiteness to you, not to see your old man, my face ..."

Yang Xiuyao: "Father, you are the Han Room, the old minister, the experience is rich, what can you want to mention someone?"

Yang Hao smiled and said: "Your Majesty has been in the heart of Peilong, in the heart of Huaxia's gas, but I don't know why it is ... If you want to make the drifting this thing, there are a few people. I have to ask! "

Yang Xiu did not consciously sat up straight and asked: "Ask your father to see!"

Yang Yudao: "Shang Bai Liu Bowen, is a seven-year-old military division that is extremely relying on the Emperor, this person is good at Chao Tang, looking for the dragon, if someone knows what you think, it will undoubtedly!"

Yang Xiu also nodded.

Seven Birds, intelligent, even if Yang Hao does not say, he will visit Liu Bowen asking.

Yang Hao continued: "To prepare for the Emperor, the scale is grand, cost-effective, countless, Your Majesty has been in the north, the national treasses are empty, so Jiangdong two will not have a lot of effort to move the power ... You have to do this, still I want to ask the Eleuse of the Trinity and the Duzuo, and ask for a lot! "

After Qin Zhao, after the hometown, after the sea, I have already paid out the financial power of the whole big man.

It is currently the same as the two people who have ever.

Yang Wei is also an old man, a noddion of this critical point.

Yang Xiu is also the top of the top and smart, it will react again - there is money is not universal, but it is almost a big man's face, this level of large actions, there is no strong money support, it is often often unable!

"Father is rich in experience, it is worthy of the building of the big man!"

Yang Xiu thought and heated, suddenly realized, respectfully.

Yang Yizhen was a long, and he sighed: "Today, the Holy Emperor is a Ming Jun, who is in the world, now pays a heavy responsibility, can't relax slowly!"

Yang Xiu nodded hard, said: "Father, son understand!"

After the point of the old runner Yang Wei, Yang Xiu is finally a bright hall ...

His thoughts came, and they couldn't wait to run out from home. They drove directly to the gums.

The old runner Yang Wei shook his head, laughing: "This stinky boy is still very tender ..."


When Liu Wei is still in the end of the microse, he also helped himself. He also married his sister to Liu Wei. After Liu Wei called the emperor, he had the merits of the dragon, not only Fengling Gilling Hou, the whole family, All followed by brilliance!

When Yang Xiu joked into the Hui to visit, he was secretly dark: "This is a rich and fortunate!"

It is also a long-lasting home for the north, and there is no need for a home in the north.

The pavilion floor, the bridge, the sea, the Yahu, and the koi swim, stirring the clear lake, the sparkling!

All kinds of arrangements are in accordance with Jiangdong's landscape, and it costs countless.

It can also be seen from the side to see the degree of mightyness of .

Lao is very good, heard Yang Xiu visited, and did not show any country's hiking, personally came, and met Yang Xiu.

Two people sit in the former hall.

But only heard the mysteries: "Dezu, when you fly Yellow Tengda, not far away!"

[Fifth, the addition of the ticket, continue to ask for free flowers, evaluation tickets, support ...].

The first thousand four hundred and forty-eight chapters of Liu Hao, group of groups!

Yang Xiu shook his head and smiled: "The unpackor, but don't make a smile, you must work in the north, put the new capital, is equal to the face of my big man, I am very energetic ... Even if there is thousands of Wan Xu, I don't know how to get , Please give a guilty guidance! "

"Oh, Dezu ... His Majesty, paying so heavy, it is already hoping for Dezu, and there is less than the time!"

Lao Zhu smiled slightly, side: "Give Yang Shi Lang!"

"Abide by, the owner!"

The servant of the Huifu, Ting Ting, I took the tea, and then took it back.

In the Ya Room, the tea is fragrant, white smoke.

Lizhu nodded and smiled. "Dezu's talents, I can don't know? It is indeed a big thing, and the gum is only used by Han Chen, Dezu is used. Despite the good fortune In terms, if the treasury is not supported, I am old, can be investing ... but the intention of your Majesty is that this northern land governor is also said that Dezu should consider it! "

It is important to say that Liu Hao's understanding, and Liu Wei has worked for many years. Naturally, it is clear that Liu Wei's act is, and Yang Xiu is also mentioned.

After the Northern Nanda is steady, the next is to rectify the family.

"His Majesty is far away, the unspeak people are also the state!"

Yang Xiu once again been educated ...

Liu Hao, touched the North, seemingly simple, there are so many hidden meaning behind it! ?

Yang Xiu didn't think of it. It was just that it was not in his position. It didn't match the government. I used my IQ to use poetry songs. I played a small smart. I said that the state affairs, how to get up to the four-day supply, gradually control the union of the economy ?

Two people were in the front hall of the Summer, and they discussed the half rang. Suddenly heard the people's submission: "The owner, the old man is coming!"

Yan Dao: "Please ask the old man into the house!"

Yang Xiuzheng is sitting in danger, and he does not dare to neglect, between this day, meets the two most wealth of people in the world, saying that it is also a talker.

"Mozi Zhong, your guy, when is it in Qizhou ?!"

Ending people did not arrive, the loud voice came in first.

Lao Zhu Xiu will come to us, and after each other, the division is set.

Yan Zhu smiled: "Your Majesty is hosted in Qizhou, and he has already got news, how can I come so slow?"

Evil and full of red, : "Finally stepping on the hometown, the old man is excited, this time I went back to my hometown to see a circle ... This Cao He Hezhen is really like, Zhongshan Qingzhuang, tening is strongly qualified, 90%, The remaining is the same as the old man, and the river set has a strong enemy ... "

"If the non-Holy Emperor's hero is peerless, the north does not know when to end the threat of war, Murong, Tuoba Xiangxiao, consistent with the sword to hang in the top, the night can not go!"

From the identity, Elevance is the national earth, and it is the elders of Liu Wei.

But between the words, the words of the words, do not rely on the old, and they can't tell Liu Wei!

Yang Xiu and Yan Zhu also have the same feeling. For Liu Hao, it is the honor of his heart.

"Your Majesty Shenwu cracks Murong, Tuoba, established in the north, now the holy emperor will enter the master, prepare to build new capital, will will usher in a speedy development ..."

Yang Xiu did not say bad: "What advice is there?"

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