The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1686 of the Three Kingdoms

"Han Shuai," How to dispose of the army, how? "

Han Shizhong said: "His Majesty said, these little devils, don't you cut the abdomen, let them do it yourself ... you have dirty the big man's knife!"

Zheng He as Huanglong, the deputy, supplementation: "It is necessary to protect the anti-flesh, the wheel is above the pile, all kill!"

The blood is killed, and it does not leave.

Gan Ning is: "This is a short, some adults, there is no wheel height ..."


Han Shizhong and Zheng He face each other, finally negotiated, "" Adults, did a few killed, let the people of the bib of the army to control the order, the national nationals, all charge the slaves, escorted back to the sky, listen to the Emperor Fall! "

The evil horses are more than the road to the road.

For example, the wolf is like a big man army, under her guidance, this can be in the shortest time, like a broken bamboo Raiders, directly laying the king of the Funan, will all resist the , all kill, the island Became a compartment.

At the same time, Zhou Tai also opened the gate of the treasure house of the country.


One of the heavy iron doors opened, I sent an extremely loud and dull voice, as if there is any monster in it, it is very blocked.

"God to kill God, ghosts will kill!"

Zhou Tei brows wrinkled, murderous, just to bring the soldiers into the cold gusic, but only listened to a few sounds in the ear: "General and slow!"


Zhou Tai took a shock, look at it, the three directions of this area, actually sitting three people!

"The poor road is left evil!"

"The poor treasure purple virtual people!"

"Bolleys South China!"

These three high-class people are the first, the face is ruddy, the face is ruddy, sitting in the three different orientations of the land, the five hearts, and the mysterious way, I will know the extraordinary.

Zhou Taiyi raised his hand, curiously asked: "Three real people, don't go to the Huaxia deep, what to do on this island?"

The name of Zuoi and others is also very popular in the big man. When Liu Wei is in the Raiders Hanzhong, I also received the apprentice of the purple demon.

Zhou Tai is a military general, of course, knows, so attitude is very respectful.

It will be born in the past: "This will have a foreign treasure to born. This matter is in the Han Hanhuang. It is just that it is accompanied by the foreign treasure. If there is a fierce gang, if it does not suppress it, it must be a bad life, and the general is qi and blood. However, you can be inexhao, just the soldiers, but he harmed it ... "

"Is there this? Check!"

Zhou Tai hurriedly waited the Han army, and the look gradually warmed up. Press the long knife in one hand, and it has been moved.

Roar! !

Suddenly, in the area, there was a whistling, and the temperature suddenly decreased, like the ice storage, cold bones!

coming! !

Zuoi and other three people have a white eyebrow, and the soul is condensed.

[Fourth, stable update, new January, monthly ticket, flowers, evaluation ticket, support ...].

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-one chapter Dao door is really prosperous, to the baby!

Hey! !

In the treasure house, suddenly the wind is gradually, there is a group of black fog, suddenly born, forming a two feng high, the giant snake, the eyes flashing the evil red light, whistling the wind, just culling the soldier !

" , dead!"

Zhou Tai felt the cold hair of his body, stand up, suddenly drunk, I was going to kill, but I found three people such as Zuo Ci, and I have stepped forward!

Under the black fog, there was a wonderful look, and the detention of the monsters gave death in the original place, the movement could not be!

Nanhua old fairy eyebrows are all exhibitions, fingers have a few mysterious ideas, drink: "The real person is here, the evil is not fast !!"


It is also a little drunk, and the hand is open, and the floating is flying.

The black fog is condensed, constantly rolling, it seems that it is not sweet to distorted ...


Zhou Tai got a horrified, and these three truth-seeking means, the fruit is really unimpedies.

If you face the fight, the Taoist people, it is better to kill countless fierce, but the Taoist's means, weighing the gas, contains spirit, ghosts, but not to kill the fierce!

For a long time, the dust is set.

This battle is coming soon, go fast.

Taoist live people, Qi Qiwei, one, cracking evil!

When Zhou Tai et al., The scene has not been moved, the fierce thing has disappeared, and there is a stone on the ground, it is not a mortal.

"Is this what you want?"

Zhou Tai looked at the stone on this place, and then looked at the truth of the truth, thinking about how to open.

"This object is nothing about, and the generals will go back to Your Majesty, there must be rewards, I will go!"

Zuoi and others, but it seems that he can insider Zhou Tai 's mind, just smile, the soul disappears like a breeze.

Killing such a fierce ghost, it is already a big merit, three Taoist people, and there is no white run, all of them get the benefits, more than dozens of hardships!

As for this star stone, it is a treasure for the treasure for the , etc., but it is no such thing.

After all, they lacked the key star chart, even if I took it, I didn't have the difference with a stone. It is better to give Liu Wei to the Shuishui, the big man is prosperous, the future person may be said. When you ask!

The trusted a hundred years, is known as the real person, the birth of the world, and it has been docked, and it is a human essence.

Zhou Tai carefully closed the star stone, then the way: "Go to the Treasure of the Baolku, all of the generals, these are the trophy of the big man!"


The big Han army, I will lead my life.

Huanhua piloses, the sun and the moon, the arrow, the bomb finger has been several months.

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