The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1687 of the Three Kingdoms

At this time, the river set area has been completely convinced, and the ethnic groups of the hero have been suppressed by Liu Hao, all of which are derogated as a slave, and is detained by the large-scale building to the north.

The big man is all in full swing, and there is a gladic slave, and so many foreign slaves will be added, and the progress will be completed in the shortest time.

Liu Hao is not in new capital today, but in Qingzhou Donglai County.

Here is the Dongfu Tukou, the northern situation is stable, and Liu Wei is standing in the sea breeze.

The sea level waves are solemn, and the daylight is filled, and the phosphorescent sparkles.

Han Shizhong led the Huanglong watermaster, after conquering Fusan Island, leaving some soldiers and horses, will arrive in Donglai Tu Today today.

"I'm coming!!"

"Sad ... Han Shuai is coming back!"

"Da Han Huanglong Navy, vertical and horizontal area, the invincible!"

"The first year, I entered Huaxia, and now I'm giving it to it by the Daxie army, I am very happy!"

On the edge of the ferry, it also covered the people of the big man.

I am far from the return of the Huanglong Navy class teacher, and everyone is really excited!

"Han Shizhong, is worthy of the ages!"

In the heart of Liu Yugui, it is also a little excited.

Huaxia and the hatred, too deep, now hit the country, of course, raising the eyebrow!

In the wave of waves, the mighty big man Huanglong watermaster finally began.

The Lord will welcome Han Shizhong, Zheng He and others, and the tiger will go forward. After I saw Liu Wei, I worshiped, and I worshiped the ground. I said: "Chen Huan is still insulting, hitting the country, and hurting the country of the country Male ... The gold and silver tens of thousands of pounds, Qi Zhenbao, no count ... "

Haha, happy!

Liu Wei is happy, but he heard Zheng He added: "Your Majesty, there is a woman on the island, it is called a violent scream, pay tribute to Holy War, at this time!"


Liu Wei searching for memory, I remembered this name.

The Evil Triada Women is a scream. In the history of the three countries, we have recorded, and it is also a legendary figure of the country.

However, Liu Wei did not put her in 327, asked: "What is the treasure to find, what news?"

Star stone is the key to starting a starry map, Liu Hao is naturally unparalleled.

Han Shizhong said: "Your Majesty, Chen, etc., don't forget, the treasure, the general of Zhou Tai!"

"Chuan Zhou Thailand!"

Liu Wei's heart is slightly, takes the shoulders of Han Shizhong and the integrated shoulders, called: "There is Han Shizhong, Zheng He, the sea area, Yu in the invincible!"

The number is unliked, and it is amazing.

Liu Wei is on the top of the Huanglong Navy, which costs countless heart, now Han Shizhong, Zheng He really did not let him down!

Not long after, Zhou Tai came to the Tiandi Chariot on a group of Jinyiwei.

"At the end, Zhou Tai, please see you ... treasure here!"

The burly Zhou Titai squatted against Liu Wei with a single knee, and hugged his box, holding a rosewood box.

He didn't use the flying eagle to pass this piece of star stone.

The future of the future will be unexpected, and the time from time to time will be lost.

This eagle is full of blood, in case of accidents, it is over the sea, who is looking for?

[Fifth, the addition of monthly tickets, free flowers, evaluation tickets, a wave, the difference is cleared ...].

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-two chapters god-level starry, take service queen!

Therefore, Liu Hao let Zhou Tai wait for person to escort the star stone, as long as the star stone is in the hand, Liu Wei does not mind more than one.

I took this rosewood box, the hand is sinking, I feel a bit, Liu Wei's sense of mind, the trendy star in the Jiangshan Society in the gods seems to be induced, starting to bloom, launching sign!

Liu Wei directly opened the rose sandalwood box, the stars in the box, naturally floated in the air.

Tiandi Dragon, a line of information, appears in front of you:

Star stone (pseudo-level) - space to treasure, can pass the Tianxing Road, fall to Wanjie!

Tip: [Currently available: 0/3]


Based on this, you can open a starry road, the reward of the Wanjie, can be able to afford this pseudo-level evaluation, even more than this!

Liu Hao Shu is tone, and the stamite is reselected.

Zhou Tai is curious asking: "Your Majesty, what is this, is it so amazing?"

Liu Wei 320 laughed: "This matter contains space, you can open a new place portal. As long as you conquer your new place with a big man, you can use the air transportation in the big man, and the unpaid emperor!"

Just start the star map, through the Tiantianmen, the big man, you can fight around, Liu Wei can also start the world to devour the air transport, so that the gas transport real dragon is constantly strong!

Guo Yunqiang, the big Han Chen people!

At a certain level, it is not necessary to open everyone's dragon, and promote unparalleled realm!

Zhou Tai listed the blood, asked excitedly: "If you want to shoot soldiers, Zhou Tai is willing to be a pioneer, and go to the soup is not right!"

Liu Wei received a star stone, and smiled. "Now say this, for the time, with the courage of young, his day is set!"

A group of people returned to Donglai County, here is near the sea, Liu Wei also with a royal kitchen, and also enjoy a seafood dinner.

After the meal is full, I will return to the room to take a rest.

Night deep quiet.

Liu Wei's bedroom, a light as bean.

Li Lianying, the big man, gently built the door outside, whispered: "Your Majesty, the evil Ma Taodai Qi Zi Hui Huo seek!"


Liu Wei took the brown eyebrow, and said: "Bring it!"

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