The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1739 of the Three Kingdoms

Every time, the merits of the consumption are still waiting for the difference.

Lesson 8th, 800000!

The ninth order, 900000!

When you go to the fourteenth order, it consumes 1400,000 merits!

Liu Wei glanced at his eyes, there was more than a million menstrual expectations in the package, and he couldn't afford to consume ...

The most exciting thing is that under the Soul Tower, there is also a line of golden small words: don't spend money, I still want to become stronger?

"Flowers can't afford to spend ... Waiting for the golden country, Mongolia, send a wave of war and fight again!"

Liu Hao decided to withdraw from the Emperor Emperor's Soul Tower.

"Killing the traitor, completing the hate of Yue Fei's father, Yue Fei's father gains random attributes ... Yue Fei's political attribute is permanent +1, the rate is permanent +1, Yue Yun's power is permanent +2!"

Liu Wei nodded slightly, and it was still satisfied.

Killing Qin, Jia Zhi Road, a group of traitor, for him, is to raise his hand.

But for Yue Fei, it is the hatred of the fate. Nowadays, Yue Fei's father is less than that.

The heart is close, naturally, no matter whether it is still a force, it is a high price and high reward, absolutely worthy of the king rating, and even beyond!

Liu Wei is connected to the remaining task reward.

It is still an old practice, demolition from the lower rating, will be the best reward, put it in the end.

General Ye Zhongqi won the horse, and after the drop of Di Lei, the reward of the South Song Baojie is finally in place.

This wave of rewards have lowered, but there is a king rating, Liu Wei directly opens, and I found a line system prompt:

"Congratulations to the host, successfully gathered the Southern Song Dynasty's eight major hammers, Yue Yun, He Yuanqing, Yan Cheng, Di Li four people used hammer weapons, force +2, poor rate +2, and chance to force, weapons, weapon, low Attached to the enemy's attachment, if it is successful, defending the enemy - 2! "


Seeing that the attributes of the four major hammers such as Yunyun and other four hammers in Jiangshan Society have been improved.

Looking into this situation, no heart planting willow, Yue Yun's force has been broken, and it is almost made to break through the realm of unparalleled fierce.

"System, open the Sanjie achievement reward!"

"Song Dynasty Sanjie achievement reward, Zhang Shijie, Wen Tianxiang, Lu Xianfu three-dimensional attribute, permanent +2!"


Liu Wei is slightly happy ...

These three people can say that it is a first-class talent left in the Southern Song Dynasty, it is very rare, plus the improvement of four-dimensional properties, it can be unique!

After opening this wave of rewards, only the last reward treasure chest is not turned on.

The reward of the hidden task second-link task, Liu Wei has never hesitated, directly chosen to open:


"The task reward is successful, to the clues to the god branch task, rating is the king level, please accept the host, is it directly received?"

Oh damn? !

The clue to the god branch task! ?

The Southern Song Dynasty, actually generated a double-to-respecting task, but also hanging, there is wood! ?

Liu Hao spirit slightly like a slight shock, but he has some fox. "" How can I rating? "

System: "Task Clues, there is no practical benefits, so rating is the king level, the highest reward for the branch task is the supreme god, other specific situations, please explore the host yourself ..."

Liu Wei is not hesitant, directly: "What clues, you have to look good!"


"Congratulations to the host, get the mission clues - can grow up martial arts!"

Requirements: [Please ask the host in half a year, convene a number of martial arts masters, participate in the martial arts, then automatically trigger hidden tasks, then create a group of martial arts, if it is success, the host will get mysterious rewards, if it failed, Then automatically determine the task failed, no punishment!


1: [The more the Wudo Master of the convincing, the stronger the resulting can grow, the higher the reward rating!

2: [Wu Dao Master is less than nine people, finally rewarding rating, for the emperor!

Reward rating: [Emperor level - Supreme God!

In Liu Wei, Jin Zi is flashing, starting to check this mystery reward, but it is found that there is a pile of question marks, obviously the information tips are not available.

However, a king rating task tip can prompt this step, it is rare.

"This is your sister, asks the martial arts, this general, how can so many people?"

[Fourth, stabilize and update, there is also more additive in the evening, seek automatic subscription, the difference is not added, seeking the book friends to support a hair ...].

The first thousand five hundred thirty-one chapter Jiuli is out, Liu Wei and Guo Wei are under the moon ...

"Difficult, too hard!"

Liu Wei squinted his eyebrows and began to meditate.

The martial arts of the martial arts, the names of As the name is the peerless master of the world, according to the rating of the force value, at least 100 or more!

The Central Plains is five, plus their respective stunts, even if it is five masters.

However, there are eight or nine of the West Poison Ouyang Feng, and the Lin Chao Ying and Liu Wei have only six.

Even if it is, it is completely insufficient.

The flow of other full-real seven sons can only be counted as a first-class master, but it can't be called the martial artist.

"The final rating is the task of the soil-level difficulty, and it is not so simple to be completed."

This task reminder has half a year, Liu Yu is not rushing to a moment, thinking that there is still more than a million menstrual expectations, Liu Wei cuts out the merits.

This huge money is not a little wrong with it.

Enter the second order of the merits, singularity, and dazzling:

"Iron Blood Music (Pseudo God): Make the Emperor and the following Legion radiopes, free to improve the first order, the Legion property has greatly improved, and the special hidden special effects, please lock the host!"

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