The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The San Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms Chapter 1740

"Suzaku" (pseudo-level): rose 13th-level reel! Make Zhuzhao God improvement, so that the Shuque God is +2!

And can be used to increase by 50% by the arrow attack range, and the number of contrast arrow is increased by 50%, and the killing power is increased by 50%! "

"Bawang Ding (pseudo-level): Overlord Goldering, Wei Zhen Tianxia!

This is the treasure, if you have this treasure, the host force +3, the insurance +3!

And can suppress Huaxia gas transport, which makes natural disasters, and the growth rate of Qingzhuang and healthy growth is 50%, and it is 50% from the military! In addition, hidden special effects, please check the host yourself ... "

Jiullei (pseudo-level): Yixi Yili, the world shocked!

The host army assembles the rapid speed of 50%, and the host is under the speed of the military to prepare the training of the military, and additional 80%!

Tip; [Merit exchange artifact, only one year can only be exchanged once, each artifact is 10,000!

These are the heirlooms in the wild, let Liu Hao pick the eyes.

"The iron blood is directly excluded. As long as there is war, it will be unlimited to improve the Legion level. As for the hosaki, it is not necessary ..."

Liu Wei sinks and half-ring, or decided to take care of the love, abandon additional pseudo artifacts, first with the remaining merits to redeem a Jiuli.

In the current situation, it will face the fans of Mongolia, Golden Guo, and the speed of training must be improved, so that the Song army soldiers who will fall as soon as possible will be worn out.

Don't say that the iron is elite, but at least you can fight hard, there is no chaotic.

The heart is not as good as action, with Liu Wei's mind, merits the value to the bottom, the second floor of the merits is also dim, and seal it again.

Inside the storage space, it is a very simple Xioli!

Jiulle is only the size of the palms, the material is not gold, the above is inscribed in ancient Yuguan's hunting and foreign animals, mysterious deep.

Liu Wei glanced at it and found that Jiuli has begun to take effect.

Click on the super big harvest today, and the heart is still beautiful.

First of all, the Emperor Essential Tower has greatly improved the additional benefits, which can make the Han army's combat power to improve the whole grade!

Then, the remaining merit value is exchanged, and the speed of the training will be forcibly enhance several grades.

Tens of thousands of Song Jun's fighting power can be fully improved in a short period of time, which will be a strong news for the upcoming Million Terrovers.

This wave of consumption, the bullets that Liu Yizheng have been saved, but the mood is extraordinary ...

After all, the money doesn't flow, it is just a bunch of no meaningful values.

Only spending out, you can play a role, and you have another power!

Packed up everything, Liu Wei withdrew from the sea.

Take the royal study, it is a good night of Langyu, and it is almost the time when you go.

Suddenly, Liu Wei felt that the top of the palace, it seems that there is a gas machine if it is.

With Liu Wei's strength, the heart is moving, and you can feel the change of the gas machine outside the palace. Who is on the eaves of the palace.

It is impressive, Liu Hao flulates on the eaves.

The eyes were all, and I saw a shadow. On the harem roof in the distance, I was ambulous and stared in the Mingyue. It is the second Miss Guo Wei.

At that point, it is the place where Liu Hao's hometown is located. There will be no idleness.

Therefore, Guo Wei is on the eaves, and there will be no brown guards to jump out, and it is the palace of the red sleeve building, silently guarding.

After several breathing, Liu Hao flooked on the side of Guo.

"His Majesty……"

Guo Wei is thinking about God, suddenly felt the breath of Liu Wei, hurriedly stood up, the right hand did not want to say something, but it was directly lost, almost fell to the eaves ...

Liu Wei is like a ghost, helping Guo Yu Liuzhi, and said a little laugh: "You panic, you won't eat you ..."

Guo Wei is a red, but it is not ashamed. It actually a straight look of Liu Wei. Brave has a small lottery, and the opening said: "If you want to ..."


This little Loli, what is thinking about my mind? !

Liu Wei, slightly, gently knocked Guo Wei, a chestnut 577, said: "I am thinking, you are big, with your sister, sneak out from home, do you know?"

Guo Yu was a mouth, knead his hair, mutter: "Hey! Is this, do you want to rush me?"

Don't look at the little girl is not old, but there is a little bit of a little girl Huang Rong's elf, and the mind is so powerful.

Liu Wei sighed: "Miss Guo, must be a big talent in the future, and if you want to be a thirst, you dare to sin?"

When I was looked, Guo Wei said happily: "Why don't you sleep tonight, what is your feelings, maybe you can help you solve it!"

Liu Wei smiled: "I am thinking, how can I call the people in the world, participate in the martial arts, I am from the long family, create a peerless martial art, can be exercised for all the big men, so that everyone is like dragon ! "

Everyone is like a dragon, so discouraged, it is the invincible big and the holy emperor!

Guo Wei felt his own heart, slightly, heroes, so he was calm, asked: "His Majesty is great, since ancient times, there are few people, and they are very admired ..."

Said, the eyes are full.

Guo Yu looked at Liu Wei's eyes, and it was also unsatisfactory.

[Fifth, the addition of flowers, continuing to seek flowers, evaluation tickets, and support to force!].

The first thousand five hundred thirty-two chapters of the martial arts, the charm of the palace

Liu Wei smiled and said: "Unfortunately, this is just a wonderful will, the way of the martial arts, it is difficult as it is, and there are so many people?"

This task is really a pain.

Only the masters in the current world are in line with the task conditions, that is, Liu Wei will go to the top of the five tigers to make a lot of people, and it is not feasible.

Throughout the world, the mountain river is vast, you must search for the masters, it is really difficult!

After all, the legs are long, which is hiding in it, don't want to find people in a lifetime ...

Guo Wei muttered, "Your Majesty is invincible, you can be a big master ..."

"The four in the Central Plains are all of them, and they are all of the big Chinese, plus the boy sister, so there are six, to find other masters, although some difficulties are not feasible!"

Liu Yin thought, asked: "You know what the masters are there in the martial arts in the martial arts?"

Guo got nodded and said: "In the Zijing Palace, check the north-south news, know some hidden masters that are not known, may not be under the Central Plains!"

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