The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1762 of the Three Kingdoms

"This gimmick!"

Liu Wei took Xiaoliu's hair, smile smiled.

It's really a genius of the enchanting!

This is not seen in just a few months, and the martial arts have improved a big cut, the light-fitment law is already first class.

The palace girl saw Liu Hao, and there were still stones, and they were rude in the back: "slaves, see the Emperor's Majesty, willing to have no borders!"

Liu Yan stands his head, and his milk said: "The father, how do you go so long, your wife wants you to think!"


This gimmick, what is your wife! ?

The palace girls are people of the red sleeves, and they are also their own people, they have been laughing.

Liu Wei is a little bit of Xiao Liu, slowly walking into the palace, said: "Hey I miss you, so I will come back to see you ..."

Liu Wei has opened a bright water spirit and said: "The father can go to the stars to go to the stars ... The next time, Ah is also going to go to the stars!"

Liu Wei's for Liu Wei seems to have a sense of natural dependence.

He was hugged in his arms, and immediately became a tree bag, and it was refused to come again ...

Liu Wei smiled: "Waiting for your martial arts, the father will take you."

For Liu Wei, Liu Hao wants to cultivate her as the Queen, these things, sooner or later.

Cai Wenji, , Qin Zi, Chen Yuanyuan, Lu Xi and other harem, heard the news, but also rushed to the gate of the door.

"Chen Yu, have seen it!"

After the boulder, under the leadership of Cai Wenji, Yingying ceremony.

Liu Wei held Xiao Liu, smiled slightly, said: "The old husband is old and wife, do not have to be more ..."

However, only a few months didn't see, the gods of the women's women were full of warm eyes, full of love and admire, even if Liu Yu iron stone heart, it also turned around soft.

Cai Wenji glanced at Xiao Liu, said: "Auntie, yesterday's classics did not complete? Hurry down, let the father eat meals ..."

Cai Wenji put out the Queen Fengyi, the gas field is strong, Liu Wei, this little girl is still a little scared, and squatting from Liu Wei, standing around the mother, and squatting like a laime ...

"Walk, use the meal together!"

Liu Hao smiled slightly in Cai Wenji, everything was inhere, walking between walking, looking around, it is a group of beauty, like a flower ...

The most beautiful in the flowers, there is already a pregnant, some look, but it is more grateful, there is a holy mother, lingering.

Liu Wei seems to think about what, embarrassing: ", there are still a few months, afraid that you can't accompany you ..."

Southern Song Dynasty, war is pressing.

Liu Wei came back this time, not specially enjoyed the gentlestology, arranged this side, and he had to hurry, once again opened the stars, falling to the South Song Dynasty ...


After the mink, after the pregnancy, many of the red sleeves are basically handed over to Zhou Yizu.

Zhou Yuli is also a strong woman, leadership can, and extract.

If Qin is brittle in the side: "The idea is coming, this time, among the hometown, there are still few sisters, but also ..."

Liu Wei: "" "

In the harem, Qin is like a heart, and the best thing to understand is the best.

However, the Emperor Jiuyou Supreme, if it is not a few of the mouth, it is not normal, and Cai Wenji smiled, soft: "Your Majesty is thinking, then select the show, the harem can also be more Some ... "

"Wife is so, what is the husband?"

Liu Wei is moving in his heart ...

From a certain point of view, Cai Wenji will gracefully, and tolerate greatness, it is really a dream of all men!

[Second, stable update, ask for free flowers, evaluate tickets ...].

The first thousand five hundred fifty-four chapters are all in the expected!

Flowers all over, each table.

Liu Hao passed the Tiangxing Road, returning to the Dangdan Dynasty, preparing for the last battle, the situation in the southern Song Dynasty, also changed in the wind.

Golden Guo, Huanglongfu.

Follow up and day and night, but I don't dare to stay in the country of the big man. I quickly rushed back to Golden King.

He is also due diligence, and even the rice did not eat a bite, and the dust servant came directly to the palace.

Bicezed to the tiger leather seat, haha ​​laughed: "All, 200,000 iron floats, 300,000 turns horses, have been assembled, this time, the country has made the country, and it is certainly to step on the Han people!"

The armor cavalry is often equipped with excellent heavy armor, cultivated, costly, and resources, it is too big.

The golden country is known as a million majors, of which only more than 20,000, 300,000 turns horses, mainly the light cavalry.

After using its height mobile, after the charge of the iron float, the enemy, the enemy is put into the bag, and the silver lion with Liu Wei has the same work.

The remaining, all walks of steps, rides, and fighting power than the iron floats and horses, there is a big cut.

However, this is the strength, it is already called the country.

Such as Mongolia, I don't dare to take hands to Jin Guo, adopting the cooperation of alliance, first destroy the national policy of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Seeing the stick is so happy, Golden Wenwu is also a spared power to shoot the horses: "The king of the king, what the big man is far from the opponent!"

"Yes, choose the day, my big gold can call millions, sweep the south!"

"Iron floats, invincible in the world!"

"Cut the child to kill those Han Dogs!"

In the past few years, in the Central Plains, the iron floating slaughter sweeps, the golden people of the golden country have raised a arrogant gas.

Tianshi, golden country old.

Just when the atmosphere was tears, there was Suddenly there was Jinjiawei to come in and reported: "The king, Wang Ye makes the Han Dynasty back!"

"Haha, Wang Ye came back? It seems that the Han people choose to compromise!"

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