The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1763 of the Three Kingdoms

"The weakness of the South, the Han people are free, the big golden country is rising, at this time!"

"Wang Ye is a great power!"

Golden Guowu, who started to play.

Because of the past experience, this wave can definitely extort the strategic resources such as a large money and grass in the South.

Then use these strategic resources, put the war, continue to press the southern, loss of opponents.

It is so shameless!

It is also a good mood, and it is said: "Haha, it seems that the loneliness is ready to reward Wang Zhen!"

A hurried foot walk suddenly sounded, and then finished in the temple, and fell to the stick, the middle of the road: "The king, the minister came back!"

I asked softly: "Wang Xian, you are a rare talent in the clan, experience old road, this time, what is the benefit from Hanchao?"

Everyone is condensed, and I want to listen to how much benefits.

It's shameless: "The king, this time, the attitude of the big man is very tough, the small apha is not able to come back, and it is nothing to get ..."

what! ?

I ate the happiness, frown: "What is the situation, the south is weak, fear of my big gold iron turnt, like a fear of the tiger, how can it be so tough, which must be embarrassing!"

Complete bright and bright: "Dawang is really the hero of the world, but this big man is also a unpleasant Xiongxiong character, knowing that there is a great feasibility with my big gold and unfunctive blood sea hatred, and has been secretly prepared ... "

"In addition, there is still a major discovery, and specializes in the king!"

"What finds, come soon!"

The tiger head chair in front of the front shot, and it is a bit curious to say what major discovery.

Golden Chief Career, is also in ears, and is curious in his heart.

Follow up: "The Emperor of the Great Han, recently, the new Naval Queen Yumui is a fullness, and Chen believes that Mongolian will go to the south, and there are other non-persistent secrets!"

It's not amazing!

You know, Golden Guo and Mongolia are all allies who are lying in the world, now doing such things, as long as they are not a fool, they can feel the problems.

If you want to overweight the Han Dynasty, why bother the royal woman?

I was horing, asked: "This is ... Is this awareness?"

Follow up: "The king, the ministers have always been careful, have passed more than a multi-party verification, this news is really true, the status of Xiao Yuzhen also checks, the Mongolian royal family, was born from the black water Zong Master Xiao Qian to support the long Big!"

"Grass, the hateful Mongolian dog!"

The stunned pulmonary is fried, and the table in front of it is taken, and the table in front is given to a bunch of wood!

This news brought about by bright, too critical, too important.

Imagine that if it is not this news, when you follow the Mongolian coalition in south, you may not be, the Mongol is inserting a deadly cold knife behind.

The golden group of the temple is also exciting because of this news brought by the finish bright.

"This Mongolian dog, actually tear the union, afraid that there is a picture!"

"The king, the unparalleled, Dubei, the wolf, too smooth!"

"Do you want, first start?"

Golden Kingdom Wuzhong, a group of excitement, can't wait to mention the knife gun right away, and do it with Mongolian!

It's a bright heart, arched: "There is a gathering, help the king to achieve hegemony!"

Both the big hand, Word: "Tell!"

Follow up: "Today is Mongolian tore over the Covenant, the unjustly in the first, the king does not need to consider any joint army, only use the iron float to the south, and attacked the Thunder, the big man Chengdu, In the middle of the food, then use this as a springboard, determlect the south, and hold the footsteps of Mongolian into the south ... "

"Dumbbei has always been pro. my country can take the hand, fake the argue, the trick, turn around, to the first war, implement the head plan, attack it, can kill it, Mongolia must be chaotic, so, the king Invincible in the north and south, you can achieve hegemony! "

It's not a matter of history, this pen, the mutant stack is dark, and it is not a good time.

However, let him race my brain, I can't think of:

Everything, all in Liu Hao's control!

[Third, stable and updated, ask for automatic subscription, ask for reward, ask for power, seek support! .

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-five chapters strongest contradiction

"This is too much influence, and it is lonely think ..."

The stick is very eyebrows, and carefully considers the pros and cons, it is very heartbeat.

Follow: "As the saying goes, one mountain is not to be two tigers, the north, should only have a hegemony, if the big gold does not lay out in advance, then sooner or later, it is going to be documented, please ask the king to make a decision!"

Golden Qunchen, also have traveled: "Please ask the king, early work!"

Naturally, the golden protector is natural, and it is also a fruit, and immediately decided to order it. "Chuan Jin Wang military order, life general Liu, the 30,000 iron float, the armored cavalry is the front drive, the life rate is seven Wan Heng Ma is a pioneer, the starry night struck Chengdu, there is no mistake! "

"The end will, obey!"

In the Golden Temple, the two majors are very strong, and they will hold their lives.

"News! Northern Punx!"

In Chengdu, a brocade sweeping hairdry, from outside the door!

Liu Wei and Meng Yu, who were appointed as Chengdu, and Montera, and asked: "What news is there in the north?"

Jin Yiwei holds the boxing: "The two generals, military machines have explored have been identified, the Jin Guo's recent secret mobilization mobilization horse, and kills in Chengdu's defense line, please two generals, early prevention!"

Zijing Palace is Liu Wei, a key chess piece, layout for more than ten years, early penetration into the north.

What's more, Liu Wei contributes to the gang to help the main Hongqiu, the world has helped the disciples, and they also assisted the news, the military machine is controlled to the intelligence, but there is no drop.

Meng Yu frowed: "Even the long-distance leader, the Jinjun Pioneer General, I am afraid that I want to hit my army!"

Liu Wei is very vibrating, said: "How many people, know?"

Jinyiwei said: "The number of specific people does not know, but the pioneer is the Jin Guo Tiefuqi, the annihilation of Liu Dynasty!"

Liu Jia! ?

Liu Yu's brow wrinkled, said: "This person is brought, then be careful!"

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