The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1816 of the Three Kingdoms

"This ... this ... This Han army siege, too fierce !?"

Liu Yu almost scared the urine!

He has a country to recruit, burning into fire, consciousness is blurred, but in turn, he hits Liu Yu chaos, and it is almost killed Liu Yu ...

There is also Liu Yu, which will fierce Liu Lin, and make two fires with the giant ax.

This scene is constantly staged on the city!

The mountain lumps are in a hurry, screaming: "Don't mess, the public will listen, first fire, don't go !!"

Just the first round of offensive, the city of the city has been chaos.

Zhou Yu then ordered, continue to bombard the city wall with the flying thunder, and then shot!



The air is everywhere in the air, the stone bomb is covered with the bare arrow of the baby arm!

In the gimmick of 13 battles, the Golden Trumps in the city has caused a heavy blow!

"My grass ... Han army ... Han army siege is so fierce!"

"I can't hold it, save !!"

"Ah! I was shot in the knee, saved me ..."

Flying thunder and God arm bow jointly, a large-scale bombardment, one is precise point to kill.

Double power, the golden soldiers on the city of the city are mourning, and they are like hell!

"Can be evil !!"

Yam Lion camel surprised, a fist is in the wall, playing a pit, but it is not good ...

In the face of frenzy and angry, how can he be able to pull the tide?


There is between the god arm, the arrow bowed in the cloud arm, and the broken arrival, almost fell on the face of the Yoshihan!

The Yam lion camel suddenly all over the body, a reversed, arrow, wiped his scalp, flew the golden helmet brought by his head!

The arrow is not limited, and it is also shot before he has the departure of the departure behind him, and he took him with a dozen steps, and finally crucified it on the wall! !

What kind of aversion is this?

The gold soldiers of the city, only feel that he is inverted, and the head is numb!

Taking advantage of the genstructure of the millet, the Han army began the second round of offensive, Wan Leiqi, attacking the city!

God arm bow projected the arrow, raining like a rain!

Continued half an hour, Jin Bing is mourning!

"This arrow rains are too fierce !?"

"Yeah, I can't hold it at all!"

"Grass ... This is not a God arm bow, how can the Han army can launch the Shen arm bow?"

In the face of unknown fear, the golden tie is shocking.

Dachan in the military array.

The brocade sweater in the military machine, the flexible shuttle in the battlefield, stepping to Zhou Yu's horse, steep holding boxing: "Zhou Shuai, the situation, a big big, Huaiyang City Dongcheng City Wall has collapsed trillion!"

"Today, the city is stable!"

Zhou Yu listened, smiled and smiled: "Lu Bu, high pet led the steps, first in Huaiyang City, entered the city!"

"Sun Ce, Wen Du, Tai Shizhong will rush to the city gate and enter Huaiyang!"

When the command, the Han army is already the final preparation of the attack.

The steps are shielded, and the arrows of Huaiyang City shoot, the cloud building slowly advanced, and finally slammed the city.

"Trap the camp, with the generals of the general!"

The high passenger pulled down the armor on the face, and his hand was in the city's wall.

When the traps behind the camp, the armored steps were also pulled down, followed by the back of the high pet, through the cloud building, and launched a crazy offensive!

One time, Huaiyang City, killing the sky!

"Wow, who dares to fight with your own battle, find it !!!"

Yoshus hump hand holding a hundred and twenty pounds of , keeping a mad tiger, constantly moving the Han army soldiers who jumped into the city to sweep!

There is such a person who is sneakers will be awarded the situation, still has a constant support, Huaiyang City, and suddenly caught a bloody battle!

"I will kill you!"

The high pet's mouth has a bridging, step in stepping, putting it up, lifting the power on the head of the Golden Tie, holding the gun to the mountain lion!

This is also a family meeting, extraordinarily red.

Yam Lion's ostrich is full of strength, come to the high pet this shovel!


A piercing the sound of everyone's eardrum, suddenly shook!

The mountain losa tiger mouth slightly earthquake, can't stand it, and the face of the front and retreats, and the heavy hit the city wall!

In the Kowloon, a shot of a shot is to be underestimated! ?

"go to hell!"

Between the high pets, flashing bloodthirsty rays, the tiger steps will be moved, like the tiger, fierce, the gun context is fierce, once again, this golden soldier Shenwu Dabu is a shroud ......

High pets and mountain losays, two people 690 are on Huaiyang City, competing for death!

This verse will be between the fight, and the martial arts of the city wall is unlucky.

High pets and mountain lion camel, like a surprise, sweeping the waves, swept the sky, I don't know how many people have been ignorant, fall down the head.

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