The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1817 of the Three Kingdoms

Only heard the mourning mourning of the millennium, from the high wall of these feet, after a moment, the ground came from a heavy resonance, and it is not dead, and there is a Han army sword forest. It is very miserable ...

The high pets contain the mountain lion camel, the gold army overall command is blocked, Huaiyang City Wall is rumored, and the gold tape gradually chaos out ...

"The big man will listen to the order and strike Huaiyang City !!"

Zhou Yidong, gave a slamming pool.

Lu Bu, Sun Ce, Wen Du, Taichi and other Han Jun, unbloled, led the big Hanhu, and entered the crazy siege mode!

"The trend has been going ... The trend has been going !!"

The Golden Bing Shenwu Dang Shuai Mountain Lion camel while competing with high pets, while looking at more and more big people will pass through the cloud building to the city, the heart is getting more and more cool ...

[First, stable and updated, seeking fresh flowers to evaluate tickets].

The first thousand six hundred and eight chapters high pets will kill peerless!

According to this situation, the development of this situation is today, Huaiyang City may directly break it ...

At the critical time, Liu Yu, who had just taken the chest, but the situation is chaotic, I don't know where to go ...

Yoshusiang has a heart and relieving, just encountered a high favor of one of Jiulong, can only compete for the marty, and it is harm!

The two have more than 20 rounds, and the high pets have completely pressed the mountains.

Take the moment that the Yoshus's Camel is disappearing, the high-pet hunger gun is in the hand, and it is enjoys a native of the mountainous hump move, and there is no relief!

At this time, I will open the exclusive God skill on Jiulong!

God, hometown!

The power of high pets +5, the arms have an additional increase of 20%, if it is suppressed to the enemy, the enemy force -2!

The high pet assassination, rapidly, mad, from an incredible angle, the hole wearing the water of the mountain lion camel, but also pierced the throat of the yam, put him, picking him Empty!


Yam Lion has not yet qi, limbs, the eyes are in the bronze bell, and the high pets are very popular, the tiger head gun is smashed: "I ... I still have not yet true, died in this place. ... is not sweet !!! "

Unfortunately, the inner heart of the Yam Lion has been unwilling, and it is impossible to save the bureau of death!

The high pet arm is oscillated, and the first level of the mountain lion camel is on the gun tip. Suddenly drink: "Yam Lion camea here, who dares to go to a battle !?"

The battlefield of the original kill boiled, suddenly quiet!

The Yam Lion Camera is the first general, and today he will fight the sand field, which is equal to the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Tian Yupu collapsed!

The coach is dead, the Jinjun command suddenly chaos, and the Three Army is unhealthy.

Tens of thousands of gold began to mourn:

"The big handsome is dead, how do you play this !?"

"The city is on the iron, the enemy, the enemy, a shot of the mountains, the mountains!"

"Fast, don't go, you should be buried in this place!"

"Not good! Beicheng City Gate was broken, run!"

Will be the bile of the soldiers, handsome is the soul of the three armies!

Single championship will be taken, and you can save the situation through the schedule of the overall array.

But the coach of the Trinity Three Army was killed by the enemy, this battle, there is no doubt!

After the mountain is dead, the high pet one hand, a shot, shot in Huaiyang City, killing!

After the trap behind the camp, after the high pet, the hife knife flashed with the bloodthirsty cold, starting the madness of the gold troops on the city of Huaiyang!

"I lost!"

"What happened, how can it be so fast !?"

Jin Guo Qi Wang Liu Yu, only feeling that he is cold, the head is numb!

When he saw the Han army shot from the army of the city with the Shen arm, he had already a heart, and under the guard of the generals, he slipped away from the head ...


The gentleman is not under the dangerous wall!

Liu Yu is not a gentleman, but he can get from the poor, mixed the person in this position, nature, is naturally the way of life ...

"Qi Wang, not good, military rumors, North City door is broken!"

Son of the body and the generals Liu Lin hurriedly said: "What should I do now !?"

Liu Yu is full of sweat, called: "The Han army must attack the North Gate. You will lead the people, the West Gate breakout, and break through the West, you can also go to Kaifeng House, and the king will meet!"


Liu Lin led his army to deploy the army.

This tribe, a large number of military grain arrows, come to the city, the result is not sent, directly running, but it is also since ancient times ...

Liu Yu ordered his soldiers to open the West City Gate, and urgent market, it really is back to the Han army, and there is no Han army soldier.

Urgently, the 100,000 people he brought, only to take 30,000, or the unpacking army of the armor ...

Escape more than ten miles, to a mountain forest, stop the leader, the incident of the ear of the tide, the incident, the big level of the tone of the atriary is coming down.

Liu Yu is soothing, and suddenly he laughed.

General Liang Jin asked sweat and doubt: "Qi Wang, today's battle, Huaiyang City breaks, the battle of the battle is more than 150,000 big army, why laugh?"

This can still laugh exit, and the surface of Liu Yu certainly daren, but his heart is crazy.

"I laughed the Han army main, I don't know the use of the soldier, if it is in Xi'anmen, I will kill all the way, you and I have died without burial!"

Liu Yu smiled: "It is not difficult to die today, there must be after the blessings, the king is Ronghua rich, and it does not destroy it ..."

His probabilistic gun is still not finished, and the ground is dramatically shaken!

"This ... this ... this is an earthquake !?"

Liu Yu smiled and solidified, and suddenly said: Huaiyang is booming, how can there be an earthquake! ?

Not good, it is a cavalry! !

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