The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1907 of the Three Kingdoms

The Hanshan Leverage is only the rivers and lakes, and the discipline of the allies is very limited. It is not all people like Chu Qiao. There is a pure heart. In the face of a variety of temptations, it is inevitable that someone will abandon the old Union.

This lesson, Chu Qiao's Mom Luo River has already made a time.

"Chu girl doesn't have to be self-blamed, sooner or later, I have handled it in advance."

Liu Wei didn't care about comfort, frowned, said: "Chu girl talking to the car ..."

At this time, the squid is on the wild, on the white snow, a fascinating, bloody, pungent.

Chu Qiao girl is home home, which does not like clean truth, and I am happy with Liu Wei.

Liu Wei smiled and said: "There is no one can bother us. Chu girl can say that I am looking for it?"


Chu Qiao has put down the worries in his heart, drums the goose, and suddenly asked: "Is there anything a long?"

Liu Wei smashed, this sister did not follow the route, how did you talk about it?

But talk to this life, and it is also a great event.

Liu Wei said: "The ideal, Jianfeng, all of the big Chinese land, the people of the big man, Wen Dewughang, everyone is dragon! Chu girl?"

"Your Majesty ... so discouraged!"

Chu Qiao Ni said, and the beauty of Liu Wei glanced, and the heart was shocked. It couldn't help but have a different mind, it seems to have seen the admir to see the idol.

If the Hanshan Lee is known, their genius girls have actually worship people, they must be shocked by the eye ...

Among the chaos, people are like a mustard.

Several Wars, the knife soldiers, I don't know how many innocent people are dead, and the road is white.

Only in Yunzhou, Chu Qiao seems to have seen the scenery of the world.

"The people of the big man, can be a dragon ..."

Chu Qiao took a sigh of relief and decided to say that Liu Hao said ...

[Second, stabilize and update, ask for rewards and review ...].

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-nine chapters of ice and snow!

Chu Qiao said excited: "Shengshi in the mouth, makes the world, live in peace, is what Chu Qiao has been pursued!"

In a sense, Chu Qiao's ideals is the world, and the singer will stop. The goal with Liu Wei is the match.

Donned, Chu Qiao continued: "Just don't experience the war, the people, Lin Li, can not create a real one, the Shengshi said, just the moon in the water. Since there is this moon, the Hanshan League is willing to do full, help Your Majesty, create a quicker as soon as possible, but also hope to be kind to the people ... "

Chu Qiao is in the chaos, the child is reversed, and the brutal moves of Liang Guo, West Wei, Bei Yan and other countries.

Therefore, for the opposite Han army, there is a deep feeling.

The world is a big potential, long-term must, compared to the people of Liang Guo, West Wei, etc. ...

"Hey, I will not be returned!"

Liu Wei's slightly movement, unconsciously holding Chu Qiao's hand, solemnly said. 13

Humanity supreme is inevitably people-oriented, Chu Qiao's idea is not so magnificent, but everyone is also the same.

Chu Qiao is brushing, and even the ear of the ear is red, struggling, shame: "Your Majesty, let go ..."

Beauty is a little bit of grievance, but it has increased a few points, and the forefinger is big.

When Liu Hao, he reacted at this time, the two secrets, the big carriage, the two men widowed two people, and there was a mood that can't say.

Chu Qiao's softness, weakness, no bitterness, tacting cool, is perfect.

Liu Wei grazing for a while, it will be released. Chu Qiao has been ashamed to not look up, let alone regard with Liu Wei ...

I suddenly came from outside of Cao Shaoqin's voice: "Your Majesty, the spy paper is a hundred people in the world, all of them have been killed!"


Cao Shaoqin's emotional business, really worry!

In exchange, Li Lianying is present, it must be a silence, first arrange Jin Yiwei to handle the body, then go to the suspected person around you.

Liu Wei angry: "Take a first level, send people to the West Weilian valve, I heard that Yu Wen's husband is the first heavy minister of the West Wei, and give him a sentence, ask him to wash the neck, waiting for him to take him Brain! "


Cao Shaoqin holds a punch, rolling the hawind, and the operation is going to do things.


Chu Chi vomiting, and I thought of Liu Wei between Liu Wei, I suddenly sat down, said: "Your Majesty, Today, That, Chu Chi is not forgotten, wait until the sorrow of the mortgage, the Hanshan League is willing to be ourselus Establishment ... "

After that, Chu Qiao hurriedly left.

The ugliness in today is a bit more, then so, she is afraid of forgetting the identity of the cold mountain, and turned into the fan of Liu Wei.

After the Hanshan League was withdrawn, Today, Pineon was also ended.

When Liu Hao returned, he received a secluded system tip: "Chu Qiao is born at an angle, please, the host is in the East, Northern Vehicles!"

The terrain of this plane, the pattern is different, and it is often called Dong Duo, the northland, like Liang Guo and Nan Chu in the south, and the West Wei and Yanni are in the northland.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, the soldiers have been waiting, it is waiting ..."

Liu Yizhen is calm and begins to organize the war.

After killing the battle, drop a king level to hide the treasure chest.

This hidden treasure chest, only in the ectopic face, there is a small chance to explode, and the things that come out are basically the best.

"Open the king level to hide the treasure chest!"

Liu Wei is very vibrating, and the opening said.

"Hey! The king level hides the treasure chest to open success, congratulate the host, get the ice and snow secret (king level)!"

Ice and Snow Arrow (King Rating) - When the ice is cast into an arrow, when you shoot it, you will melt the arrow, and finally there is only the ice cold arrow, killing people in invisible!

When using the ice and snow arrow, force +3!

Tip: [Need to use the machine to launch!

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