The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1908

The ice and snow arrow is one of Chu Qiao Passing Yu Wenzhao, and it is also a Wen's trousers.

Liu Wei's 10 lines of reading the complete this cheat, the key to practice the ice and snow, it is difficult to say that it is not difficult, mainly the power of the waist and abdomen, the arrow is launched, and then intensive in the arrow, arrow Wearing empty, ice melting, arrow killing people in invisible!

Yu Wenzhi rely on this hand name Lu Lin, Liu Yuxin is a huge thinking: if it abuses the arrows, the last thing is not invisible, invisible, the naked eye is difficult, isn't it true? The murder is in invisible! ?

Liu Wei thought of trying to try, take a while, the ground is snowing, a crystal clear ice and snow arrow has fallen into Liu Wei's palm.

I don't need anything, Liu Wei turns on the wrist, the ice and snow is ejected outside the window 313, this time, the inner strength on the arrow is turned to the masculin, the ice and snow began to ablate, only one thing left !


The tree of an ancient tree on the side of the road, I was shot a big hole by this invisible arrow!


The flowers opened their mouths, smashed the eyes, couldn't believe their eyes!

If it is not seen, he will never believe that there is such a terrible martial art in this world!

This arrow is quiet, Mei Chang Su is also sigh: "Don't say it is the first master of the , even if the top ten masters are added, who can block such a stunning arrow !?"


"Congratulations to the host, enlighten the ice and snow, and separated from Fan Cage, homemade martial arts, please be named!"

Liu Wei realized the details of just now. This arrow has been separated from the usual martial arts. When you come out, you will have a ghost to kill the machine, and the middle arrow must be sad ...

"It's called saddle!"

Liu Wei fixed.

[PS: Third, sorry, the next chapter is wrong, not the cold arrow, is the ice and snow, there is a new night, ask for a reward].

The first chapter of the chapter of the cocktime, the praise is shocked!


"Congratulations to the host, homemade and name the emperor success, and the extra reward is 1000 points!"

This is also a small strike.

Liu Yu's mouth hanging a satisfactory radiator, thinking about whether the hierarchy can be promoted to the army.

I want to go, the ice and snow has a certain requirement for the strength of the strength, with the greatness of the Dragon Gong Dynasty, which is currently the Dragon Dragon Gong, can also launch the ice and snow arrow, or the master inside Jinyiwei, maybe you can practice this kill ...

The driver driving to half, the ground crashed, and the direction of Yuncheng came from the rhetoric sound!

"At the end of Mu Nihuang, come to welcome it!"

A woman will take a loudone to the car.

Mu Nihuang, who was originally in the county, is now the female general in the Daxian Tian Feng Jun.

Liu Wei got a closer, and asked quite asked: "Neon, how come you?"

Mu Nikan, the horse, the horse, and concerned: "Your Majesty, you are nothing, Jin Yiwei came to the letter, saying that in Pine Evening ambush, the end of the three thousand Tian Feng Legion, rushing ...... "

Liu Hao smiled and said: "Neon is anxious, but the spy paper is not a Jinyi Wei, all solved ..."

353 "It's okay."

Nelet phrace is put down.

Liu Wei encountered a fire killing in Pineon, and Cao Shaoqin's first time I sent a new Han army to the nearest Han army. The Tian Feng Legion was directly rushed to Ali in Yuncheng.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the cold Mountain League Chu Joe is a rare towel, what is people now?"

In the coming of the car, I didn't find other people's traces, and I didn't find anything else.

Liu Wei said: "Chu Qiao has already gone, but he has reached an agreement with the Hanshan League and , in the future, the Hanshan Leverage can provide help."

"Congratulations on His Majesty ..."

Mu Niki is the leader: "The end will be hope, you can also help your Majesty like Chu Qiao ..."


Liu Yu suddenly opened a big, and even busy comfort: "Nikiwu is extraordinary, it is a wonderful girl in Wanli, and later, it must be used in the soldiers ..."

I have got the praise of people, and the neon phraenic is sweet as sweet, this is showing a smile ...

Hanzhou official road.

Thousands of soldiers wearing a big military uniforms, it is hitting a gorgeous carriage, walking.

This carriage is extremely open, and the rivers are created with pure gold, which is very luxurious, and is a car driving for Liang Guo Royal.

Yu Wang Da Ma Jin knife is sitting in the car, looking around, calming your laugh: "This king has gone to the father's order, supervising Hanzhou, seeing the Hanzhu, and everyone must kill the enemy and have a lot of effort."

One person in the compartment is holding a box: "Yu Wang Temple under the wise god, there is a life of the past, and the Han Dynasty must set the wind and escape.

"Yeah, the 100,000 army of Mongolian general first issued the state, shocking Han Di did not dare to move!"

"Oh, the Summer Summer of the Swage Si Summer has been dispatched. If it is a successful success, you don't have to take the war, and immediately recover Yunzhou, not under the words."

"Your Majesty is a heartbeat, if the Hall of the Hall, this time, this time can stand the merits of the sky, the Eastern Palace, I am afraid that I have to move one ..."

Sitting in the car, of course, the party feathers of the King.

The king is full of red light, and the mouth has revealed a little smile. "Zhuo Xiong, cautious, the monarch is not ruined, the Eastern Palace has no talents, but the father does not open, then he is the East Palace on one day. Dai Jun. "

This reputation called is a great brother, but it is not an ordinary person.

This person is Zhuo Yutong, the heir of Wulin Shi Tianquan Villa, and the Tianquan swordsman is known as the martial arts, and also in the Langui List.

Zhuo Qing hugged the box: "At the bottom of the grass, no words, there is a number of leave, and you still hope that you don't blame."

King Wang Yu Zhi, I am going to buy people, where I will put these small things in my heart, when I haha ​​smile, said: "With the talents of the brother, this king has reused, do you have a crime?"

"Talking, let's wait for the habiting division to the Shou Han Em, Xia Shouzun, can say that there is no loss!"

The princes in the prince are laughter, but the front official road, but suddenly came from a burst of horseshoes!


Liang Guojun is migrant, and the horse is coming, and it is said: "The famous king is in the Hall!"

The laughter of everyone in the carriage, suddenly solidified.

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