The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2105 of the Three Kingdoms

"Congratulations to the host, kill Kangxi Emperor, the extra reward 40,000 points, the extra reward value is 100,000 points," forty-two chapters "* 1, please continue to work hard!"

Kangxi Emperor is dead, suddenly pays a big worship value and merit award, Liu Wei glances at the progress of the task, the ultimate mission, and it has been advanced.

The horizontal glance, the remaining defendings, basically all the Qing court is dead, Liu Wei has no interest in playing to wash, put a hand, directly under the order.

Wang Chongyang, the male sheep feather and others, it is shocked, the temple is shocked, the Qing court is in front of the guard, the screams are mourning, not in the ear!

The year, as a way of the road, I looked at Liu Hao's iron and blood, and I was a heartbeat, and I was fortunate to drop the big man early.

Liu Wei is a step, it seems that I think about it, I asked: "Qianlong ... Where is the House of Xinjue Luo Hongli?"

The year is full of heart, and I know that Liu Wei will start with Hiroshi, and I will hold my best, hold the boxing: "Chen understand!"

This guy's understanding is still still, a little, it is better to do this, but Liu Yizhen nodded, and I told: "Xie Xuan, you will lead the dragon, all, one Can't go! "

"Lower minister, obey!"

Xie Xuan stood.

The year, I and Xie Xuan led the Dragon Camp.

"Forty-two chapters of eight, where is it?"

Liu Wei took the brown eyebrows. This eight flag military general has almost killed it, and it has been exploding, and there is a few, there is no shortprint.

Under the court, Liu Hao will take the second-end head of Jinyi Wei Dongfeng. See you. "

There is a mistake, no one, try more, always correct.


The cloth is also a life.

Yue Fei led the back of the army to control the entire Shengjing situation, and the Forbidden City is also everywhere. It is a big man. Distribution, Liu Wei naturally became the master of the Forbidden City, and all kinds of bloody bodies, naturally we must clean up.

In this way, Liu Wei is free, bored, open your own storage space, and I saw a treasure chest of the king of the king, it is the one of Haida ...

"System, open the king's treasure box!"

Liu Wei opened.

This king is a treasure chest, the pale golden light is turning, open, and there is a fainted ancientity ...

[Second, stabilize and update, ask for a reward, what?].

The first thousand nine hundred one ten chapter last verse puzzle!


"Congratulations to the host, won the king rating cheats, and the bones palm!"

Chemusting (King Level) - The poison is extreme, murder in invisible!

When the force is 100 or less, the cultivation is great, the force is permanent +3, suddenly broke out, force +2!

"Inverter is a small best ..."

Liu Wei flipped the cheats, and the sweep of the ten lines was slightly nodded.

This martial arts, walking is the number of roads, after the bones, hitting the enemy, starting, but after the two hours, the palm of the palm will be soft, It is everywhere, the organte is broken, it is miserable, saving it.

This level of martial arts, Liu Wei is just martial arts, may be heartbroken, now it seems that there is not much interest to practice, only draw the essential mandabork.

Little Guizi. "

The busy group turned the little Guizi heard Liu Wei's summons, the fart butt ran, and 13 asked: "Lower minister, what else is there?"

"This palm, take it well."

Liu Hao lost his hand to the small guilty with the cheats of the pranks and lost.

Little Guizi child is entry into the palace, the body is pure, and the scorpion boy is more interested in turning his skills to pure yin.

"The martial arts cheats who shot down, must be extraordinary!"

Xiao Guizi has passed the cheats, but it is like a treasure, and the heart is excited. It will be worshiped, and the same is the same, and the loudly said: "Lower minister must practice, kill the enemy for your future!"

"Small Guizi has been inherited, interesting!"

Liu Yu's mind is turned, it smiles, said: "You go, pass Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Mei Chang Subao's military division to come to the palace."

"Lower minister, obey!"

Little Guizi got up and fooled, didn't take long, Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Mei Chang Sushu people in the palace.

"Meet the Emperor of the Emperor, Long live you old!"

In the Qing Dynasty, the big man worshiped, and the mountain was long.

"Get up."

Liu Wei's Da Ma Jin knife sat alone, put a hand, and said.

At this time, Dry Temple, standing with the big man, the red light is full, the spirit is exciting, and since the mountain customs will take a soldier, kill the millions of four thousand flags, and the violet ban, this is a good record, let people have a kind of saying that the big man Pride and joy ...

Mei Chang Su Erlawed wide big sleeves, , take the lead: "Your Majesty, the military machine has come to the news, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong two collections, the army is 500,000, killing the boasting!" "

Listening to this news, there is a piece in the temple.

Liu Wei stunned, and smiled and said: "Zhang Li two thief, the ambition is not small, but if you want to take it, you can make a water and water, you can make a mistake!"

Guo Jiazhen has a short need, condensed: "This two thief, wear all the people, known as the big army, the fact is the public, just send one member, you will be defeated!"

Zeng Guofan and Zuo Zongtang have nodded Qi Qi, which is well.

He and Zuo Zongtang have smashed the Xiangjun, and he has played several people with Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong's righteous army. The result is a lot of defeat, if it is not Liu Wei with the Thunder, it is flat, and maybe Zhang Xianzhong. With Li Zicheng has been knocked out ...

Everyone discivalent is half-rang, which is unanimously decided to give troops, and Liu Wei board decided:

"Qi Jiguang, Zuo Zongbiao, point Qi Qi, with Daxue Cangwang as a pioneer, Dragon Scales Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry Welcome Zhang Li Erlum!"

"The end will, obey!"

Qi Jiguang and Zuo Zongbiao have hugged his hand.

Liu Wei took the foot of the United States, the whole of the Shengjing Dynasty, there was a big earthquake.

Four Wangfu.

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