The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2106 of the Three Kingdoms

Love Xinjue Luo Hong Li, which is the future Emperor Qianlong. At this time, it is like the ants on the hot pot, scared to the extreme.

The unexpected troubles, the worship of the four Wangfu fleeted more than half, only a few faithful slaves of Fu Kang'an, but also guarded around him.

"Walk! Walk right away! You must escape from the Forbidden City, Shengjing is over!"

Have to say, Hongli is not a big age, but there is already the image of Xiongxiong, forcibly stabilizing his emotions, mind and electricity, decided: "Packed up soft, out of the city, escape from, returning to Changbai Mountain ... Zu Zong once speech Long Zu Xing Changbai Mountain, where we love Xinjue Luo's biggest secret treasure, you can re-condense the dragon, come to the day in the Central Plains! "

Fukang is busy, I don't talk about it. "Where is the master going, the slave is followed, come to the day, but also the Central Plains!"

When these people are picking up gold and silver, there is a clear laugh outside: "I still want to escape? I will take it!"

I waved in the year, Xie Xuan scattered with the banned army of Longku Camp, will die around the whole four Wangfu, the Suzaki gods have been string, and the Wangfu, Heavenly underground, the cold murder unlimited!

Hong Li is pushing the door, seeing the situation outside the door, as if there is a cliff, an ankle, a pin is sitting on the ground, the heart is full of fear and horror ...


"Congratulations to the host, Xie Xuan Yixiang kill Fu Kang'an, life, the legend, the extra reward 2000 points, the extra reward value is 4000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, got" forty-two chapter "* 1!"

"Congratulations to the host, won 120" forty-two chapters "* 1!"

With a series of system prompts, this future, the Qing Emperor Qianlong, also officially became a prisoner of Liu Wei, eight forty-two chapters, and finally collected seven.

Liu Wei is not interested in Qianlong, but it is a little curious about this mysterious reward in this "forty-two chapter".

According to the plot in Lu Ding, this should be a mysterious treasure in Changbai Mountain in Changbai Mountain. The legend is the secret of the Qing Dynasty.

Liu Wei frowned: "The system, I have already dig three feet of the whole water, how is it still less, this is a good!?"

Like collecting Dragon Ball, only the collection of eight scripts can be effective, only seven, is a pile of waste paper.

System: "Consumption of 20000 Worship value, get the latest task tips, do the host consume?"

"Hold the grass, black ... The darkness of the real mother!"

Liu Yu face a black, open mouth: "Direct consumption of worship, get task tips!"

This time, in the past, I have just stepped on the purple city, and the worship is also rich. These 20,000 worship values ​​will be used as a tax bill!

"The last" forty-two chapter ", it is ..."

[Third, stable and updated, ask for subscription and reward ...].

Chapter 111, Double King, talk about the dragon!

Tip: [The last "forty-two chapter"


Liu Wei heard the words, this last forty-two chapter, actually in Li Zicheng! ?

But thinking about it, Li Zicheng is the biggest rebellion, with the Qing court for many years, but also once killed Shengjing, said that a unlucky Qing court royal family, I got this last one After books ...

Liu Hao darkly said: "It seems that it will find a way, from this king's hand, the last book!"

Shengjing south, 30 miles.

The military big camp.

One light is like a bean, the billing candle is shaking, faintly reflected a high majestic figure, before the timing case, it is like a book.

In the Military Trunar, the prostitute, the Tiangong Hong Xiuquan, opened the king of the king, and traditiond it into the king of the king, said: "Big Brother, the current war is currently, what do you see?"

Li Zicheng collapsed the "forty-two chapter", and said: "This is the story of the fantry of the Qing court in the Prince of Qing Ting, and it is related to the secret of the Qing Dynasty. Casting Wang Dynasty is eternal, but unfortunately don't solve it! "

Hong Xiuquan smiled: "Haha, the dynasty is eternal? Comic ... 357 ... The Qing court is now done by the Han army, saying that the big brother can sit on the Forbidden City Long Ting, and I have to have a prince!"

Li Zicheng shook his head: "To enter Shengjing, it is necessary to face the Han army soldiers. Zeng shaved his head and Zuozi, this is all in the big man, it can be seen that it will have someone else. "

I'm going to have a few degrees, I almost sat in the Forbidden Dragon Ting, and the dog is like a dog. It is called a contemporary legend. Hong Xiuquan is deeply attacked. When I nod, I chest, I'm afraid of him. What, if the Han army dares to come, ten eight-nine and the Qing army is very hurt, and hundreds of thousands of people are swarming, but they don't leave them. "

During the speech, there was a noisy sound in the outside.

Li Zicheng has changed his face, and Hawran stands up. "Is it the Han army?"


Hong Xiuquan is shrinking, and the two are amazed. I only see a scavenger and run, and I am very ridiculous: "Yu Wang, bad ... The Han army killed, and the Xi Wang army played! "

"Go, go see!"

Li Zicheng and Hong Xiuquan are in the hearts, and they will hang it, and the weapons will go straight to Zhang Xianzhong's big camp.

When the army rushed to Zhang Xianzhong's big camp, he only heard the bill of business. When you walked around, there did not have half a Han army soldier 's portrait, but the West Wang Zhang Dianzhong was in the big thunder:

"His Made! A group of waste, so many people, even grain and grass can't see!? Li Dingguo, roll out!"

"Xiwang, General Li ... Li General will die ..."

A person who will look like, very wolf, want to cry, tears: "Han army ... Han army mount, all the snowy wolves, come to the wind, fierce, we don't see clearly , Grain is giving a rocket to a rocket ... "

Everyone in the West Army, obviously have auxiliary, loud and:

"Yeah! Xi Wang, the Han army is too terrible!"

"It's really a wolf. It's fast to run, and you will open the bloodpine. Li General Ma is slow, and it is directly chasing it ..."

"The Han army can drive a wolf, it is difficult to help !?"

Zhang Xianzhong listened to the front of the green gluten, and saw Li Zicheng and others on the side of the side. It was even more red, which smashed the knife, and killed it!

"I have lost grain, you should kill!"

Zhang Xianzhong handwear into the sheath, cool, the western army, no one dares to say half of the sentence.

"Good fierce!"

Li Zicheng and others have a little frowned, say Zhang Xianzhong's sexual violent, Sure enough, the general of himself, say killing!

Zhang Xianzhong Shen Sheng said: "Where is the king to Zhang Mou in the middle of the night?"

Li Zicheng has not spoken, Hong Xiu is holding boxing: "Today, the West Wang Dadian is for you, I am the two, the army of anti-Han, at this time, the Han army is big, the soldiers are all, if it does not set two power, attack and defense , I am only afraid that I will have a soldier, I must pay for the Han army! "

Although Zhang Xianzhong violent, it is not a brainny man. When I got it, I said: "In this case, please enter the inner narrative!"

Everyone came to the west army account, and Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng took the master position, the rest of the people, quarreling and half, but noisy, no one can persuade who.

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