The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Edition 2120

You don't have to rope. Liu Wei is moving, and then goes down the cliff. The Han army who stands in the crater is exclaimed. From the top down, Liu Wei is directly moving toward the endless and deep.

It is about to fall to dozens of feet, Liu Wei's feet falls on a flat place, and immediately launches Tiandi Dragon and begins to observe the environment below.

It is already in the volcanic, the sulfur sulfur spicy nose, more strong, the cliff wall is red, the whole space is full of burning breath, which seems to be inside a steam.

However, it is the case of Liu Wei, and it has already been cold and not invaded. This day, the earth's oven has no effect on him.

"This is the end of the termination point to the god-level mission, and there is a difference in the different, the aura is almost a few times outside ..."

Liu Wei feels the heavens and the earth, and it has been found that the speed of the heavens and the earth is usually a few times. If it is in this place, it is very common.

"Wait, what is the cliff on the wall !?"

Looking around, Liu Wei saw the wall of the cliff, and it was full of murals.

There is a giant road anger, there are 10,000 battles, millions of iron blood, galloping the battlefield, sweeping the wind, Xuanwu and Suzaki, a foot walk, swallowing thousands of miles, a flying on nine days, exhibition .

The fillar seems to be drawn on the ridicity of the ancient scriptures, it is a hand of one person, looks at it, it seems to be an ancient battlefield, suddenly come over, Liu Wei even heard the corner of the cold. Military army in the battlefield, generous and sorrowful, bloody!

Liu Wei, who was resulted in Zunshui, is also full of shock: only the murals of the ancient battlefield, it is so shocked, if it is true ancient battlefield, how is it?

In short, the person who draws this mural is accompanied by Danqing, at least the sacred level.

These murals of these ancient battlefields are magnificent, and it is a kind of desolation.

In this manner, it is like a person who is killing in the ancient deer. Liu Yizhen watched the captive for a long time, shook his head and sighed: "The ancient cavity, it is really powerful ..."

Million of the iron blood, every soldier is a person who is a person, and there is a mad battle.

The big man in the moment is still in the early stage. It has not arrived in this point, but the birth of the Qiao Long, Tengda is on nine days, then the winning and negative will not say ...

Join the heart, Liu Wei began to ring the wall of the cliff, found a stone monument to stand, stare, wrote "Nurhar Qiqi Eight flags, the latter people see it, the first 100 times" a big word.

Nurhachi is also a generation of people, creating eight flag soldiers, if it is not Liu Wei to tap the timeline, the eight flag soldiers stepped into the Zhongyuan Mountain River, has been fixed.

"Leave such nonsense, really awkward scenery!"

This is like the future people left "XXX to this tour" in the tourist attractions, and they are born. Liu Wei looked at the eyes, and the sleeves were ignorant, and they launched it, wipe this stone monument. Being flat.

The stone monument became a debris, and there was no sound of endless and deep, and there was no sound. It was very seepaged. Liu Wei is a look, seeing the bottom of the stone monument, seems to have an ancient volume.

The ancient iron blood wars ride: iron ride is eight wild, sword sweeps six!

Observing this volume, which makes it about 0-5 points, and the cavalry fighting force is given additional improvement, the specific effect, and the people's qualifications!

Rating: Pseudohen 310!

I saw this ancient ribbling roll roll, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded:


"Congratulations to the host, the world's supreme god mission is completed, gains a reward: the blood battle ride, the third floor of the merits will be opened later, please know!"

"Finally finished!"

Liu Wei did not stand a breath, read the iron blood battle, and had a good understanding. The system's prompt sound came back: "Congratulations to the host, enlighten the brilli ride, the price +4, and all the cavalry fighting power increase 12 %, Accompanying the blood of the blood, can be upgraded! "

Grip! ?

Liu Wei glanced at myself, my heart is slightly happy ...

120, intelligence 110, politics 100, no value 103, charm value 113, Tao 99, talent 95!

The rate attribute, the final breakthrough is one hundred, I don't know what rewards!

This Nurhachi, it is certainly walking the dog, inadvertently hitting this place, in this iron battle ride, I enlifted the cavalry warfare, and set the eight flag soldiers, sweep the world, and create a dynasty.

No wonder, Changbai Mountain buried a big treasure of the country, there is the secret of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing court faded, and the eight flags can come back.

[Second, stabilize and update, ask for reward ...].

Chapter 1126, Zhu Feng advanced, a thousand kilograms of gravist!

This ancient iron riding method is too big for cavalry fighting. It is too big. Billion gold and silver money is not enough to make strong countries. Only there can be, in the world, there is no enemy's unreliable iron ride, can be considered Treasure.

Now the rear of the ancestors of the Qing court, and it was also destroyed by Liu Hao. Liu Wei was more unfair to raise the iron blood war roll in the Jiangshan Society, if it is not the ancient painting of the cliff, even if you want to take this whole cliff wall ...

"Strange, this is the mission of God, how to finally reward only pseudohen level?"

At the time of Shen, there is a deep endless heart, and it boys it.

"The volcano has to break out !?"

Liu Hao's brain has just emerged, there is an endless magma that is infinite flaming, wrapped in a madness and saga, from the end of the endless and deep,

The temperature in the air has improved many in an instant, and this high temperature environment, even if the refined steel block falls into it, it is necessary to integrate into the iron juice.

Fortunately, Liu Wei took the Yulong Shield to protect the body, the emperor shielded, otherwise he was only afraid of the hair clothes, all have to be burned.

Choo Choo Choo!

When Liu Wei is ready to directly, the little in the storage space is not clear, and the 280 land flies out from Liu Wei's storage space.

"little guy!"

Liu Wei shouted, but it was no longer to stop, and it was not broken, and the speed was extremely fast, and the radius did not enter the melt.

"Don't have anything ..."

Seeing that the melt has gradually boiling, Liu Yao is cool, and the choice of not hesitating consumes a mysterious god show.

"The host consumes 100,000 worships, using Xuanwu Shilun, absolute defense, the current number of times is 1/3!"


The Xuanwu Shenmun has successfully opened. On the void, the vain of the Xuanwu Beast is fascinating, and the Qing dynasty, and it will cover the whole mountain. At the same time, the murry is in a deep thing, the melt is like the giant of the sleep, Chaotian anger.

There is absolute defense of the body, Liu Wei turned and poured toward the crater, anyway, rewards have been in place, thirty-six strategies are going to the best!

After the body, the molter is chaotic, such as the river, caught up, burn one by Liu Wei's vain, chasing behind Liu Wei, rushing out of the crater ...

The crater.

The banned army of Da Hanlong, facing this miracle, all of the church silent.

In the face of this sudden outbreak, the vast world is great, everyone is stunned!

Xie Xuan has already shocked to say, he deeply sucking a breath, said: "His Majesty is waiting for it, it is only dead today!"

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