The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2121 of the Three Kingdoms

The Jiuzhao sound sword is soasted, and the dragon is tallless.

"May I go to the fire in the fire, don't speak!"

Dragon Camp is also a military army, and it is also awkward.

Even if it is the sky, it is necessary to burn eight shortcomings, and they are not overlined, and they are born as a pawn, and they are died for the soul.

Xie Xuan gods, I was going to stream towards the volcanic, but I saw a human shadow and went wrong, I was down, and I took over his shoulders, and I went out.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing ?!"

Xie Xuanxin is big, and quickly retreat.

Liu Wei is a dignified, and he is too late to say, directly ordered: "Go! Leave here."

There is Xuanwu Shenzun to resist the burst of molten, Liu Wei is only afraid of another danger, and he does not dare to be more than the volcanic mouth, directly with Xie Xuan and others go down.

Everyone has rushed all the way, after two, finally separated from the area of ​​volcanic eruptions.

"Small, don't have something ..."

Liu Wei took a unnamed lonely, browned micro-wrinkle, and the volcano of the ninety-nine central volcano, and the Xuanwu fictine is still in the volcano, and Zhu Fengbird did not enter the melt, but he lived. I don't know.

Between the god, there is a long-awaited dragon camp to the army soldier, the eyes are round, and Zhang Da has a mouth, calling: "Your Majesty, fast ... Quick watch!"

Watching away, the center volcano has come up with a bright Fengming.

little guy!

Liu Wei's appearance, Tian Dynasty, the Tiandong is running, and I found the central volcano, there is a red peat bird, the fire is flying, and I have passed a burst of phoenix!

"This ... What is this?"

"Birth is born, is this the beast Phoenix?"

"Unlike a phoenix, it is like the monkey bird that is the godbird ... Soon, it's coming!"

In everyone's exclusive, the red peat bird, a few laps in the air, as if I should have, and rumored to the direction of Liu Wei.

"Good speed, is it ..."

Liu Hao quietly turned the Tiandi Dragon, and heaven and earth, and the Zhu Fengshen bird flying in the distance is a familiar atmosphere ...

It's a little bit!

Zhu Fengbird originally, the size of Liu Wei, now has a lot of body shape, and foot is originally several times, and there is already a mint of the Shuque God, and the gas is hovering, the body is red. The feathers are shaking, and there are some melting drops, falling on the ground, burning a black hole, and smoke.

Dragon Camps, they are so stunned ...

These ninety-nine volcanic groups, for the mortal, is extremely dangerous, there is a life of life, but for Zhu Fengbird, it is a large firing of the bones.

"the host!"

It is a little bit of filling, and I didn't expect a little bit of love, and I was shocked by Liu Wei!

"Zhu Feng Bird advanced, it seems to have been greatly fortified, the spirit is open, can communicate with the knowledge ... , this is something ..."

Liu Wei smashed, at this time, I found that the small paws, holding a simple and eager mouth ...

After the hand, I will take this kind of turtle, after I started, Liu Wei only felt that the hand sank, this piece is not the size of the turtle, it is like the mountains of the mountains!

"At least a thousand kg, what is this !?"

Liu Wei is secretly surprising, the system prompts sound suddenly ...

[Third, stable and updated, ask for subscription and reward ...].

The first thousand nine hundred and twenty-seventh chapter supreme god reward, the third floor of the merits tower is open!


"Congratulations to the Lord, got the Xuanwu Shenmun, please continue to work hard, set the Xuanwu Shenmunjia fragment, reverse the creation, can renew the Xuanwu Shilun!"

Debris rating: Pseudohen rating!

Above this broken turtle, the passage is dark, as if there is a pre-Qin ancient font, Liu Hao didn't expect that this is actually the fragment of the sacred sacred sacred shield!

This allows Liu Wei to think of the murals in the wild, the ancient kills, murderous, and endless gods, the murals, the end of the murals, and even the martial arts beasts were crackled to the mouth. Suzaku is a broken wings, and it is fierce ...

What is the strong battle! ?

"No matter, the benefits go to the hand, the other thinks, there is no need ..."

Liu Wei got a closer, smashed a small head, and the heart suddenly felt.

Taoist live people have been speaking, Zhu Fengbird advanced, it is also difficult, now the opportunity is coincident, successful advanced, future period!

Small, it seems that Liu Wei is a loved ones, and the relatives have smashed the hand on Liu Hao, with God: "The master, here is going to get big, still hurry."

This little guy came out from the barefrom, Xie Xuan and Long Yu camp made him as a world of the world, full of respect.

Look at the ninety-nine volcanoes, as if they have been traged by the central volcano, the atrial riots, and the signs of boiling outbreaks.

The protection time of Xuanwu Shenmun is about to pass, Liu Hao immediately ordered, first leaving Changbai Mountain again.

This will come to treasure hunt according to the rules of the rules, which is full.

The radius of the onset of the ancient iron blood wars can be upgraded. For the improvement of the big man's war, it is difficult to estimate, and then the Zhu Feng Shen Bird's advanced, and I have to break the Xuanwu Turtle.

As for the volcano broke out, after I got, you can give you a flood! ?

Liu Wei led Xie Xuan and Dragon Camp, once in the night, took out the long-term range.

"Small, how did you fly out, go to the bottom of the heart, what did you see?"

Among the way, one bird is being communicated in the car.

Liu Hao has been curious, Zhu Feng Shen bird is clearly sleeping in the storage space, I don't know why I get out, after falling into the magma, I have to make it.

"The owner, there was a strange attraction at the time, guiding me flying, there was a horrible force in the magma, I slept in the depths of the green, suddenly drawing inexplicable power ... this The broken turtle, is in the heart, feeling that there is a lot of treasures on the owner, I will bring it back ... "

Zhu Feng god the birds were full, and the mouth was swallowed with an anodia.


Liu Wei's heart is slightly, takes the fire of Zhu Fengbian's flaming, with a prize.

When I really didn't have a small guy, I took the Xuanwu Shenjia shield for one, although it was just a fragment, but after all, it was the best in the dedicator. Zhu Fengbird has also been created, completed the first advancement, This blood is earned!

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