The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2170 of the Three Kingdoms


Fang Jiexin shocked, fiercely reversed, but the blade was cut off his helmet ...

"Hey! World ... how can there be so terrible??"

Fang Jie made a dissolved, still retired more than ten meters by Lu Bab, a cold sweat, and the arm was soft, and the shocked.

At this time, the second will come!

Lu Bu did not give him a breath, and the rabbit was shot out, and the essee is rolling as a dragon, and it is an overbearing of the iron blood!


This is a big man, the ghosts are unpredictable, and the right arm of Fang Jie will be smashed.!

Lu Bu, who had a man's head, long thistle: "Who dares to fight with Lu Feng!?"

Before the ridge, the chop is silent!

"Is Wenhou ... Lu Bu Lu first !?"

"Lu Bu, isn't the first fierce in the three countries that year??"

"How can it be him !?"

Fang Launjun is amazing, and the queen of the emperor is suddenly remembered, and the legend of thousands of years will take a breath!

Wen Hou Lu cloth is equivalent to Guan Yu's position in the heart of the man with a horses.

There is a sentence called Guan Gong's dance big knife, laughing, although the gods are invincible, but it is also the same reason.

"Stars change, hundreds of years ago, the characters, now!"

Fang Yizhen got a white sweat and looked yelled: "Mingjin took the troops, retreat quickly!"

Such a terrible Han army is simply a monster, with this group of monster fires, it is really unhappy, Fang Yizheng is holding heavy, pulling a pro-team, rush: "Fast flying pigeons to the Shenggong, big things is not good ! "

The voice did not fall, outside six hundred steps, there is a Han to shout:

"Watch the arrow!"

I am awakened the larna of Xiao Li Guang's title, the arm is light, take the string string, the finger is a loose, and the string is broken, such as the meteor, one arrow, the quarter.

Fang Yi should be angry, the person on the side of the person is scared, this is what the arrow, even the enemy's figure has not seen it, it has been taken ...

"The whole army army!"

Zhou Yu naturally won't let such an opportunity, the handsome flag is moving, the Dafan Legion began to launch a slap.

Don't move like a mountain, a moving like a Thunder, shocking nine days!

Yunling is close, a bloody slaughter is being staged.

Suzhou, frontline battlefield.

In the past few days, Fang La and the Northern Song Dynasty army killed in the dim, and the sun and the moon were light.

The fire of hundreds of thousands of troops, the knife guns are not angry. Some of the right things that are rushed to Liangshan, the Han Dynasty, but Square has paid a painful price, and the eight rides will be killed by Jade Qilin Lu Junyi.

Even the brothers of the Fang Law, were teared by the horror generals.

Fang La Camp.

A red hooded head, panting, ran coming in military account: "Shenggong, big things are not good, the big man strongly attacks the Zhangzhou Lingguan, Huijie will kill the big man Lu Bu, Guan Fang Huang Shu life and death, Yuling Guan Wei, please ask the Shenggong speed to be aided! "


This news is like a bombing, and everyone's head is a burst of his head.

[Fourth, stabilize and update, ask for subscription and reward ...].

The first ninety-eighth chapter of Song Jiang's fall, Liangshan ended!

"Hey! This ... how is this !?"

"General Fang Jie, a martial art, playing through the south, there is no hanging hand, actually ..."

"My God, Wen Hou Lu cloth ... Isn't that a war god for thousands of years ago, why didn't you die !?"

Everyone in the gathering hall, the lingering, the speech is full of horror and fear of the future.


Fang hate is long, and a punch will bind the rosewood case in front of the wood.

"Military, how is it?"

Wang Gong's old Buddha is coming back and forth in the account, eyebrows, wrinkles, Shen Wei: "For the time of this ... is now the meter, hey! There is only a blockade message, prevent the army from changing, and then design the fire kill Song Bing, The Song Bing of the hit is greatly hurt, then withdraws the troops, keeping Hangzhou ... "

"The big man puts down the ridges, still takes a certain time to control the Zhangzhou, Yizhou is inseparable, and the future is stabilized, otherwise the entire Jiangnan base will fall into a complete collapse!"

Wang Gong's old Buddha 13 is still a little intelligent, and it is very accurate to the situation in the situation.

Inside the two eyes of Fang La, it seems to be burned with a holy fire, biting his teeth: "When the military is governed, he killed back to Jiangnan!"

The ridge is caught, and the whole state is not war.

This news, as if a hurricane, swept throughout Jiangnan.

The whole of the southern tries the great name, 100,000 tigers, across thousands of miles, and built the Huaixi Heart Wang Qing, and it is also in Zhangzhou, and suddenly kills the first place in the South China.

The Northern Song Dynasty, everyone is ecstatic.

"The anti-thief of Fang La, this is unstable, see how he is crazy!"

"The megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload

The people played to celebrate, and the southern Daguantang is also full of red light, caught up, said: "This Han Dynasty has no brain people, a little use, is taken by the principle, Song Gongming, this is good. ! "

Song Jiang's face is excited to rise, and it is said that it is said that the back of the Lawa is shaking. It can be said that the soldiers will have no heart to fight. If it is, it will take the troops to chase, and it will have a big gift. Killer, if you can't kill the square, willing to lead the army! "

If you want to mix the head in the officialdom, it is only desirable, I hope that there is a day to let Song Shenzong see his value, the difference is promoted, and there is no shortcut.

"Good! There is no journal in the army!"

The child is watching, huh, huh, huh, "Just by the Song Jiang collar, be sure to kill the battle!"

The hands and pro soldiers have collected the military order, Song Jiang did not hesitate, at the same name, pressed the handprint.

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