The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Extreme Chapter 2171

When the military conference is scattered, the horrible general of the army is shouting, holding a box: "Tong Shuai, why not send the end, Song Jiang thief is born, it is not a heart, this person can climb, Not preventive! "

"Climbing it onto the top, don't care, fall to yourself ..."

Tong Zong smiled: "As the saying goes, the poor is chasing. This party is a thief, Song Jiang is also a thief, and it is improving the official. Today, this two people have to bite the dog. It is best to fight for you to die, the last military work, only you I am two people, are you not? "

"Tong Shuai means ..."

"Oh! Military people have more miscellaneous, there are several leaks, it is normal."

Triassic eyelids, smiley.

Lingli stone seems to have thought about what, suddenly realized, said: "Tong Shuai is really good, the end will ...."

The moon is high, it is killing the night.

Song Jiang did Qi Liangshan Han Han, with the soldiers, urgent to south, and chasing Square Laojun.

Surprisingly, Fang La seems to know the chasing plan of Songjiang in advance, and I buried a fire in the way.

One of the two sides is anxious, greedy, one has a preparation, with Yiwu, and a bloody battle.

This battle, the king of the Tianshi, the first prizard, the army was in the army of Liangshan Wanjun, with the Thunder, the army, chiseling the Liangshan army array, fierce.

"Song Jiang, you dare to find it, this is all you!"

Fang La Xuan Gong is running, and the eyes are imitation of the two group burning flames. When there is still a few feet from Song Jiang, it suddenly brushed, and a gold knife broke the night sky, and the golden knife danced the dragon.

The bodyguards on Song Jiang's body are roaring: "Hello hurt the public brother!"

This is also the upper number of the Liangshan row, making two large axways, waving as black vibrators.

Then, the strength of Shula is still on Li Wei. After ten tricks, the gold knife flipped, and the black rotation was built into two pieces. Song Jiang is boosted, and it is about to retreat.

"Where to go!"

Fang Fang once again violently, and the knife was worried, and he was directly smashed by Liang Shan Ku Song Songjiang!

"Hate! I have not yet ... I haven't achieved great cause, I am going to die here ..."

Song Jiang's head flew up, but his eyes were very strong, and he did not dare to confuse the heaven and earth, and the consciousness finally broke ...

Although Song Jiang is unfolded by Liangshan Qun, but it is not his martial art, it is a changing, and there should be a robbery ...

The smart multi-star Wu used on the side, 287 scared liver and gentle, the head did not dare to return, and the horse fled to escape.

As the saying goes, there is no one to use the book. Wu is not to say that the hands are not boundless, but the top more will play a few small soldiers, "can be the opponent of Square, the opponent

Fang Lang double eyes like a fireball, just saw Wu used in chaos from flustered, and slammed the horse and chased it, and the arm was light, grabbed the chicken, and the Wu is tipped in the air.

Wu's face is pale, struggling, screaming: "It is impossible, impossible, you ... how can you know this plan !?"

"Zhido Star Wu is used? You should go to the road, let you make a clear ghost ..."

Fang La smiled: "There is a session of Suzhou Jianghu forces, you will die together!"

At this time, Jade Qilin Lu Junyi kicked out from the chaos, cruel: "Helling hurts the military!"

It's a pity that he is slow, and the square wax arm is lucky. When you click, you will break Wu's neck, and the body of Wu's body will be discarded.

Before Wu was killed, his eyes were blended, and the last sentence was said to Lu Junyi, and he did not die ...

[The first morning, the stable update, ask for a subscription, what?].

The first nine hundred and eighty-one chapter will be like a cloud! Yu Qilin is coming!

"Be careful!"

Failed to listen to the last sentence of Zhido, Lu Junyi's forehead, and the fingers of the steel gun were bones, and they were a shot. The gun tip is like a snowfall, the volume dance is empty, and the Square of the Square Mainland will be on the horse.

Fang La also noticed Lu Junyi, laughed: "I heard that Hebei Yu Qilin Lu Junyi Wucong Liangshan first, this Song Jiang is just a small villain, how can I get to the brothers, why not cast this seat, together to play Jiangshan , Kill the dog, don't hurt, I got the mountain, this seat is a shoulder king, share endless wealth! "

"Killing Liangshan brothers, must kill!"

Lu Junyi bite his teeth and said.

"Today, vows, if you don't kill you, call a day!"

Song Jiang and Wu were doing a few decades of the liver and gallbladder. Lu Junyi was forced to be in Liangshan, but it was helpless, saying that the hand and foot brothers have passed, but since Liangshan, it is the same brother, then they want to replace them. Revenge, this is a great righteous!


Yu Qilin Lu Junyi has retired, and the long guns in the hands dance, such as mowing the thief soldiers in front of the grass, and the Mingzun Holy Galas have killed a group.

These two people have come to a very high realm, and the knife gun touches 250 hits in the air. The sound of the golden iron, such as the dragon, the tiger, and the wavy wave is scattered, such as a shower shore.

The two have killed more than 50 rounds, still in a victory, the Liangshan Chao Army suddenly had a ride, rushing: "Lu Dynasty brother, the second wave of the thief is coming!"

This person is the golden gun in Liangshan Hanan will be Xu Ning, and it is also the master inside the scorpion 36.

The ear is like a tide, Lu Junyi knows that the revenge today is no hope, and it is not a love battle, and Xu Ning and others will go back.

Fang Ligui sent Lu Junyi and others to escape the back of the chaos, as a coach, naturally, it is necessary to overcome the global, not brain, and the big game is inherited, Lu Junyi retreats, and finally the unlimited killing of the eye, but called Fang Quite jealous.

Yu Qilin Lu Junyi's Hebei invincible prestigious, not blowing out, no three two three, how can I sit in Liangshan second chair?

However, killing Song Jiang, Wu, the entire Liangshan system is a group of dragons, and it is completely collapsed and has not been known, and it is also a broken child.

"One does not stay, all killed!"

Fang Lao has a gold knife, which is alive.

This battle, although hundreds of thousands of tens of thousands of troops can't attack each other, it is better than Liu Yizhen.

It is also a battle with special meaning.

It is almost a serious battle in Liangshan, and the brothers of the ninth. It has killed more than a dozen, and some of the corpse is not coming back. Some disappears are in the chaos, I don't know how to live.

The most important thing is that Tianchu Xing Song Jiang and Tianxitian Wu are used, and there will be a battle to die. There are less than these two leading characters. The old department is not covered, Liangshan will fall!

Lu Junyi led the people to kill the heavy, and the wind and electric movements took the road, and the ear of the ear was finally gradually, and it was already in the relatively safe jungle.

Seeing only hundreds of rides on the side, Lu Junyi Yi Xue Xiao Zo, Ziguan, said: "The loss of this day, tired tens of thousands of troops folded once, public miserable death, all of them!"

"One point, I always want to do it."

God machine military division Zhu Wu shook his head, frown: "Now I want to come, the matter is still big, the child has just ordered, only a few people in the account, after returning, Song Gongming is a soldier horse, Wu is immediately fixed, Chasing overnight ... "

"According to the truth, all the links are unlucky, absolutely impossible to leak news, how to be a servant's first knowledge, just killing our army?"

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