The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2201 of the Three Kingdoms

"Xiao Tai is also, it's great!"

"Only Xiao Tai Man is eligible to solve the strillion of martial arts!"

"The first person in Shenzhou, Xiao Qiushui out, the group is convinced!"

However, the group of groups is hard to know what happened, but he heard the name of Xiao Qiushi, suddenly sensational.

Just hand to the sword, Shenzhou sinister, and will fight for 3,000 miles.

[Fourth, stable and updated, ask for reward, seeking support ...].

The twenty-two chapter of the wind smile Shenzhou Emperor!

If there is anyone in the rivers and lakes called Li Shenzhou's enemy, only Xiao Qiushui is one!

This is a legend and a myth.


When Li Shengzhou stepped out, Tibetan Basishe said, there was a compassionate Buddha.


On the small room, the Buddha clock inherited for hundreds of years, and she fringed.

As if there is a Buddha whispering in the sky, there is a lot of tension atmosphere on the field.

"Shaolin Temple, unknown Sweeping Old?"

Liu Haoji picks, the look is moving, and I feel that the old man who is going out from the Tibetan Scriptures.

With the Buddha's true words, resisting the overbearing boxing of Li Shenzhou, this is the true hidden master of Tianlong.

"The land of the murder is second only to the Han Hall, it is better to put down the butcher knife, and it is shore. If it is in the future, it can be greatized."

The unknown old white eyebrows 13 low, it looks like a candle in the wind, but there is no one who is not a little.

Even the Shaolin Temple will be a bit awkward and surprised; when is the temple, there is such a big master, but it is really timely, just able to live in the field!

"Old monk, do you dare to block me?"

Li Sheng Zhou Zhu is a lot of it.

There is no name: "Everything is a law, such as a fantastic bubble. Killing is empty, hegemony is empty, lonely, everything is empty, only put it down, you have to free."

The Buddha's positive peace is peaceful, and the soul is peaceful, and it is very uncomfortable, almost wants to shave and convert to the Buddha.

"Buddha door bald, can I nail me!?"

Li Shengzhou looked smiled: "Dare to block me, I will kill God, and if I blocked me, I will be a Buddha!"


Li Sheng Zhou, a punch, a shocking thunder, scoring the Buddha, and the unnamed elderly could not help but retreat, as if this world, only Li Shenzhou was left.

These two big master's confrontation, or take advantage of Li Shuza to occupy the wind, and the unknown old brow moves, and the silence is like old trees.

"Shenhou wins."

Liu Hao is still calm, not moving, just smiling at ruthless and other people.

At this time, the scene is on the scene. Zhu Ge Shen Hou Li beat the king, Li Shengzhou challenges Xiao Qiushui, and the result is blocked by the unknown old, but I don't know why Xiao Qiushui has no appearance.

Zhuge Shen Hou and the desiper king Chu Xiang Yu two people have killed each other, hit the three hundred tricks, but also played the real fire, Zhuge Shen Hou's arrival of the door, with a stunning shot, hard to win the knot.

"Three things!"

Zhuge Shenhou has made Chu Xiangyu, opposed Liu Hao, said: "After this, the world is no longer excluding the king! Junchen righteousness, the way you are, you are a big sin, it is ordered today. You are the king of the king, you are intended! "

I just overweave the desiper king, Zhuge God Hou's war is in the peak, it must be sent, there is a kind of heroicity. Today, the true protagonist of Shenzhou Heroes, or Liu Wei, everyone's eyes are in Liu Wei, and it seems that he faces the challenge of Zhuge Shen Hou, what choices will be made, even Li Shenzhou stopped.

Liu Wei shook his head, laughing: "Shen Hou martial arts is extraordinary, the heart is wide, but

After saying, Liu Wei slowly stood up from the red chair of the red gold, and said: "Today, he wants to take the world, and Shen Hou has the talented land ... However, now, the gentleman is like a pearl dark, buried The abyss, is it a pity? "

Donned, Liu Wei continued: "If it can be , in the peerlessness, help the power of the world, clear the world, lying into the world, for the class, the world, the world, is not fast!"

Zhuge Shenhou shakes his head: "Junchen Avenue, you can't bear the negative, it seems that it seems to be done, if the old man is fortunate, he also hopes that the Han Lord will return to Jingcheng with the old man, accept Zhaofeng."

"In this case, then it will be."

Liu Wei smiled slightly, stepped out of the front.

Zhuge Shen Hou should insist on the Junchen Avenue, loyal to the second, Liu Wei wants to be a river, sweep eight shortage, no one has their own truth, unswerving, at this time, there is no virtue, it is not a key factor, see Who is a big fist, who will make sense.

"The six-stage god sword is full!"

Liu Yulong robe is oscillated, and the finger of the most perfect sheep fat white jade is elastic, and countless rude swords run through the sky, and shoots toward Zhuge Shenhou.

The sword is angry and horizontally, weaving a cloudy sword net covering the sky, suddenly heading toward Zhuge Shenhou.

"It is actually a six-decade of six pulsatus swords. The legend is not the talents of the sky. It is not practiced, and the high people in Tianlong Temple have a lot of people. How did the Great Han Han have to make this pile?"

"Dali Section Springs, the year is the one with this hand, the Sixth Sword, the southwestern, and the Song Taizu can give a chamber."

"Every sword, the temper is extreme, even if the golden iron is currently, it is necessary to be twisted!"

After the group, the eye is high, and there are also a lot of eye, and I saw Liu Wei, and the legendary sword was very vulnerable. Everyone has a chasting.

"Good powerful sword killing method!"

Zhuge Shenhou goddened, but also did not dare to hard Liu Wei, this ghost shot, sword with the body, and poured more than ten feet, sleeves were cut by six swords, drifting Aerial.

"Hey? The body of the door is, it is a little approximation with the martial arts of the happy, is it a pulse?"

In Liu Hao, Jin Zi Hui flashed, vaguely from Zhuge Shenhou's light-fitment law, inferred this amazing possibility.

"Free, happy, uncomfortable ..."

Liu Yu munned, and the heart faintly emerged a kind of understanding, and the time did not have a time, and immediately gathered.

Liu Wei's body is shaking, as chasing the shadow, the hand is a small way to take the sky, take the shoulders of Zhuge Shenhou.

This hand, it seems to be soft, but it contains the overbearing power of the twelve dragons. One palm is hit, the surrounding air is awkward, the air is in the dragon, the sound is endless!

[First of the morning, stable and updated, ask for a reward ...].

The twenty-three chapter is amazing! Seporated Demod!

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