The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2202 of the Three Kingdoms


Zhuge Shenhou deeply sucking, pressed the blood of the chest, but the heart was inexplicably: this world, some people have such a skill!

Dragon is overwhelming, and even a strange look on the face of Li Shenzhou, just a palm of this twelve dragon twelve pictures, he is not completely grasped, and Zhuge Shen Hou retired injustice.

Just when everyone was awkward, Zhuge Shenhou finally launched a counterattack.

"This is the old man who is dozens of years, the killing tricks that practice, amazing, please, please

Under the order, the air in the air shook, Zhuge Shen Hou's lifting stunning shot, finally revealed.


No one can describe this gun, the air is in an instant explosion, and the heavy gun is brought by the momentum of the world, killing Liu Wei.

"No wonder is the first person in Song Ting, this hand is amazing, it is really amazing!"

Motion Tiandi Longxiao, Liu Wei seems to feel a terrible gun threat.

"Even the king is resistant to this stunning, the big man is to stop?"

"This big weather is the giant, is it necessary to be suppressed by Shenhou !?"

277 "This ... how is this, see!"

Some people trembled at the field, and the heart shuffling.

I only see the amazing pounds, and I'm going forward to Liu Yizhen, I have been like a huge resistance, and the speed is completely slow.

"Yu Town, Yu Long Shield!"

Liu Wei sent a mad dance with the clothes, the emperor of the nature, and instantly condensed into a royal dragon show, the sharpness of the stunning fire.

The five-claw gold dragon is hovering on Liu Hao, and the stunning shot of Zhuge Shen Hou cave!

"Actually ... Next?"

Zhuge Shenhou browned slightly wrinkled, as if he did not dare to confuse.

Under the stunning gun, defeated the enemy, the enemy, the gun, destroy everything, actually broke through Liu Wei's nurses.

The unknown old and white eyebrows, the calm eyes have a wave: "The Han Dynasty's internal strength is deeply unimaginable. I am afraid that I will take a step forward, it is the big super-off realm of King Kong, it is mortal. God. "

" !"

Liu Hao took the defeat of Zhuge Shen Hou with the strong dragon shield, and the gods stood up, the momentum was once again high, and the palm of the sky was covered, it was like the emperor of nine days, between the nine days, swaying between, Royal Tiantiao.

If the public opinion is like a day, the emperor has made hundreds of millions of people, that is, the sky is going, over, over everything!

boom! boom! boom!

After the sky, I will completely destroy the pounds of the stunning gun, the Wei Tiandi's Wei, and the will of the emperor, the killing of the overbearing.

This hit is the complete embodiment of Liu Yuwu's heritage.

Even if the horrible Zhuge Shen, can't stop, the sound of the sound, there is a deep imprint, brick mud.

In the sky, Zhuge Shenhou has a shape, which seems to be affected by Liu Wei, and the whole person is a bit of a bit of a bit, pale, spitting a blood.


A piece on the court!

Zhuge Shen Hou, just in strong means, cracking the king, this is the first big master of Song Ting, which is unbearable, actually lost in Han Royal Hand, the vomiting blood, everyone creepy!

Ruthlessness is a tightness, just look out, but only listen to Liu Wei's laugh: "I have a three-point force, God Hou has no serious."

Zhuge Shen Hou is in the breath, facing Liu Yuxi, , : "Xie Shenghuang does not kill."

What martial arts is this?

Everyone looked at Liu Wei standing in the center, and the eyes contained in a fear.

This is the Lord, the martial arts are strong to incredible realm!

With Zhuge Shen Hou Wars, let Liu Wei have a long-awaited battle hot, Liu Wei played a finger, stepped out of nine steps, went to the center of the square, and said: "The , ? "

During the speech, Liu Wei's eyes have fallen on Li Shenzhou.

Power helps sweep the world, Li Sheng Zhou is also a pony-type person, no strength, I am afraid it is difficult to succumb.

Li Shengzhou stepped out of the front and said: "Li Sheng Zhou, the teaching of the Holy High!"


Step step, ground cracks.

Li Shengzhou did not use the light-fitting law to attack the sudden attack, but step forward step by step, just as he stepped by step, on the small room mountain.

Liu Hao's look is gradually lifted. This is Li Sheng Zhou in the process of conjunctive "potential", waiting to get a big condense, that is, the real thing, a list of people, overbearing, killing the world!

"Today, let you lose the heart of the heart, so you can make some sharpness, for you."

Liu Wei did not plan to cut off Li Shenzhou, but stopped on the court, waiting for Li Shenzhou to challenge.

Today, I personally, remove the fever, I have to use absolute power, to break the world, this is not all the domineering?

"Invincible and lonely, finally encountered opponents ..."

Li Shengzhou hair is completely inverted. He is getting faster, the momentum is finally stacked, and it is straightforward.

"Legendary power help, do not use the weapon, only one pair of fists, fight flat, today with the big Han Hao Huhuang, this two big Xiong, is really a forteen to Mai Mang!"

On the small room, everyone is almost standing, and the heart is stirring.


A boxing, all spells, but there is an exhaustion of the infinity, giving people the feelings like the tide of Qiantang River, and the earth is falling, and everything will be blocked in front of it.

"Longyou Jianghai, Yulong!"

Liu Wei faced Li Shenzhou so fierce offensive, it is also half-step, and the footsteps are connected, and the extension is empty, and it will kill Li Shenzhou.

"Lingbo slightly!"

On the crowd of this surprised war, there is a man in the mountains. There is a old man sitting in a wheelchair. The fingers are shaking. I don't dare to thank the vain in the void, and I have tears: "In addition to the teacher, there is still another Some people can practice this way to this realm ... "

[Second, stabilize and update, ask for reward ...].

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