The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpaid Supreme Chapter 2304 of the Three Kingdoms

"Your Majesty Saint Wenwu Wu Shouqi |"

Jinyiwei has a single knee and slammed the boxing, and the loudly said, "God will send yourself!"

What is the god of war! What happens to the Holy emperor is only a downtown! Tianlin is a plug, all Jin Yiwei looks at the domineering emperor back. It is full of respect and respect.

[Second, more stable update, ask for subscription, seeking all kinds of support

The twenty-two chapter of the Yellow Emperor, the heavens! [Third, seek full order]

? Liu Hao strongly suppressed the war of the violent, and did not stay. He was putting the ground to the ground, and the wind is generally brushed into the palace.

Find a secret room into it. It is still in the sunshine in the sun into the sun into the sun, slowly injected into the god of Liu Wei.

Shen Hui said that the warmth of can't say, flowing in the limbs of the limbs full of strength.

"Gu Shi really rushed to the sky, and actually passed the Tai Tianshi, and practiced 36. How did this do it !?"

Liu Hao, while studying the shackles of turningat, suddenly a shock

After practicing the fetus, the sensational emperor's induction is more sensitive to the emperor, and the situation of the Guanshu body is more no secret.


can be seen. The sixth of the Tuanwei is like two Zhang Tiangtian's drums, and begging.

"First use the boutique to the tire. Stimulate the heart of Guanti!

L "

Liu Hao was a thirty-six ophthalmocked the gods in the worm of the worm, and the fetus started to run the daily thoughts to start the burning of the seven brain nautical miles. This is a long process, I don't know how I have passed, I saw this warrior. I was so vibratory thirty-six, showing the number of scorpions. The number of Wang Guan is around Wang Guan, forming two stars to spread the light.

"The boutique tires, it is okay!

Liu Wei felt the strange ranking and recovered his mind and started to observe the situation. Gu Shi's consciousness seems to have passed a strong struggle, and he will open his eyes and open his eyes. The hair is flying, and the mighty is like an ancient god!

"This is where?"

Gu Shi is like a dream, and it is clear. It is no longer the original chaos.

Got it

Liu Yinxin is not excited to open excitement: "You don't remember anything! 'Tutu shook his head smiles:" I practiced Wu Chengyu. It is imperative to step on the sky, and the invisible sword is across the martial art. Achieving terrestrial fairy is unfortunately. Did not succeed "

Unsuccessful, become a benefactor.

The martial arts practice to this point, has officially began to climb into the way of Chengxian, and never have a family to joking every step is a dangerous five points. When you are wrong, it is possible to get the land of the five robbery.

Turning Time recovered, it was awake and fell into the mixed sea. Suddenly shocked, the whole person jumped up and mucked. "You. How can you practice into YuanVon?"


"It turned out that the gods got to investigate Yu Yuan."


Liu Haodong's thinking is a little light. "What is the difficulty in this way, it is easy to practice."


Guanshu face becomes quirky, like crying. It seems to laugh again. But I can't laugh, "Tianyuan one, for the head of the whistle, the heart of the eyebrows, the most difficult, you, you, you can practice it !?"

Guan Tak and speechless, it is painful, you want to vomit blood.

He spent the method of studying the training of half-life, and practiced the 36 Taihu points to create the congenital virtue invisible swords and horizontal martial arts.

As a result, it was when the gods were hit. Walking to the devil. Consciousness is lost for several years.

Liu Wei smiled and said, "There is a curious book, special imports to practice the magical gates. You can you want to take the king, do you do anything?" The Guanshu's heart is not hesitant to answer: "If you really have this The book is that you will fall. "

The refining point is the method of real fairy.

The ancient passenger is broken. This method of practice is more rare, only to discover it by personal.

Liu Wei mastered the ancient book of the bomb, it was equal to mastering the way the way was simply unable to resist. "However, this method can not be easily displayed. You enter the Dynasty to offer the temple. It is true. It takes the whole body to be a great power. It will be so good to have this law. Liu Wei did not speak.

"I am willing to make it for your own efforts, if you violate this words, I am confused that I am fascinating.,,

Nothing did not have any objection. I picked up and promised it, and I also sent a vow to have a swearing that he was naturally a clear humanity.

The thief is coming, but it is still a good book, which is a legend of the heavens and the earth. I can't teach them easily, I want to get it, I will inevitably make enough contributions.


"Congratulations to the host, convinced the God of War, the loyalty of the Guanti is directly directly for the extra reward, please continue to make persistent!" Liu Yunxiao Xi Tour in the hall. A big man, a series of masters, a series of states, sounds, "L Mission rewards, one or two people, Xianlu, Tonghua, Tongtian, Tongxiao, Tongxiao, Tongyu, the end of the Yellow Emperor, the mystery is endless."

Ask the host wide exclusive woman to promote the Yellow Emperor, and the ginseng yin yang. The poorest creation is further further, and there is the law of the ancient passwords!

Liu Hao Da Wang.

This task clue is really a bunker.

After the countless task, I triggered the first time, the trend of the bubble mission was too good. When I came to see the trend, I didn't look at the task. Liu Wei gathered the heart, and the Jinyiwei, facing the body, " Today, the Tuanwei will enter the temple, not obey. "Gu Shi's loyalty reached 95. It is also very reliable to trust. (Li Zhao) "Lower minister. Followed! Jin Yiwei has greeted the Guanti," "I have more sin, please check the sin of the war."


Turkish and casual swing did not put it in the heart, "" This world's world aura has succeeded many, "When it is a magical. It is really hopeful. It can really impact the martial arts. After Guan Tu, Liu Wei told him a few words, and lost the Tooire of Tooire, Cao Zhengyi, arranged the diaper, returned to the palace.

"The ancient holy judge is three thousand white

And the K litter Yellow Emperor is the foundation of my foundation to have a wide range of people, but I don't know how this show is. "

The third is more. Stable update to subscribe, ask for reward, ticket invoicing L

The second thousand one hundred and twenty-three chapters of the day draft! Luo Shen! [Fourth, seek full order]

? Liu Wei fits the task details, and the mind is floating. It is some silence. "What is the difficulty of winning the show, a single jade cloud, three thousand hometown is not a problem, just don't know if there is any request" system tips: "The charm value of the show is not low, please know The higher the completion of the reward will be rich! "" The charm value is already called the beauty of ordinary people, the beauty of ordinary people has reached the nine earth, which is a beautiful woman in 50,000 yuan, too difficult! "

Liu Wuyi, shook his head.

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