The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2305 of the Three Kingdoms

This way, the harem has only collected the beauty of the governor of the emperor's charm value in Jiu Shu, which can be encountered, it may not be available, although there are few people in a world.

too difficult!

"If you can use the worship value to exchange the emperor's legendary beauty card, it is a shortcut to walk only a pity after the starry stone, summon this road, directly blocked" Liu Wei once thought of countless The way, finally, Idealed a countermeasure, "the draft of the show involved the mission reward. It is already a thing that is expensive or handed over to the child." He is too much after the current Power hold, in Liu Wei The hometown of the hometown is respectful to the East Palace, Cai Wenji, is very respectful.

This is from her. It is just that the Huang's new marriage remains still not dissipated. In the three years, the taxation of taxes all over the Tai Han have been free from 30%, which can be said that the five people have called Holy Emperor.

However, the national earth is frown but frown. Carry hands in the interior. Eleid L

In that year, he invested all the family members in Liu Wei, who has not yet been asked, and the Langli also achieved hundreds of benefits. But a family should consolidate your status. It is not enough for a moment. Also look at the talents of the descendants. The next generation of the Family family, most is a woman, the male worker is less.

End of two sons. , in love, the king can only be considered ordinary as the identity of the country. Active in the officialdom of the Taihan Dynasty, the insects were in the county.

Fortunately, I'm going to take the color of my daughter's posture, and I'm going to take the palace. It is also a Master, the Master, the Emperor is too married, and how are you? "Xu Niang?" Half old chains still sent it to others, and sereder all the clothes.

New original

It is already a first spring, but there are still some people.


B has


Evil shook his wife: "The little girl is growing up, and the she is, but the late is not moving.

Licen !? "



Liu Wei's respect of Jiuyi, he took the world too much, and the world can say that it is a Ming Jun, which is in the world.

If I have forgotten the rumor, I have a good time to climb the phoenix. It is the loss of Yu Tai's loss.

Born, I heard that there is a favorite in the palace, it is destined to choose on the side of the king. It's just that the Hall of Emperor has no slight, even the war, this is not to take care of the children's feelings, waiting for the timing, with the color of the gerbera, it is also water to the tour. The Emperor Harmony is the color of the city.

I naturally smelled the people of my daughter, she is still very confident. After all, the Holy Emperor praised the color of the country.

"You said that there is also a reasonable mood. It is always asking for a long time:" It's right in Zhongshan. Can there be any news? "Rayed people," the Holy Queen wants to choose the Book, and enter the dynasty of the Dynasty. "There is a good time in Zhongshan supervision ancient books, it should be arrogant to the emperor. . "

Eat it nodded. Tao:


Unreasonably can inherit the family, and support business. "

"The child is from the government. The position of the Zhongshan County is already in the bottleneck. If you have a chance, you will go to you. If you ask for a king's position. Let him go in to learn the way of learning the way. endless."

Can be from a place to rich, sitting in the position of this Dynasty, and there is naturally its uniqueness. In recent years, Liu Hao's gravity has been completely placed on the top of the dynasty. Yue Yixiang has a feeling in the future, this dynasty will inevitably have a lot of people.

If you let

At the end of Evil, he heard a rush of footsteps outside the door. The house is called the family, "" The owner of the owner is seeking. "

"Which Wang Tai?"

Evil and ever asked. The Taichuan of the Middle Dynasty is too late. There are two in the cabinet. I can't think of who.

Qi Gui: "Is the Cabinet Wang Langwang Tai people, is seeking" "Wang Lang old?"

Eat Yi Xi Zhen, the whole clothing crown is to welcome the door to welcome it. Wang Lang is not only the Cabinet Old Cabinet, but it is natural that it is naturally not to be a bit in the Dynasty.

After the two, the two ended his gifts to the banquet room to stay in the banquet. After the people were so good, they smiled slightly. "" If the old man is heavy, if there is anything, it is only to order people, it is actually personally It is really glow. Wang Langxin is used. I was awkward, and smiled: "This matter is too much. The land has not yet prepared to come to ventilate with the old brother."

Evil my heart moved slightly, and I asked in the house:

"Older people please talk

Wang Lang Shen, "Lao Lao heard the news of Yuan Ji from the palace," Ji Yan Niang is in preparing to choose a girl to enrich the Empress Hord Palace, what do you think? "" The Holy Emperor !? "

Evil my heartbeat suddenly hopped.

The mother of the mother is before the Queen, and he is very popular, and later he was incorporated by Liu Wei. The status is not inferior to the Queen. Wang Yuanji is Wang Lang's granddaughter who has been a book. The familiar reading is very good, and the love of the mother is gave a gold medal. At the free pass pawn is the two princess.

"If the draft is held, it is a good national color, it is the gods!" I fourth. Stable update to subscribe, ask for reward, ticket invoia

The twenty-four chapter of the dynasty vibration! [First, seek full order]

"Wang Langzheng is helping to have a big busy, this prior person is a step, and there are countless Wang Yuan Ji Yi Zai Zhi Zhijing to accompany the palace. I must also participate in the elderly, I will have a good power, and I will sell Wang Lao, a human life, the dynasty is learning, and it is a vacancy for the child. "

Elevo is also a human brightener, and Wang Lang is throwing out this explosive news, facing Wang Langxing. Tao, "the old man is in the language of today, there will be no forget, if you can help, if you can help, the package is on the body."

This is the peach. According to Li, Li is a smart person, naturally no need to say that two people look at each other, everything is in not.

Palace in the palace.

Liu Yizheng leaned against the beautiful retreat of Yan Niang, a grape of a ginger peeled.

This leisurely life of this intoxicating the knee is that it is very similar to the ancient fainting.

Jane Jiang Douked a cup of Xianxi, soft: "His Majesty ministers listen to the recent Dynasty wants to choose a beautiful woman to enrich the hometown?" "The news of Love is really a lot!"

Liu Wei smiled. Tao: "This is hosted, what happened," "

Ginger is in order to say. The first low, but it is a kind of beauty that is unhappy.

Liu Wei moved slightly. The mind suddenly thought of the beautiful figure, Luo Shen!

The little Loli in that year is not known to the people. I also arrived at the age of married.

For these years, Liu Wei waved the sword to swim around the world, and it was unwilling to take care of the children. "Love the heart of the child." Liu Yizhen nodded, holding the softness of the ginger, warmth: "I don't have to love the love to let Xiao Guizi to pass the name of the Xiqiang, and listed in the list. "" There is also Yuan Ji sister "

The Emperor Emotion Festival is enriched in the hometown. The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

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