The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2324 of the Three Kingdoms

"Your Majesty, you can't come to the minor," in front of the people, the people, the elegant, Emperor Feiyan, in front of Liu Wei, but like two lazy cats.

The curve is exquisite. A few flat all hanging on Liu Hao's body Danfeng's slightly, and the breath of breath, Liu Wei, who is still satisfied, Liu Wei, is handy, and the people are soft.

"The layout is completed, when I arrived, Zhu ignored there, how is the investigation?"

Shangguan Feiyan is positive color, "Since Yan Wang Zhu Xi, the power of the Ming Dynasty, fell into this person, and now there is a clear current in the middle of the Dynasty, he is a regent king wants to make a doctor."

"Zhu ignorant martial arts is unleadage, hidden, Tsing Yi Building in order to investigate, there are many good luck, or Lu Xiaofeng to find that this person may be related to a stunning situation in the rivers and lakes."

Shangguan Fei Yanzi said that Liu Wei refused to think that it would be clear that Zhu ignorant is ignorant, and the internal force of the master of Jianghu in the rivers and lakes.

"No matter what the realm of him is, it is not the opponent."

Liu Wei is full of confidence, and shoots the official Shanyan's smooth and beautiful, "Ye Ling City, how is this people cheering?" I used to see that the Lone City of Baiyun City is in the South Wangfu electricity. Nothing didn't move, this martial arts organized a ghost hill with a pseudonym of this man. Unspeakable

Liu Wei nodded slightly, and his heart was out.

This is a more integrated world to say that everything is possible that Ye Shan is in the South Wangfu, which should be involved in the fact that And the human avatar, the old guards, also a lawless Tai B of Lu Xiaofeng series, known as the sword method, and the snowfall is not detectable.

Plus handle, Zannangfu

The money, weapon, and then send people into the martial arts mountain, and give a hand to the wooden man. Liu Wei decisively decrees the order.

Shangguan Fei Yan is the first point, sitting from Liu Wei's arms. The car is spacious. The pen ink paper is a whole family, the elephant is ink, but it is pressed by Liu Wei. It's like a slender finger that is the most perfect white jade, and the iron painting silver hook on the sun.

Singular is that there is no half of the words in a blank, but Shangguan Feiyan has read it. It is the meaning of the sword of the singer of the singer. Shangguan fai Yan is smashed, I can't help but stunned. "Your Majesty, this is Zhi (Nuo good)" "This little excitement is integrated into it, and the people naturally know how should I know what should I know? "Liu Wei shakes the jitter". "" This two people are called the roof of the swords. "

Shangguan Feiyan is careful, but what I think of. I can't help but ask: "Your Majesty, what is the two East women in the boat?"

"It seems that women are the same, or they will be jealous."

Liu Wei, ,, "" I only afraid of love, my body is delicate. I can't afford it, this only found two women to help you, you share the pressure "

During the speech, the left hand swhanted, it is already a peak of the chest, [third and more stable update, ask for a reward ticket for the ticket.

Feilu reminds you, reading three things

The second thousand one hundred and forty-six chapters are shaking! Zhu ignorant is shocked! [Third, seek full order]

? When you say anyone who can cover the sky, there is only one person. Iron god Hou Zhu ignored.

Upper in the field, the little emperor Zhu Gaojun, who took the nine-five position, was attacked by the Queen Shu Zhu ignored the DPRK.

Said is the five people under one person

Silk is not over.

The Guardian Villa Arch Daming Emperor, the maintenance of the situation is stable whether it is in the field or the rivers and lakes all in the river.

However, today's ruling mountain villas are no longer in the past two calm. In the morning, the first sunshine in the Yulong Villa is also on the white stone long dragon in front of the square. There is golden flash. It seems that the next moment will be alive, Long Fei in the sky.

Stepping! Stepping!

Two anxious footsteps break the silent early morning.

The first number of the Longlong Villa's mystery is a knife, and the waist is equipped with the white jade ladder of the rigging of the rollersear. Tiandi Xuan Huang, four too much sensation. Each of them. They are all the strength of the iron and gods, which is also a master in the rivers and lakes. What is the giant hurts to see they have a headache.

However, today's returning a knife is a bit shock between the gods. "The East Sea F Zijing Gong will play again"

When returning to the sea, the news was passed to the front of the iron gall, and the Zhu ignored the peak of the peak, and the brow did not help but wrinkled.

"This matter is really !?"

"There is also a lot of things to Fu Sang, it is already over the sky, and the first sword of Fuzang is mad, Liu Yusheng, the father and son, will be the Zihui Palace owner, and the riche party is all made. Fusang a few princes, everything


Zhu watched the eyebrows and smashing the chair handle, but there was a shocking wave.

He has to completely control the world, the original I want to send the sea, I will start the layout for the future, because the Tianya is caught by the purple palace, spending a good strength to redeem, contacting the Fusang's plan is stranded. "How did the princes in the Fusan?" Zhu is shameful, "Zi Yan Palace Lord Long saw the end of the end, the last appearance was still a few years ago, swallowing the Tsing Yi Tower, called Xiong Rivers and Lake. Guanzhong Pearl Baoqi Building, strong power is too strong, "

"End of the world has been taking it for it, I don't know if he will re-exactly in Fusang Xingyu and what is the wave. The iron daring Zen throat controls the court to maintain the stability of the whole jade. Powered is the no loan.


Why do you say that Fusan is rich in ninjam, a spying intelligence and a murder. This is an important piece of chess pieces in Shenhou.

Returning to the sea, "Zi Yan Palace, the world is too chaotic, ask me to bring it back, do it again?"

Zhu ignorant and lifted his hand and pressed it 'unclear.


, look at the emperor is weak. Just thinking about the Central Plains, I am afraid that this purple palace is too too. Once the thing will cause a series of chain reactions. At that time, the South Wangfu in the south must not be willing to lose the entire Tai Chief to lose control. "Iron gall god Hou Control Estabilized. It is extremely far-reaching. Accurate judgment of the development of the local mat.

"Moreover, in the year, the Ximen blowing snow in the sword, and the snow is in the Zijing Palace. Although a knife, although the knife is unless the last lifting of the knife, it is only afraid that it is not necessarily his opponent." Zhu Ignore ignore the sonic.

It is too terrible to say that the praise of the Purple Palace master is too terrible.

At the rise of the rise, they held the sword to kill the clouds and the number of people in the gods could not block the enterprises.

Then, the rivers and lakes are known as the first forces, and they have been strong and the strength of the half-wall rivers and lakes from the Purple Palace Lord and the gods and the Tsingyi Tower. "What is the Lord of Zi?"

Zhu ignored the city government very deep but could not figure out the true intention of the Violate Palace. Mysterious, and strong.

It is a dragon that is lurking in the abyss. People are not in the rivers and lakes, but there is his legend in the rivers and lakes.


Another foot walk emergency. A Tan Tajun Hengjiang Dongdu is!

"what! ?"

This piece of iron gangs can't sit in, Hawran, the entire discussion department, a piece of stupid.

At this time, Taiming has said that the Tao Tai Shi said that the generals of the East China Sea will be to the East China Sea by the Emperor's Holy Town to make the Ming Dynasty.

Now, even if he is stable, it can be seen that the East Sea is already the fire!

"Tribun, the city is too deep to never, it is in the layout of Fusan. Dynasty to the soldiers, go straight to the Central Plains, come to Zhu ignorant, frown, wrinkled a mountain word, only with Liu Wei, only know him Powerful.

The bureau is looped to do things, starting from the black wood cliff, to the Tsing Yi Building, and then the Pearl Pearl Gare has the figure of the Purple Palace.

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