The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2325 of the Three Kingdoms

The Raolong Villa was shaken for the first time for a person.

Zi Yan Palace mainly seems to have a taboo, mentioning this name, feels his heart and shocking.

I have negotiated half-ring, everyone is dislining Zhu ignorant but is a negative hand to a dark room. Here is the intelligence of the entire ruling hills, which is also the ear of the world's too powerful.

"East Sea White Man, the battle of the two swords of Zi Zihou, the result of the peak of the peak, but fortunately, finally by the big Han Hao Huang Tongtian, and it is dressed in double male.

Zhu ignored his face and black, fortunately, and shocked his hand of the top secret information, and the martial arts had already entered. Can you laugh in the world, where is the rivers and lakes?

"Ziyi Hou and the White Man, the sword law is enough to be included in the world. These two people have dropped Han Guo, which will be enemy in the future]"

Zhu ignored, the more I thought, the more I was jealous, and I was half rang in the house. I suddenly heard that there was a thunderous sound of the door and looked up to Black Cloud. The city is destroyed. Purple electric shock.

"To change the sky" Iron god Hou Zhu ignored the feelings gradually, muttered: "Zi Yan Palace is the Han Han Emperor, you dare to name the holy. I have to see if you are not enough. [Third and more stable updates to subscribe, ask for reward, seeking ticket support

The second thousand one hundred and forty-seventh chapter Baiyun Solita Wanshi Mountain, a sword is cold in the country! [Fourth, seek full order]

? Fun!

On the Wudang Mountain, a Shenjun Black Eagle broke the fleet, and it was ruined in a house behind the mountain.

The house is sitting in the house, the old man is upper body, high-grade, wearing a high-hearted feather, wearing a black robe with a pine sword, the two have a slight frost, but the appearance is still selling, and some will be dusty. Wudang Wooden

That is, the old knife of the Ghost Hill put the son, and smashed the sketch of the hand, and looked more than more than ten times and gradually.

On the side, a beautiful young woman couldn't help but ask: "There is no one in this letter paper, why do you look so many times?"

Wooden people low vertical eyes, slowly:,

"Sword, a terrible sword." There is no phase in shape.

Ordinary people have no feeling, but it is natural to see the realm of Wooden people. It is natural to see. This is not only a word, but also the word of extremely terrible swords!

"What swords, call Master to treat this?"

On the edge of a gas machine, the young swordsman, only condensed. The face is too damn, and I spit out a blood atmosphere.

"This is someone in a very unique way, in engraving your swords on this piece."

This Taoist shims and light. Leave an invisible sword book.

With him such a deep repair, after reading the intangible sword words above the sun, the air machine was taken in the moment, and the apprentices were boiling. Although they were also swords, but they were still too tender.

"Interesting and interesting! Zi Yan Palace is the Han Han Emperor, when did this in the day, it seems that the ghosts have finally come to the world. When the Wooden people stand up and the ridge is straight as a sword!

South Wangfu.

Today, Nanwang, the uncle of the little emperor is also budget.

Although this emperor is not as good as iron, Shen Hou Zhu is ignorant, but also sitting in the south, and squatting the army. Southwangfu backyard.

Two white people. It is sitting within the quiet chamber.

This person doesn't seem to be three or forty. Handsome eyes fleeted. As if it is a white cloud in the sky. Lonely and proud, floating outside, his knees are placed in a sword, although the long sword has not taken away, but there is a lingering sword, it is scratched. [J


This sentence is circulating on the rivers and lakes. He is Ye Shan City, and it is also the best sword god of the rivers and lakes. It is also known as the first sword of the world, inviting him into the first Zhuang in Tiantu. Whisperable

The Nanwang Shizi is in [ignorant, whispered: "Ye Shi, the mandatory."

The emperor sacred to sit still in Ye Siki. The feeling is just a sleeve. Only selling the air and pulling the door, only said a word "into." Nanwang will disease. After the face, I couldn't hide the gates, I watched the door and said to Ye Sikong: "Ye Shi. It is going to change the sky. The Zijing Palace is the rise of the country, the country, the Shu Han, the holy emperor, and now the East China Sea, It will be necessary to step on the middle and soil emperors to call the Tai General.


Ye Sikiji was picked out: "Zhu is ignorant to be launched in advance." Nanwang Shi Zhi, "Ye Shi Mingjian, but the Nanwang House is so many years, there is also a master of this master, at this time It's a perfect time to enter the main capital! "Who has a wild heart in the world, and there is no goodness of the court.

"With Zhu ignorant, there is no different king, and there is no viser with the tiger leaf. Silent half-railing suddenly smiled:" But the chaos will come, you can't fight, you will be famous, prepare for the name, prepare for the soldiers, and kill the Jingshi, Zhu ignored Give it to me to deal with it. "

Nan Wang Shizi is too happy, said: "There is Ye Shi shot this incident!" "The Central Plains is really bustling." Liu Sheng Xue Ji is twilight with Liu Sheng, holding Liu Hao's shoulder The car of Kowloon Tiandi chariot. Curious weights in the Central Plains.

Compared with the insects of the Land. Fusan can only be considered a slogan, the vassal, the vassal, etc., and the whole year, the whole environment has not yet been unified, and the heritage is naturally better than the earth.

Shangguan Feiyan and Liu Wei were lingering for two days, finally lost, and then went back to the host of Ziyong Palace Qingyi Tuankou. Otherwise, Liu Sheng sisters were tired of Liu Wei. I was only afraid that I was as jealous.

Liu Wei smiled sharply: "Fu Han fails the land of the ball, you only have the hand to be annihilated. Chinese and EtOpecessar I have to make a bureau."

"Your Majesty is a vision of the court!

Liu Sheng Xue Ji and Liu Shengwei's four have a very high, studying the Han people's lingua. At this time, the cavity is still strange, but the two women are full of sweetness in the shoulders of Liu Wei.

Fusan and the local earth culture are different in the land of Fusang. The woman is a man's attachment. Liu Sheng Xue Ji and Waiting Two Girls took Liu Yu as a single man in their hit.

The car is halfway. The four sides came in the four sides, and some people called in the Kowloon. "Weichen left cold Zen to welcome the Huang Huang, the holy emperor is five years old and five long!" Weather Yue is unhappy Her Majesty, the Emperor is five years old! The five years old are not dry. Liu Wei pushed the car curtain, went out, nodded:

"Ai Qing

It's all right. "

The left cold Zen Gao Zhi Yue is not a group of Yin Jun, the two people were originally the head of the Wuyue Sword. But when Liu Wei integrated the entire five-year-old sword, he was attached to Tai Han.

Nowadays, the two are high-level high-level rodents in the Zijing Palace. "There is a good reward. I have a penalty L. Zijing Palace can spread all over the world in the past few years. It is even in the chartroom, and there are chess pieces. If you don't have a good job, you will give a few martial arts, help a few love Qing broke through the martial arts realm. "Liu Weiwei said.

The sleeve moves, and several red-led martial arts stone flew out and fell in the hands of Yue Yuquan and the left cold.

Zuo Chan and Yue Yu, two people, shackles stand by

The second thousand one hundred and forty-eight chapters, the ghosts, the ghosts! [First, seek full order]

? "Jingxin is condensed, swallowing the Wudao will Liu Yu bounces two fingers, only heard two times. These two Wu Shu Shi have broken into the crystal powder, the dust, the sky, the heaven, the heavens. The vast military experience!

Zijing Palace West Taiwanese care method instantly entered a wonderful state. Start accepting this mystery of this martial art.


"Congratulations to the host, Yue Yue group used Wu Shu Shi to swallow the military will succeed." Congratulations " The low effect is more nice. "

Liu Hao is satisfied with a point: "Qi et al., Then there is also a good gift, which can help to break through the realm of the masters." Call! call!

Not much time, Yue Yue and Zuo Zen have a surprise that he is in his own body.

For the military. This martial art stone has an unparalleled puzzle.

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