The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2461 of the Three Kingdoms

I am afraid that I have to take it.

between. "

Liu Wei took the eyes of Tian Dilong, and he didn't lie. These two small strengths are also the reason that the walker is unusually known to the crime of sin. After misunderstanding, I buried ancient books in the hidden land of Yangzhou Wilderings.

As a result. Unless these two people are willing to find this long life. "Chubling will take it off."

, " Become, most of them are the main fish, serve, and go too much. "Since you are refreshing. That is not a small gas. Xiaofeng, you will lead them to find Cao Zhengyu, the director to go to the Dynasty, the rush of the country. "Liu Wei did not expect Yan Zhong and Xu Ziling to do the time to knock on the desktop, immediately told.

"Yes, Master"

The double eyebrows who solve the phoenix, a long, the way, said, "Two, please come back."

Cao Zhengzhen collar the Shuanglong to the Dynasty Wuta to pick the treasure, Liu Wei and Duaven are sitting on the world, and the Zhong and Xu Ziling will come back.

"The Dragon God Gong Cencil Jane." "There is a knife well."

Liu Wei looked at the things that the two did not help but smile.

These two small eyesight are powerful.

The Dynasty Baolo Cheats Thousands, countless, and the gods are more than thousands of soldiers. This dive god and well is definitely the top cheats. "Master this knife is your beloved."

Soap the phoenix hunger painful anorectal anorectal Tao: "It turned out that the knife was the Sword of the Holy Emperor used to use the knife, or still gave birth to a dive me."

Although he likes well, but it is not a fantastic person who is loved. Moreover, people are satisfied, this diversion gods merge a few Taibo's scholarship is already the most subtle cheats in the world, and they open the potential to break through the realm of the masters. Liu Wei smiled and said: "Name knife is a hero, Xiao Zhong, you will be extraordinary, why do you give you a knife? Don't pick the soldier?" Xu Ziling is a bit unhealthy. "I don't like to use the weapon, get the dive deafness is already hitting too luck, thank you for the holy emperor." "Two kids of the goods."

Liu Yu's mouth turned a little, nodded. There is not much to say much. In the well, although it may be a soldier who falls in the ancient sky, it is not as dead, it is better to open the body secret. As long as the realm of the masters, understand the heavens and the earth, they have to be valuable than those who have any no strong destroy.

"The Holy Emperor is wide, Du Mou people admire L"

Duqi, side. He is dark and respectful.

The prretale with Xu Ziling is smart and unusually seen that they know this dive. There is no doubt that is the martial arts cheats of the holy place.

If this level of school is in the rivers and lakes, it is the existence of bleeding. More realistic than anything wrong with no life.

This quaint mountain, which picked up, is, there is an ancient vicissitudes, and it is absolutely extraordinary.

Such a soldier is doing Du Youwei, and the wall is not willing to send it, but Liu Wei said that it will be sent, and it can be seen that the heritage of the Taihan Dynasty has been strong to us.

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The second thousand three hundred and seventeen chapters of the attacking Li Shimin, Yi Yun Tian Shanxin!

Liu Wei smiled quietly: "It is necessary to make a big thing to make the world. Du Ji Ji Zhanjiang Huai I don't know what to do so?"

Du Fuwei put down the wine glass, Zheng Tao: "After this vassal League, Du said, Du Mou, Du Mou's Jianghuai Jun, but the Jiangnan princes, it is not worth mentioning. "When today, the Taihan Dynasty has emerged, and even the solitary valve Song valve will be satisfied. The Li valve occupies the heart of the glory, and the climate gradually became.

In the future, I hope that the world is, it is inevitably the holy emperor, and the Li valve is both. "

After listening to Duaven, Liu Wei is a little surprised.

It seems that this is still small to look at this rehearsal.

Actually, such an eye-catching pattern, it has seen the future. The trend of the whole world is too powerful.

Duqiha haha ​​smiled. Road: "Du people don't know how to say that the Emperor is not blamed."

Liu Yu looted the cup, "Du Zheng's eyes, how far is far from being returned to the Taihan Dynasty, he will not be negative." In the face of Liu Hao's recruitment Duwei, there is no refusal. The sinks said that "Du people waited for the good news of the Emperor of the Queen, in the future, as long as the Dynasty Tajun came to Jiangnan. Du people immediately raised the flag to Tai Han, help the majesty to decide the old fox!

Liu Wei insids the heart of Du Youwei.

Simply, Du Youwei knows that he is not expected to hegear, but he does not easily stand before the Tai Chief is completely clear. In history, Du Fuli is indeed, after the Li Tang atmosphere, the Li Tang dynasty is selected.

This is a typical speculator, the white bones under the nine-five emperors are not a lot of direct generations. "In this case, . Liu Wei squatted in the army:" I don't know Zhang Shao Not interested, join the big man Dynasty? "

"Tai Han dynasty, Zong Master Lin Lizhong, if you join the Taihan Dynasty, maybe you can learn a hand of the day. In the future, I met the masters, paying the way to the well."

Recruiting Du Fuli, just adding, the income of this member will be a young brother, the soil is Liu Wu real abacus.

Otherwise, Liu Hao will take the well and this kind of knife with the Qianlong god?


Dragonfly from Liu Wei

In the tone, I feel sincere sincerity, and it really means great.



, Xu Ziling West

In fact, it is just a small mixer.

Liu is a high-quality weight of ten yuan

It is so good to wait for the two people, and the heart is naturally moving with the heart of Xu Ziling. Between the two. Since the self-cultivation of the eyes, after exchange, "Since the Holy Emperor is so popular, if the frankness will be postponed, then the furnished, the horse is willing to be a horse, the horse, the horse, the horse, the horse, a small stroke of the holy Queen"

"Xu Ziling is also willing to work for the holy emperor."


"Congratulations to the host, took the priest. The current loyalty is the point of the point of the points. Please continue to work harder!"

"Congratulations to the host, convinced Xu Ziling. At present, the loyalty of Xu Ziling is point, and the extra reward will ask the host to make persistent efforts!"

Tip, the host succeeds in accepting Zhaobang and Xu Ziling. If it is to cultivate Shuanglong into a martial artist, will be awarded to hide the achievements, Shuanglong!

Ssangyong: Dragonfly and Xu Ziwang with brothers, Shuanglong intersection two full attributes +

Powerful system

This dragon special attribute, all attributes enhance that is really too metamorphosis, only to see the Emperor of Liu Yu Emperor, the mind is too good. Suddenly empty. It seems like an invisible giant hand in the air, holding two people standing up, laughing, "I won the Shuanglong in the future Wang Dynasty will have more Western position, fortunately!" This is not the Hui Buffy of Liu Wei. . It is really that the properties of these two people are too enchanting.

The military military can stand out, can train towards the direction of the Dynasty, and the intellectual attribute of Xu Ziling is outstanding. In the future, I can cultivate a civil and military division to think of these two Tang Dynasty protagonists. Liu Wei's heart is beautiful! Talk with Du Youwei, and accept the Datang Dynasty. The purpose of tonight is reached. After a few hours, Xu Zhuling pulled down Yangzhou and went to take a long life.

The military machine is in Yangzhou, which naturally will naturally help Xu Ziling these are not to mention.

After Liu Hao, the quarterly building layer. The ninth floor of the four square buildings is only open to Liu Wu. . This layer is the highest layer outside of the ninth layer.

The mountains and hills will be small. This kind of feelings, Li Shimin finally gotten it.

"I heard that when I built this four square building, the Han Han Dang sent hundreds of thousands of down the war prisoners. It is a pity. If this Jason Wulong can make it flattering the north, Yi Zhiyul Li Shimin's hand stop I suddenly felt in front of the window.

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