The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2462 of the Three Kingdoms

Long grandchild is no longer standing on the side of Li Shimin. Say:

"Han Jun first attacked Bari

Get support for Song valve. Further, Jingchu is a one-minded Luoyang Sanyxiong, so there are so many treasures should be reasonable. These people don't have to be in battle, and there is not much influence on the main public. Li Shimin shook his head and smiled. "Li valve recruits, it is uniform, the Hanhuang recruits are non-elite people, and they are unless, and there are uncomfortable. If there is a one-day, I am not grasped. "Li Shimin was engaged, led the Xuanjia to the soldiers, and he had already made a famous hall in the north, even by the Cihang Jingzhai, and the crown is the second person. Understanding, naturally there is a uniqueness. "The talents of the main bureau, the Han Dynasty, Zhao Wang's courage, the world is unparalleled. It is a sharp spear that can cut the battlefield. Shen, this litigation, the main public can take the opportunity to recruit a lot of Yingji into the Tianzhi government I heard the footsteps of the stairs, laughing, "It's the monetary letter of the righteous cloud". "

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The twenty-eighth chapter digs Li Shimin wall!

? L!! !

The stairs sounded a footsteps Li Shimin's private room to walk in a majestic man.

Li Shimin only added an eye, and his heart was secretly cheered.

I saw this ambush, nine feet, waist and bladder, and the tiger's bare is strong, and it is a rare fierce. "It is said that Northern Wulin and the Dijun Zhuang Zhuang Jionxionxin Xiongyong Tongtian today see it. Sure enough, it is the capital of the world! "

Li Shimin quickly stepped forward to the mouth to hang up the laughter of the spring breeze is close to the salty.

Single Tiger and turned to hold his shoulders and asked: "You are Li Vali, I have heard of you, the ride ride, the whole crimp, is a person."

The monetous trust is the hegemony of the green forest in the north, and the Xianzhuang gathered a lot of strong people. It is also a "nine-five soil" of the north, "Nine-five soil", this time, Liu Wei, the hero, the world, the heroes, single Maxi as a green forest faucet, nature is also there.

"Single brother, please sit, this Maotai wine is a human fairy, one altar is a hundred gold. The people will cost a lot of relationships, and they will do a single tribute to the monetary letter. Fell the wine for him. The long and grandchildren who served on the side did not nodded.

Li Shimin himself has a special charm. It is easy for people to have a sense of mind, and the means of pulling people is more extraordinary. "Sure enough, good wine."

Single is a good wine. A drink, I was still awkward, I was still awkward, I was still awkward, I said: "I have a short man, I'm looking for it. Do you have any precious king?"

Single is also a old river lake in the rivers and lakes.

Li Shimin laughed, "These thin wine. What do you can't. Tonight, please ask to ask the world too much." "Please teach me?"

The monetax letter is slightly stunned.

Although he fell to the northern green forest and rivers and rivers, he sold him a few faces, but the Li valve, which is a Li valve sitting in the congregation, is actually a small fish.

Li Shimin is very happy, and the Taoism, "I have lost your deer, the world is in the world, although there is no one, there is also a heart that saves Li people in the water, just the heart of the heart. Can a single brother, can you teach me? "

It is said that the monetous letter is understood by Li Shimin, which is attracting him to see his handsome face. I didn't show my eyes, but I sincerity. However, singing is a lot of laughter, said: ". Singles of monetous beliefs, where to know the world, the world is looking for."

It's said that he took the two big gold ingots. Deep embedded desktop means drinking wine from a wine, and got up and got up.

"The world has not said yet. What is the single brother?"

Several Tianzi Province masters guarded the door to make the arms. The monetous belief is full of circles. The scene is driving on the spot. "Some people will come to walk, you will go, you also want to stop me?" Intervene, the monetarity of the monetarity is too far away, the arms are in this way. [] Mouth The Tianzi government master, slap, fell a place!

The force of the number of people, can't stop him, monk letter is really dragon, and Li Shimin's face has changed quickly, and he called, "single brother stop!"

"Today, you drink a glass of wine. Temporary to kill you, in the future, it is not that you die, it is me!"

It's just that monety is loud, and the head is not going back. "Hey.

The masters of the Tianzi government have gained their faces, and the face is red.

These people are Guanzhong Sword Pai Chang'an Wei Water Alliance to protect Li Shimin's master. As a result, it is not facing the face today. "It is incompetent. Failure to stop this person for Qin Wang"

Li Shimin helped everyone shook his head: "All said that this monetous belief is really like this, and several gentlemen are tired."

Feeling Li Shimin's care, these people were ashamed of a golden heart, and there was a soil that Li Shimin's eyes in the eyes of Li Shimin.

The monetaxual Too Steps star out of the four square buildings, and look at the high-rise lights deeply, and pressed the murder and turned to the Mashou on the house. Several green forest heroes. Also followed by Monxin. Going to the north. Erjingzhuang is invited to come to this princes. Also brought a lot of people who lived in the northern soil in Sifang City and lived with their brothers.

"Second brother, Li Quan, Li Yuan, who is not worried with Mother, is it is a Tianzhi Jing to kill him, why don't you do your hand !?"

On the galloping, I asked Yusun, the brother, and asked.

"To kill him, it is not tonight." Shanxione is too laughing, "Drinking Li Shimin, a glass of wine. This is that he will encounter him in the future, and you must kill him." "The two brothers and thin clouds are unfortunately today." opportunity."

Yusun Da shaken his head and didn't seem to think about anything. Said: "Right, second brother, ice ice, I don't know where to play, I didn't see people all day"?

Yixiong is not tense when you are.

Everyone knows that monetynell is thin cloudy. Most value relatives. This order is escaping is his mother of his mother. Since the disappointment of love, this is uncomfortable, which is more uncomfortable than the meat of the cediter.

"This princes will be mixed with fish dragon. Who is"

Single brow is deeply frushted, and it is aesthetic: "Hurry and send people to check, let go, who finds the news of ice ice, the second Singer, thousands of gold," Liu Wei left the four squares Have a temporary palace. The new disciples are alone, it is like a small tail fever sitting in Liu Wei, five hearts, is working hard.

"His Majesty."

It is going to get off, and the footsteps of Mei Changsu outside have come in. Arch, Gong said, "Li Shimin, the king has reached the four square city."

"Yang Lin didn't move the night, Li Shimin, but in the four squares, the feast was a few people. Youzhou Yanwang Shizheng Luo Cheng, the Singer's Zhuang Zhuang monk is in its own list"

Liu Wei fingers played a small smile of the end of the mouth. The second morning, the second is more stable and updated, and the bookmates are too talents. Ask for a visit, evaluation ticket Support Fei Lu remind you: reading three things

The second thousand three hundred and 19 chapters Iron horse double gun single ice! Fight will like a cloud!

Li Er, this is what you want to take advantage of the princes. It is a great Luo Cheng, which is a good Lu Yicheng, is definitely an excellent Lu Yicheng, is, is it. Five to go to the enemy.

Li Ji also gathered a group of Tianzhufu people helped him to make a plan. Liu Wei put his hand, said, "send someone to see" who Li Qi contact. It is useful in the future of the military machine. "Chen, obey!"

Mei Chang Su Shi has gone, retreats out, the phoenix follows Liu Wei, and the car is also as follows, and he has heard a bright to extreme Fengming.

"What is it!?"

I saw a red figure in the air like a meteor, and it's too lonely, full of incredible. Zhu Fengbird broke the flying and finally stopped in front of Liu Wei.


Liu Yao is drifting, from the back of the bird, he flipped into Liu Yuli, like a tree bag, like a tree bag. "Your hoe."

Liu Wei's pet will smile, "You don't go to Jiangnan, where you want to go to Jiangnan, and ran"


Liu Mo Qing's big eyes smiled into two bends, "the father, this time people met a good friend." Liu Wu Yue Guang turned this only found that Zhu Fengbird also sat on the back of the girl. It is not too old. The skin wearing a red skirt is more and more beautiful, and the Qiong nasal is a young eyebrows and is a rare beauty. "Ice escape this is my father, and the big side of Li valve"

Liu Mo pulled Liu Wei's clothes and said proudly.


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