The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The San Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms Extreme Chapter 2869

The public duty station fell from the air, and the temperature suddenly underwater was not hosted on the back of the noodles, sweating DC.

This eye is like the Xue Emperor overlooking the world, from the sky above the sky. Lower anger. It is necessary to burn the public shift. If it is solid and light, it penetrates the void, and the murder is condensed, and it has been directly smoked directly. Terry. Upward

Even if you hide in the army of the army, it is still a creepy. At this time, he knew how stupid thing to declare war against Liu Wei.

This kind of power beyond the Clear, invisible, and it makes it.

Public distribution teeth bite a low screaming "broken soil Qilang!"

Shashi began to creep countless black shadows from the Shahai to fly out to protect the public duty, the ping pong sounds were endless, there was a black shadow, but there were more black shadows.

Liu Wei came to some interest in these little things to block the knife and the estertments of the sword. Next, it is actually a lizard that is cast.

The public duty will be the accumulation of generations of people in Luban. The passage of the world has been perfect, which is the killing trick of his life.

"Turkey dog, uncomfortable." Liu Wei smiled and flicked. Such as the cactus died. There are countless silky swords from the fingertips, and the R canal!

The aerial swords are not unbreakable. In the blink of an eye, the broken Turning Turning, which was dense, and the old man who was thin, like a monkey.

"The old thing will die now? With the world's unparalleled overbearing mechanism, it is fortunate to say that martial arts, the public duty, may be untruritable.


"Congratulations to the main killing of the public tax class extra reward worship points, I got a hidden treasure chest.

"You have to fight!"

The air dragon swatches ignorant the hair rolls out of the overwhelming dragon. It is also burning than the magma, and the soldiers will hurt in the pong magic. The two arms are like a heavy mountain. The empty sword is like a punch. It is just on the dragon.

The air broke out, a blazing, Liu Wei, the middle of the mountain, the mountain, the gold, the purple, the sagant. Tongyun played a remembering. Daytime flies

Two a giant giants are pressed down. The giant fist with the Devil's God hit two. This is the absolute force collision without slightly. Two older waves fried and collapsed in the sand sea of ​​the sky.

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Chapter 37th No Supreme! Explosion!

The soldiers showed a low metal tweet. The majestic body is curved as the bow is in the sea.

"Legend of the soldiers are cast, and it is ever.

Liu Wu eyebell

Just now, it is a hill to be crowded if it is a hill, but the soldiers are like sinking into the sand sea. In fact, there are much injuries.

In the blink of an eye, he climbed out from the sand sea.

Ga Shilong!

When I was coming, Liu Wei once again issued a strong blow.

The overbearing boxing is torn and cleaves into a violent real dragon. ,

Everyone has an extremely terrible feeling.

Everything in the world disappeared, as if they were stripped by this world, leaving only the Dragon Boxing of the top of the "Three Soil". To make this horrible monster, completely bomb |

Dragon Fay is not a pressure on everyone and the god of Devils is the number of people in the people. L soldiers demon and the gods, such as the flagrant day! He faced the overbearing boxing, but he didn't flash. With the battle of the battle, the arms of Pang Taishan, he suddenly stepped on the side of the opposite steps, and it was like a shell shot. Strong bronze arms slammed the dragon boxing of the sea. The ancient times, the Yellow Emperor, the real dragon is torn, and I don't know how many military demon, this madness is just fierce. Void. A series of sound violent sounds, the violent magic formed a giant left vorterance that could see it in front of everything in front of it. All shred! Rumble!

There is a collision of absolute power. ,

The air-electricity is fried, and a layer of waves is scattered. The Bing of the Devils Pang Tai 's body is smashed out and fell to the ground and dropped two deep pit. And Liu Hao's body is also in the nine of the anti-earthquake. Flying in the air, finally falls slightly under the back of the real dragon.

Vacant frair, go to the moment.

Liu Hao once again sent a sharp offensive again.

The continuous boxing of the pauses fell in a series of strong golden iron, the sound of the gods of the gods, listened to the heart. The eyes of the gods of the soldiers were blazing in the eyes of the fire, and the unsatisfactory mourning mourning.



It can stop the emperor battle to the emperor, and today is taken as a punch. "Boxing is pressed on the ground. It's a shame! B

A rummer of the sound.

(Q? The army is hard to have a hard ancient. It seems that it starts to furnrate the majestic body.

Blooming: The toughered fine to the debris of the Dragon Boxer.

Everyone couldn't help but absolutely the rigmous man and enthusiastically cheered that they were smashing the land of the land of the land for Liu Wei.

The soldiers are the god of God, the power is strong, and the hundred and five Taijun are also difficult to shake. But Liu Hao is so powerful that it is so powerful! ?

Shahai fried dust fly to the earth.

The deep pit on the sand. Getter and deeper. The battle of the gods, the grounds of the ground soldiers are struggling to stand from the bottom of his war, the more the arms of the blazing Liu Wei is more violent.

"There is no killer fight to the star shift. Lavify the dragon snake to give the caller! War to the heart of Liu Hao double and bloom the golden purple festival, such as the dragon snake, crashed down.


The army of the army was actually torn by Liu Yusheng.

He struggled with Liu Wei, such as Yu Yumi. Hit his strong chest, became the last rice that crushed camel

Dust settlement.

Even the constant ignorance is gradually saving. On the court, I was restored to the silence.

The military magic god quietly fell to the depths of the ground, the red eyes became gray, the magic disappeared! There is no strength. "It's just that I can drive a monster such as the Devil's demon. It is hard to imagine that the two too much war is so strong.

Liu Wei stood before the soldiers and gods, and they would like to know that the dragon, but the dragon is cast, it is a battle against the bronze giant.

The result was destroyed by the Yellow Emperor's strong cracking. Finally, the bronze giants built in this respect will also be blocked. "The ancient times, the legend and myths coexist. It is really fascinating!"

After half a ring, Liu Wei went to the yellow sand on the dragon sleeves.

If it is not in the hidden small world, it will take a breakthrough and stepped out of the people's threshold, and it is possible to make the battle of the sky.


Tens of thousands of people have a breathing such as breathing. They saw the two stunches, and they came out from the deep pits. When they came out, they broke out. Soldier Devil, fallen

This respect of the ancient times will witness the magic soldiers who have passed the moon. Direct destruction

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