The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2870 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Wei took the dragon to strongly suppress the amazing picture of the Devil's God has become eternal, and it is engraved in the minds of everyone. It can't forget it in the past. The public duty class has fallen by the Devil's Devil. The rest is the singer of the Qin State Blackbow.

There is a martial arts in the Taihan army and the killing of the gods and the gods, the Too Snow, the wolf, the wind, the walked, the Qin army blackbow platform is dead.

"The minister, see the Emperor!" Chen Yu met the Emperor

The West Dawang will gain the robe and went to Liu Wei to go to the monarch. "The residual body of the army is back, this is the fantasy star casting is definitely baby, can't violent the cloud, Liu Wei's meditation will incorporate the army and the gods.

The soldiers are abolished. But the fallen star is not a very common thing, and I will find a dynasty arithm in the future. It is also an accident.

The first is more. Stable and update to ask the book friends to subscribe, more than a lot of attractions, evaluation tickets, etc.

Feilu reminds you: three things to study

The 38th chapter devout worships the beautiful priest!

"Your Majesty Qin army blackfast platform is completely eligible to see the general of Lan Guo, with it." "


The commander of the commander walked went to the armor of the land, the land of the land, was brought to Liu Wei, and the volt bowed his body, and said:

"The Wei's Tai Han Han Emperor is five years old. Thank you, you will save the Lan Guiguo in the water"

Middle. "

"Don't thank you, Loun Ancient countries are also

Looking at the stunned expression of the general of the landlord, Liu Wei died. It's a smile, and I said, "The world is too, the country of the country has been in the Queen West, and the Taihanglou Lan Guiguo is also too native. It is also a Taiwanese land. You think, how?"

Liu Wei is not a Madon. White cost is far from the western region to help the landlore to expel the enemy.

The legend of the legend inevitably has a secret in the ancient times, and naturally it is all of the Taihang.

"I didn't lose my identity, I didn't dare to be the Lord. U. Ye or I went to the big priest. The Lan Guo's gold armor will wipe the front of the front of the Water War. He doesn't dare to face Liu Wu after all, Liu Hao is burst. The ancient world of the gods.

Wan Two provokes Long Yan's anger. Where else is life

"Big priest?"

It seems that Liu Yuro took the puzzle of the charm of the Lanjinli. "Your Majesty. The ancient country is a long time outside the world, there is only a big priest with the highest priest. The highest control of all the public residents, the land, the Langu country imprisoned, the big priest, the end will not be used for him."

Liu Wei remembers the plot in his mind.

The landlord hidden in the world is hidden in the world. There is a little in the fairyland. Some people can find this legend. The too priest is a person who guards the legend of this legend.

Han Fei said softly on Liu Wei: "Your Majesty, Gen Nie, Weizhuang and others have sneaked into the landland, soon there will soon there will be the news of the voice without falling the land of Lan Gu Guo, and there is a bird of flying birds" white Feng Wai saw the Emperor of the Emperor "" White Phoeni, who is wearing a white clothes, still the wind dust is shining, single knee fell to Liu Wei, and loudly said that "Your next landland is already in mastering." "






I nodded with satisfaction.

Han Fei as an unruly rain. I have already arranged everything after I found out the entrance of the landland.

On the side of the Dynasty and the front of the Dynasty, the Qin Jun Blackbed and the land soldiers were sent, while the masters of Feng Nie and Wei Zhuang were sneaked into the land of the land. The situation was completely mastered in the hands.

"Wu'an Jun must clear the rest of the battlefield, take a look at the land." When the machine was intermitted Liu Wei, he handed over the battlefield to the white control led everyone. Entered the Loun Ancient State.

Legend has it that there is something different in the fascinating fairyland. The desert is insecting the Western Huangsha constantly eating water source, turning the green space into a ride, turning the ridiculousness into the Gobi Western Region Graduate Wusheng Two Dead Yield

Only the legendary landlord is full of vitality.

In front of me, Liu Wei seems to step into the second party in the silence.

"Your Majesty, here is that the Tooth Lake Taishi once said that the crescent lake is the most clear and pure water source in the desert."

General Loun Jinli led Liu Wei into the landlord country, and began to introduce the land of the land of the landland.

It is far away from Clearness, it is true. The people are simple. Liu Wei saw the singularity of the insects of the landland. Some are clearly with Western features.

The spiritual raising people Shang Lannan is a full spirit and fullness, but just experienced that Qin Jun raged everyone is a bit amazed.

Of course, the most striking is still a statue of a woman in the ancient country. She just standing there, there was a pair of extraordinary, the holy fairy, a pair of beautiful eyes closed, but the crystal tears

"This is the nine-day mysterious Liu Wei is also a long-term flowers from the emperor. What kind of beauty in the five worlds have never seen the statue of this woman, there is still a sense of amazing. It seems like a beautiful world. The language is not enough to describe the perfection of this woman. Today. Liu Wei is quite aware of the legend of the ancient times, it is quite a solution. Jiu Tian Xuan women have the three-story guardianship to surpass the lotion of the immortal, and once helped the Yellow Emperor to win and After the battle of the defeat, after the defeat, the Loun Ancient countries have passed down the legend of the nine to the shortcomings of her nine-to-life, and her statue is given to the landlord. A light footsteps far away from Liu Wei and light from the goddess statue The moving is removed. It looks at the woman in the eyes of the holy robe.

The too priest is also in front of this young friends.

The perfect face is the most complete white jade, long hair, and the neck is bright. As the jade tree, the two oblique fits into the eyebrows. It is also a hovered with a smileless lips and blooming, and the pupil of Zijin light is like a day, it is not a moment of breathing of the Z-Bengence.

"" ~ Sun Star Falls Shanhe Silies, Goddess Tears, Huaying Day, Pepsia, Sword refers to the evil and rescue my country "

"The original ancient legend is a true too sacrifice (Zhao Zhao), and respectfully sigh, respectfully, and squatted to the ground with a kind of devil's tone." Thank you to save the land of the land. Five people. "

"Let's get up."

Liu Hao waved a soft sleeve and a soft emperor, the emperor of the cloud, escaped, and there was an invisible giant hand in the air to stunned. Loun Ancient countries is the legend of the legend but the army war is known as a weak chicken.

This big priest in front of him has a holy Gay. It is the real hand and the chicken. The Qin army uniform invaded in the original plot is two.

Faith is not enough.

Only absolute power can support great legends.

I second more. Stable update, seeking books, a lot of friends, enjoying a lot of friends, review, etc.

A Freu reminds you. Three things in reading

The thirty-ninth chapter Longsheng nine sons, one is awkward!

This for the great woman who is willing to sacrifice oneself in Loulan, this is like this.

The soldiers of the Loulan, and they also put down the weapons of the hands and fell to the ground.

Gradually, all the people of the Loun nationals will fight! Looking at Liu Wei with a kind of devil.

"Sun Star is falling in the mountains and rivers. The goddess of the gods, the dragon day, the gathering, the sword, the evil spirits, saving our country, the big sacrifice, muttered:" The legend will be true when the land is dangerous in Loulan. Heroes of the world kill the evil spirits, the life of the landlord is this hero "L Square, the cheers are constantly. All the landlorers are celebrating the newborn after the catastrophe.

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