The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpaid Supreme Chapter 2884 of the Three Kingdoms

The cold, the ultimate knife, hit it together with the blaze of the fire. The madness is not ~ must have two knives and swords. A deep pit appeared on the ground of void shock. However, Liu Hao's face is calm and still can't move.

He is in one's own prints

Covering the sky, under the air cover.

The snowstorm knife and the willingness of the willingness of the Skille, the body of Nie Renwang and the handshaw of the western man is in the air, and the heart is inexplicably!

The sword of the two people hit the knife and kill, and it could not be stained with Liu Wei half a piece of fish! "How can this?

!? "

When a master, I saw that Nie Renwang and the two people were combined. Since the world, the world has no enemy, and it will be simply written by Liu Wei. This kind of skill is a great treasure! Liu Wei holds the snow drink and fire, the fire is like Shen Yue. Ren, the two people drums and thirteen points, it is difficult to take out the troops.

Snow piers and fire swords are the people who must be important than the two people. They cannot fall into the enemy's hand. Two people are shocked by Liu Wei to force Liu Wei. It is just a big arms. Bill in the arm.


The brick floor on the ground will go to the gravel of the stone mud dust and break the handsome and Nie people Wang Xiren semi-body, and the body is strong under the ground.

At this time, the battle between the real dragon and the young unicorn is also the end of the king. (Competition

These two beans have a heterogeneity. The Gold is spitting, the gun is not in the action. It contains infinite nine. Mix the

I don't know how many ghosts were killed in the power of Zhenlong and Kirin.

Wars to the last support or a little white.

The fire unicorn guards the Tomb of the Huang Dynasty, has already grown up with a group of martial arts masters in the Lingyun Grotto.

The little white is still a real dragon cub that has just been born, although she follows the blood of the ancient dragon. But it is not yet grown, it is not as good as unicorn.

However, the fire unicorn also can't make a small white real dragon, and it is really harmed by the stars and can't hurt it, but let Xiaobai look at some wolf.

Moreover, Liu Wei stands on the side of the fire unicorn is a hidden sense of jade soul, and Liu Wei is a threat of a strong too, and it is divided into heart.

"Let's go! Western position and look at this unicorn."

Liu Wei's hand into the white-blade dragon sleeve is like a breeze, and the end of the breeze is truncated and the nephew of the two people of Nie people. The two were sitting down. Everyone in my heart, I saw a series of phantom shuttle via via Liu Hao, which was shrinking, plunder to more than 30 feet.


The backhand is a palm of the mortuary, and the mountain works, and it is unbeatable.

Roar! ! on

Dust unicorn felt threatened the first throat, low spirits, scales, hair, poured, sprayed out the unicorn, the real fire, Taishi, the unrocked fire, the unicorn is ignited, and it is heavy and heavy. The top of this ancient beast, pumping on the ground, rolling the earthen circle, crushed the wilderness

Nie Renwang and the broken hands were glanced and shocked and shocked, and the old gods were fired and the murdere. The mission is shocked by the world, I don't know how many masters died in their mouths in my mouth. I heard that someone can hang the fire unicorn!? Liu Wei culled.

"Congenital invisible scent sword"

Liu Wei didn't think it was a step, and the three hundred and sixty-five big points in the body were rising.

Two pieces of disximated dust, scattered in the air.

Liu Wei held five ghosts like a leisure. Extreme.

The fire unicorn has just raised, the limbs are in the ground, only seem to be in the back of the mountain, and the heavy is not comparative.

"The community is to suppress the beast." Liu Wei suddenly drove on the back of the fire unicorn: "Is it still not to fall !?"

This is when it is very strong in the war with Zulong, and the soul of the monopolitan swords, and the ancestors of the Yanyang god pointed to Baomei. Although the unicorn is also unable to bear the heaven and earth.


Less Qilin violently jumped, shook his head, and fierce the extreme.

It is thousands of people who want to take Liu Wei out. As a result, Liu Wei does not move in the sea.

The violent halfway is finally exhausted, and it is exhausted.

"Even fire unicorn

Are it suppressed? "

"Who is he, is it a fairy regeneration ??" Nie Renwang and the handshak two people and the tongue, watching the scene of the scene of the scene, the squid, the ghost, the ghost, has been broken, but the adult The unicorn sprinkled into these The fire unicorn is quietly lying in the pit, and the mouth is low in the mouth no longer resist.

That is a majestic figure. Stepping on the air cushion poured on the fire unicorn, in order to give people a sense of hegemony, like the embarrassment of the fairy emperor standing

[First more stable update, seek a lot of books, more support, and vote, evaluation tickets, etc.


A Freu reminds you. Three things in reading

The fifty-seventh chapter has hundreds of years, can you so amazing royal? !

"There is such a person in the world to have a powerful force, and it is really going to turn the gods.

Nie Ren Wang hongsham, is completely uniform, with one person, and the Royal Dragon is so exclaimed that the soldiers will then suppress the ancient gods and the fire unicorn. This is a hard thing that is unimaginable. Even if it is a fairy god resurrection, it is also difficult to do "Shangxian. Don't pick me up!! L"

A weak sense of consciousness came out of the deep pit. This is the idea of ​​less unicorn. But where the beast is always a magical spirit. This adult will be able to survive the Qi Qilin at least. Can communicate with people with people and don't be unusually. Only but removes the absolute power fire unicorn definitely not convinced the weak. Liu Wei went to the heavy pressure of the social sword, "" If you really return to Lilong, you will make your mounts to cram down your skin, refining into the Dan medicine is also a four Taiwu beast to swallow your body. The marrow, maybe you can see the wonderful life. "" Although I have a lot of birthday, but if there is a lot of life, it is better to participate in the fairy merits to swallow my enemies. There is no half of the year "fire" Kirin is really afraid that there is only a despise the world to swallow the Cangsheng Mountain where is it as a prey?

"" Nie Ren Wang and the two people are also speaking. " What kind of enchanting this is, actually, it is necessary to subversive people to the food.

Feel the fear of the fire unicorn fluctuated Liu Wei and smiled. Through the creation of the ancient times, he has hidden the brilliant era of the city. The race of the fucheng, the five people, the wilder of the beast, etc. are the main fish between the heavens and the earth. The family is only a common qualifications.

This is also very spiritual for less unicorn.

"I am willing to ride

I just ask the owner not to kill me. "Don't blame him without the bones of the beast but the weak meat, the strong, the world is the same. This is the same truth in the ancient times. The strong people have set the rule of the weak.

If you don't accept it, you will die.

Liu Wei was suppressed by the social swords, and he was going to kill its life.

"Emperor released this to live for two thousand years, did not go straight to kill less unicorn. To wait until the surprise day, the sea of ​​Dragon is obviously the bloody and blood of the fire is not as good as Dragon Yuan u"

Liu Wei's suppression of the unicorn is just for his own task, not to kill the beast. Have

"See the owner!"


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