The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2885 of the Three Kingdoms



Liu Wei has entered a spiritual imprint in the young Qilin Shenhai, and the task progress of the cracks of the beast is again advanced.

Kirin God blood: After swallowing, the battle soared. And in a short period of time entered the runaway status, the force is added to the time to sustain to the power to deplete: the blood of the unicorn will lead to unknown terrible consequences, please consider! ,

Actually there is side effects L?

When Nie Jia's ancestors, when hunting unicorn, the Qilin blood was dyed to cause the Niejia Shi generation to be cursed by mad blood. Once the sponsor is suppressed, it will lose rationality, it will become Merry bloodthirsty.

Compared to the Xuanwu true marrow of the human beef. After the hem of Kirin God, it is also accompanied by side effects. It's good to have a good fight for a strong enemy when you can temporarily improve the enemy. Liu Wu can soaring in a short time. The cross-domain has passed the fairy, but it is not lost.

In the eyes, the young unicorn folding, the minister and the Nie Ren, how to be proud of the pride at this time, the arrogant is careful, "Hundreds of people can be so horrified?" "" "" I am two People. The county Wei Wang Shou head. Closed white year, I thought I can smile and proud, when I saw the sky, "Liu Wu took the unicorn back and the light shifted," two is also a time It is trapped in this place without spreading the pearl hidden, why not return to the Tai Han Dynasty to the best of the Wu Dynasty. "

This two people are also a masters of the martial arts, the knife king and the sword in the Wulin Wulin. If you can accept the power to help the sounds, you must be more upstairs. This is very beneficial for the transactions.

Moreover, Nie Feng is a small strong, and the martial arts talent is in hand, and he is afraid that he is not embarrassed to see Nie Ren Wang and the handsome two people look at the eyes, and ask the hand asked: " Is it true that Taiming is crivied? "

"Today, Ming Huang has no strength to balance the rivers and lake beats. This is also the number of days. It is natural to replace it. It is within one and within it. You can see it. Liu Wei bluntly," this two can slowly consider the first Let's go to the dragon pulse. "

The dancer and Nie Ren Wang looked at the eyes and nodded. It is no longer more to say that I am silent in Liu Wei.

Zhenlong experienced a Taiwanese to be incorporated by Liu Wei. When he was lying on the dragon, it was not straightforward to take a good treatment. It snorted to the mount, with Liu Wei, and went straight to the bottom of the past.

Liu Wu learned that it is not only in Lingyun Cave. This place is completely ejected by the ancients. It has been built into a model of magnificent, and even the real dragon is fascinated. The five ghosts are too large, but the one of them in the mountain is still better than three points. Nie Renwang and the two people also stepped into Liu Wei after Liu Wei, and they were embarrassed. They were blunt into the clouds in the Yulin cave. I will sleep in this land, for the Tomb of Huang Dynasty. [Fortunately, there is no chaos everywhere, otherwise it will have a white bone in the past. I died in my dead. The more this, they look at Liu Wei's eyes. The more revered.

From the ancient beast to the mount from ancient times, the legend of the sacred people is only the only one of the sacred people.

"The master is here."

I have been walking for half an hour. The fire unicorn stopped before, and the ideology fluctuated that Liu Hao has arrived in front of the Tomb of Huang Diusa. K The first more stable update and seeking a lot of books, more thanks to enjoy, the ticket, evaluation ticket, etc.

A Freu reminds you. Three things in reading

Chapter 58 Unfair! The dragon pulse begins!

This thick stone is full of moss, which seems to portray the murals of countless on the ancient gods. ,

The gods are looking at the old HMD Ding Ding Shenzhou's rich great achievements like the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life, let the future people look at the prostitute.

Liu Wei looked down and took the unicorn's back hand. Hey, a heavy stone door, a heavy stone door, a heavy stone door that was held.

And the light passes through the dust. Just see the scene inside.

I unexpected. The abyss of the foundation is placed in countless ancient paradise, but it is simple and simple. Only a bone is sitting on the jade golden dragon block, and the sword is standing.

Nie Ren Wang and the sacred sacred sacred masters, but I saw this dead bone body, I was too embarrassing, I couldn't suppress the embarrassment of the knee-catching mind, and the dental cockroaches can stabilize the second point. Qingming.

Do not fight

Such a super enemies!

There is no doubt that this county is bound to be a strongman. The ancient sword holding the ancient sword in his hand is Liu Hao's Xuanyuan Sword of the system.

The top of the sword is engraved in the sun and the moon.

On the top of the sword handle, the abortion of farm domestic animals, a four-selection of four seas. The wide sword has a powerful sword, but there is a powerful feeling of changing the soldiers.



The knife and the knife of the Qi Qin, the knife, the sword of the martial arts, the knife, the sword of the martial arts, because the bones in front of them may be the ancient legends of the Xuanyuan Huang Emperor, whose Yellow Emperor is not buried in the squid but only this The emperor who still lasts after death is enough to be surprised!

Liu Wei's pupils have contracted his insects of his heart. It is also the prevention of surprises, the wave, breaking the iron shoes, I have to come to the whole family.

Today, it is just to explore the dramatic cave.

The legend of the ages. In the Xuanyuan this Xuanyuan sword, but the existence of the artifact can be inevitable if it is inevitable.

In addition, a silver-shaped thing, such as jade, quietly suspended jade air. This section of the true dragon spine is exudes the energetic fluctuations in the naked eye. When Shen Ziyi's two layers. Dragon!

The two people and the two people of Nie Ren Wang. Liu Wei's figure is like shrinking inch,

It has appeared in the twenty basin before it is before the bone.


"Xuanyuan Huangdi is on. Take the dragon in this day, in order to make ancient Tentify now again KO"

Fly within

Liu Hao is also a half separation of the Xuanyuan Huangdi's half-generation

at this time

Put the bones that are suspected of the Yellow Emperor, put the Xuanyuanjian in the palm of the palm, but the horror thing happened. After this handle, the Xuanyuan sword was taken directly, and it was directly annihilated with dust, and the bone in front of them was too annihilated. "This is not true."

Liu Yaoxin's vibration immediately understood the original origin of the matter.

This is still a true yellow emperor and Xuanyuan sword, which is also a red shadow that condenses. Similar to the existence of the sea building. Only the fairy belie's breath is too real. Liu Wei did not understand his eyes for a while.

"No matter what the yellow emperor is dead, it is necessary to have the unspeakable existence of the realm of the real world. No thoughts, Xuanyuan sword, unfortunately, but can get the dragon vein of Shenzhou Air Transport.

Long vein: gas transport to Baoshan

Concentrate Shenzhou (AJ) gas transport, bring together the imperial situation

Holding the dragon vessel gods to clearly become the heavenly blessing. Five evils do not invade intelligence! In addition, there is magical effect, please explore the host yourself!

"This dragon is really

Not everything. "

After starting, the touch of the touch of the touch, Liu Wei, is all one of the hearts of the heart.

Liu Wei also felt a powerful will of the dragon pulse.

This is called the god of the dominance. Continuously emit powerful energy fluctuations. It seems like the heart of the ancient giant. . Correlated with Shenzhouyuan pulse. Liu Wei finally understood why the original plot was. Why, Nie Feng, who enters the magic, can be kept clear because the unicorn is strong, but it is also necessary to be transported to the Baolian pulse. After holding the dragon pulse, in the middle of it, it seems that there is a goodness of the gods.

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