The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2899 of the Three Kingdoms

In the face of the fierce attacks of the majestic wind, Li Sheng Zhou Yili is not afraid. Directly on the floor floor is like a pendant in the same way. The two men's palm have been in the same moment. The person watching the battle is simply unclear that the specific love can only see the vigilance and rush all everything. Crushed stone crumbs are frustrated. After the continuous breath of breath, the roots of the heroic feet were rooted, stable and land on the ground, and the condensed road: "You really have the old way to go to the old, the enemy will use this three points to return to the fumes. You go to the way! Three points return!

Bi tyrants must send Zhang Yang, and directly look at the hands and bustlers.

At this moment. The aura of the heavens and the earth is crazy towards his heads to "nine2". It has formed three angry in constant spirals, almost mixed into a golden light, with the strongest recruits of Xiong Baofeng Break.

Proud Singer!

The sky is suddenly gloomy. A silky could not be dispersed, and the bones of the fist fist hurting the penetration, and everyone only felt that they came from one cold. Subsequently, the strongest stroke of the long-term left hand has been swaying, and the power of tearing the jade and clouds is enough to tear open! Li Shengzhou is like the lonely boat among the mad waves, and the violent is incentive. The foot plows a deep groove of a long aftertaine on the ground.

"Thunder is popular!"

The legs of the fist legs were originally integrated into a trick. The fist has been in the final as a killing of the wind, the power of the wind, the power of the thunder!

Legs the shadow of the sky, God!

It's like a giant knife that is like a open land, and it's 's skull

Three yuan return!

This is the real ultimate killer!

"You don't have anyone!?" Li Sheng Zhou's horizontal arm, and the majestic boxing. Like the sea frenzy sea sky, the storm is strong, and it is also flawless.

Haitian first line!

Amazing ribochi, I'm only feeling that the wind is like a knife. In the past 10 steps! At this time, Yushan is absolutely sounded, and there is a purple figure, such as the purple Changhong vertical, the arms between the two people. One left and right hard students will separate the two!



The first floor of the high world of Baili is crash. The dust finally settled.




Sprinkle blood in the air. Westway shadow flying in the air.

After the heteges, the second-handed land was poured, and the forciting of Zheng was retrograde the blood. The eyes were round, it was incredible, and the three points were finalized. He finally became a big success. A bureau of two defeats!? Li Shengzhou landed to stand firm, and the majestic to the mountain swayed that the mouth of the mouth, and it was clearly injured. However, he is double and is like the wisdom of the Western Festival crazy, the more hot. ,

"Who is this Ziyi elderly!?" "The birth of the world of the world chased the devil, retreating in the hike and the rivers and lakes, today, in Tianshan, the rivers and lakes -

Only the martial arts in the martial arts in this battle. I recognized the origin of this purple elderly, and a scene was in a field.

"Take the magic murder of the year of the year, countless magic, the legend of the magic, has been died in the enemy. How can he still in the world?"

"Calculating the old man is only afraid that there is a hundred years old, it is no wonder that his skill is deeply incompetent."

"The world will help the Lord to dominate the relationship with him."

At the beginning, I was chasing the magic and the giant man in the martial arts, and the Ziyi old lady in the first of the Tu Xiong is a generation of martial arts. The martial arts in the martial arts can only be regarded as the legend of his late generation, and the rivers and lakes are vibrated. ,

Billy believes that the old man is difficult to cover up, reach out of his arms, Zhang Mad, "Comes, first kill Li Shengzhou and then say!"

The Purple Search, the situation is reversed in an instant.

Li Sheng Zhou is less and three points to return to the fumes, it has been injured and injured.

Between this, this is the result, and there is absolutely no half of the kindness, not to say, take the lead in launching the three points!

Green, white-black three-color pointing together, three yuan normalization made a roof sword. Square, like a mad dragon, straight, Li Shenzhou's chest

Three points returned to the horror of fusion into two. This point of attack is sharp to pierce the voices of the void.

Ziyi elderly eyes purple light glitter single arm, empty sleeve tube out of a ,,

The vastness of the vastness is condensed into two blood red giant dragons, like the Taiye high, directly deducting the day of Li Shuzhu. He also felt that Li Shuzu's crazy burning red hot battle ginger is not half a point, no matter what rivers and lakes, the power of the rivers and lakes!

If two masters that go beyond the martial arts, the masters of the Sakura, I'm afraid of being superficially entering the terrestrial gods, but also to be a serious injury, Li Sheng Zhouqing, although the clothes are broken. But there is not a half-skewful state, but the arms of jade will climb to the madness. "I want to live in my life. You are also accompanied by Laozi !!" Li Shengzhou's male body two earthquakes, the arms were completely opened, no longer left a little native. Will all your body is condensed on your own double boxes.

"Crazy, power help, what is this! L"

Northern Wulin, who is going to open the hundred feet, the gods, the heart shake, the people, the people, the people, as long as the internal force is cultivated to a certain realm, it will naturally generate a suffocation from the inside into the inside into the body. Protect the body.

Nine strong, as long as the truth is endless, it can take the gun to practice into the situation. External work is also the same as the desperate, such as the Buddha] Jin Jigang is not bad.

"Li Sheng Zhou did not stay for half a real gas body with an enemy. He is the last thing that burns himself, and the battle of the truth. It is necessary to fight this popularity, but will become a legendary Wulin. The name shook his head and sighed.

Chapter 77: Bai Li borrowed the sword! Liu Wei shocked!

The three vastness of the strong stunned together, the sky is in the sky in the sky, the sky is full of horror, and the wind is in the wind. It is a feast of the festival to be unstable, and it is stunned by this air.

Everyone's clothes hunting are all breathtaking. Wipe and take it.

The result of this battle is in any case. There will be a surrender of the monarchy, and the victims will become the legend of martial arts. "This war is fast!"

Li Shengzhou's mouth is blood, but he does not stay for half a pity.

Even if you die, it is also the name of the world to stand the world.

"Give old to death, Mountain, Li Shenzhou! Herba fish has exposed crazy and cruel smile.

The two hit the power of breath, and he had already pressed the crazy boxing of Li Shengzhou. He had foreseen that Li Shuzu became a scene of blood fog with the old man in his with Ziyi's old man. ,

The second will become a harder

Don't fight, don't die! Just kill Li Shenzhou today, even if the world will help people died, it is not enough! As long as he is still standing on this day. The defeated power helper Vuitton's high vibration arm has tens of thousands of earth five people will join his world!

He will inevitably be the master number of the martial arts order, who dares from the rivers and lakes! in

The three people hit together. The void is taken to wear the air in the crime, as if it is solidified, everything is stagnant.

At this time, the distant horizon suddenly came from a shocking voice of the world.!

A gorgeous sword torn the Tiangong. It seems to be between the thousand miles away from it.

Like a meteor, the heart has reached the ultimate of the speed. Just in the worm of the goddess of the majesty, the sword pierced the three-point . It's all over, dimly dim. Sigh!

The heroic seating blood is born from his chest. His hands flushed, and the bloody passed through the bloody body is flowing toward the bloody hole of the chest, and the life of the residual money is constantly loss. This sword fell over the heavenly swords, and the sword was treated with a purple golden sword.


("Senior Winterure: !!"

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