The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2900 of the Three Kingdoms

The old man must be angry, like an injured old lion. Will attache the pounds of Li Shenzhou to the sulfing of the sword

However, that a great sword, but turned into the speed of the flying sword in the air.

The sword is destroyed, and the scorpion of the pounds is flashed, and the squid, the sap, the old man who is concentrated in the half-air, and the old man who is shocked by the world. The broken body was broken into two.

Bloody rain, this scene, shocked everyone.

The top of Yushan, the chop is silent.

Before this, who would like to get the world with this long-lived man who will be ignored!


"Bai Li borrowed the sword, how is this horrible sword law?

"This sword is not the martial arts, there is such a sword.

Where is the old life?

No one will see the process of clearing the sword, but there are many martial arts in the court, and they have been excited to have a sword law that is stuffy.

Such a person who is like this.

After a battle in this Tianshan, it will be completely a myth, and they have passed the world. They have been born in the rivers and lakes, and they are fortunate to have become a witty witnesses.

"Wulin myth!


The crowd did not know who started a shout, and the Yushan is standing up with his head and looks at the sword.

Used through the whole body, crazy.

What is the rivers and lakes in this martial arts position in this martial arts.

It is not a virtual.

Just on the distant Tiangong, it seems to be separated from the hundred miles, and a real dragon is coming to the gods of the gods, reflects the deep metal texture under the sunlight.

The head is like a camel.

The fish is like a rabbit ear, and the item is like a snake.

The Dragon's Dragon, which is invisible in the palm cloud, shocking the world.

On the back of the volunteen of the volunteers of the mighty Pang Tai, standing on a young emperor, wearing a 12th crown. .

Everyone on the field has pumped a breath!

I feel the same for Liu Wei.

That is a kind of feelings from the depths of the heart and the shocking difficulties!

Li Sheng Zhou wiped the blood marks of the mouth, looking at the Tianshi, muttered: "Long Baiyi borrowed the sword of the sword to this level"

The real dragon is very fast in the Cang Palace, and it will go to Tianshan in the moment.

Wuxian Jiwei Sword, one earth, three flat, the truth, the truth, brought a burst of stunning, but Liu Wei swallowed a bloody to the emperor, the emperor was unprecedented, and the moment was restored. For this consciousness of this inferent swords, it is further "Wanshou, and the age of life is five years old."

The right of the right of the right of the SHI ZHU Zhou Yue Cheng (the Zhao) is in the ground, the Jinyiwei on Tianshan is also a neckfilling.

Mountain is long.

On the field, the martial arts in the north of the martial arts was shocked.

The Taijia is not a fool.

The Minghuang of the Huangcheng, Zhongzhou, has no way, where there is such a way to the Emperor, this is a big man, such as the big man, such as the day of the day.

I will only smell the mission, but I will see him.

Today, I saw the terrible of Liu Wei in the Tianshan.

More terrible is.

The youngest Nine-five supreme has a terrorist power!

A sword.

Spike the world with another Weishu Lin.

Who dares to wipe their front!

Chapter 78-Hung Yuan!

New martial arts myth!

1 Liu Wei rushed to Li Shu Zhou, handed over the past, "" Shenzhou really did not let the disappointment and no name of the world.

If it is not a purple clothes, the old man is less today, most of them are the majestic victory and Li Shenzhou is seriously injured.

Because the heroic skills are slightly half-ruled, it is worse than Li Shenzhou, sweeping the martial arts, and the wind is not polite, and it is not polite to swallow up, smile: "Today, if you don't take the sword .

A certain amount of bones is still a person, but unfortunately

Working with Your Majesty.

Make people.

The original drama is almost dead in the old sword holy, the Sword, the sword, the second occasion, because the wind is escaped, now the number of angles is finally broken, and the heart is broken by Liu Wu Baili, which is early, it is already Absolute.

Liu Wei received a tip completed by the system's task, and nodded.

Subsequently, the light shifted, quite a little stunned is to be flying swords. Two Ziyi elderly people actually have a stubborn, and they have not yet dead.

"It can live in the three-dimension of the Sword of the Sword, you are also enough to look proud to see that the shape of the Ziyi body is just a hero, it seems to have a little bit of God.

Liu Wei asked in his heart, "Do you have to dominate the child?

He has found that there is a best proof of the appearance of some kind of shift in the world that has already happened.

"Not bad."

Ziyi Laostea has a longerstream of the male sword, and the life of the sword is constant. It still uses the last - mouth lips trembled, said: "Old to go three elderly people true biography for avoiding strong enemy closing hard work I thought that I was invincible today, I can't think of this person.

Height me!

Heaven Height!

The grievances of the tricks is too common to change today.

Who is the calmness of the cavity?

"The three elderly people are also the legendary master of the previous generation. It seems that there is a somewhere of the twelve surprises, and there are some kind of frost boxing, row the cloud, the wind, the heroes, is from the door.

In addition, there is another [martial arts called back the empty blood.

It is more overbearing that Liu Yin is more than three points.

The opening said: "Three dozen [Weiwu Gong is a martial arts, you die in the sorrowful sword twenty-three, it is also enough, you still don't close your eyes, what is wrong?

"You mean you know that you will come!"


The spirit of the elderly is fluctuating.


Sigh, "Sword Soil 3!

The sword is twenty-three little old, and the day is dead, and now there is only one asked to see you, don't hurt the old grandson.

Y "Lake Heart Shuangshuang Stub?

Liu Xing Bao Hili is now moving a movie shadow, nodded to laugh o "This matter agreed.

You are upright.

Ziyi elderly I have to take it into the arms seem to take out what things, the action is half, the eyes closed.


Liu Wei took a white jade to fly into the palm of the palm of his arms.

The idomymus slightly vibrate.

It is the martial arts who can't pass the secrets of the three doors.

This is an extremely overbearing mystery, the root causes of it is no longer necessary to know how to quickly draw the enemy's internal force to it is equivalent to the power of the version, and it is the kind of no side effect!

Ziyi old man knows that his son is honest, not dare to teach him this] Xuan Gong, otherwise, the first day of the mountain may be the first to take his Laozi's second body, and it has been used to use L, Email the bloody hand, even if the martial arts, the martial arts is quite limited to the place.

This martial arts is similar to the Northern Dynasties in the Millennium.

Applicable Wang Qun's War for a long run does not apply to the jade outbreak!

"Congratulations to the host, Bai Li borrows the worship value by the sword."

The current task is completed.

Random rewards are too integrated with mystery

"Is it in the Zhongshan asking a host?

"Congratulations to the host, extract three points to return to the yuan, please pay attention to the reward L"

::: Flowers:: Two series of Scorpio System Tips Sickly in the ear of the ears, then in Liu Hao's gravis information.

It is a sense of experience in the majestic quarter of the heroic.

It can be short-lived in the martial arts of martial arts.

If the muddy bodhisattva, it is that the talents are superficial, but they are limited.

If you give the gods, there is a broken wave?

The horizontal corpse of the heroic battle is 10,000 to go to the country.

Liu Wei came, and the two people held the swords and soared to have a superficial emperor.

Another person can enemies?

"The generals have been dispersed in the world, who is the opposition?

The deep voice of the Weiyi was stirred up, and he broke this dead.

The martial arts of the heart god went back to God, and nodded. "Not bad!

The majesty is a disaster, I am waiting for him, I will have a lot of money today, it is nothing more than one!

"It's a madness.

Saving the sorrows of Wang Shui dust

"The martial arts myth is home!

The so-called wall pushing everyone, people walk tea.

It is this reason.

When he is in time, the fierce weather, shocking martial arts, and the group is ignorant.

Now he is dead, there is a man jumped out to fall out of the stone. Many Baidao Wulinhao is holding a fear to Liu Yu, and there is a way to say: "Scholar is dead, I will wait for the power to help the horse!"

"Good L Jianghu is too chaotic to help Dingjiang Lake, who dares to accept?"

Liu Wei smiled.

I didn't look at everyone, and the light flipped in a young man in the crowd.

He said that he can't say that he can only say that it is flat and simple, and the soul is standing in the crowd.

Chapter 79 Chapter Inner King!

Who dares to accept? !

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