The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 42 of the Three Kingdoms

Cao Cao is able to achieve Wei Wu Heavy industry, and a large part of them is going to be on the top of his hand.

Because .................... .

Like Guo Jia, Yan, Chen Qun and other talents, almost all are recommended.

"If you are, it is really unique!"

Liu Wei looked with a, couldn't help but praise.

Wang Yun's face has a lack of expression, nodded and laughed: "Wen Ruo is hard to look at others, since you have seen it, it is better to go to Wang Mou, a few cups?"

nodded smile: "Solidly wish, do not dare to please."

", !"

", !"

On the carriage of Wang Yun, I don't know how many failures have been suggested. Liu Wei finally heard a successful system prompt:

"Hey, Hui Yingzhi is successful, congratulations to host the leader, !"

, current force 61, intelligence 95, political 96, and is 78.

Tuner 1, Wang Zozi: When you recognize the main public and loyalty to the full value, you add 2 points to his main political attributes.

Stunt 2, History:? ?


Liu Wei took a breath.

What is top-level counsel?

This is!

, ,, ..

Don't lose to God, how much!

Liu Wei looked at his eyes, just like a cat looking at fish.

"For a long time, if it is Wang Zo's talent, today I see it, I really are not flexible."

Liu Hao stared at , did not hide his appreciation.

For such a strong / leg, of course, there is no means, but also tightly pull him with himself.

In the future, it is absolutely going to fight against the road.

"Liu Fujun is known."

At this time, I already have the wind of everyone, but I can't hold the views of Liu Wei, and I am sorry to see.

"These two people ... What is the situation?"

Wang Yunjing looked at Liu Wei and , between Liu Wei, as if it was observed to each other.

"These two are all talents of the world, is it going to know each other?"

He didn't understand how Liu Hao has a relationship with .

Talk all the way and arrived at Wang Yun's house.

Naturally, it is not on the palace, but it is also a big house in a rich Hall.

The Wangfu is in the middle of the hall, and the wine has passed three patrols.

I finally couldn't help but ask a question: "I heard that there is a nostalgia in Luoyang in the past few days, and it is very popular. It is called a thousand people. I don't know who is doing."

"Heart, good year, Wang Daren is vast communication in Luoyang, can you have heard?"

Chapter 42,

I asked ... It seems to be me?

Liu Wei deliberately as he didn't hear, but his heart is dark.

Being the worship, the feeling, beautiful!


A poem, I shocked the big talents such as , then copy a dozen, is it to call him to pay, loyal to exercise?

Of course, this matter can only be in my mind yy.

At this time, the family of, although than Yuan Shao, it is not a small, called one of the famous people today.

Not so easy, telling him to the unsuccessful service.

Therefore, Liu Hao is ready to step by step, first with , mix it, brush, brush, first.

"If the text is really asking people!"

Wang Yun suddenly realized that his finger got a point, smiled: "Tender, you don't know, this is the author who sang nostalgic poetry, in fact, you also recognize."

I know?


Wang Yun stood up and smiled.

In the discourse, with a strong arrogant / proud.


He laughed, and his mouth / bar was great, and he looked at Liu Wei, a pair did not dare to confuse.

That one nostalgic word, said that the dynasty is the rise and fall, why vicissitudes?

He originally thought that the author did the author's big Confucianism, I did not expect to be Liu Wei, less than 20 years old.

Liu Fujun, really, there is a small number of people in the world!

I think of this, I've been standing up, and I greeted Liu Yu, said: "Liu Fujun is shocked by the earth, and he is so good to admire!"

Liu Wei quickly helped up and shook his head.

Flower cace people raise people!

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