The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 43 of the Three Kingdoms

The time is coming!

The face, but there is a shot and respects, toast: "Liu Fujun is big, and the heart is in the world, no matter how much you want to respect you!"

The banquet is above, and the atmosphere is warm.

Liu Hao is also close to the relationship with.

Wang Yun suddenly issued questions: "Text, what do you always have to do, what do you think of today's DPRK?"

The face of is heavy, shook his head and sigh: "Luoyang is no longer possible. Don't weigh Wang Zhonglang, I am aszeted, I have given birth to the generals, returning to the hometown, Zhonglang people I can listen to some persuasion, I can prepare for packing my family, I will prepare it. "

"What, ??"

Liu Haoji did not clear the three historical details, but at this time, he was obviously disappointed with a big man's court.

"This ... how to say?"

Wang Yun alcoholic woke up, stunned: "Liu Xian is also said that Luoyang is critical, is it really irreparable?"

He looked at Liu Wei at a glance.

People who can see the situation in Luoyang have undoubtedly have a strong big concept, which can be said to be a phoenix.

Liu Hao suddenly said: "The general is so embarrassing, the thunder is smashed to clear the official, but it is necessary to convene Xiang Dong's browng. This Dong Zhuo, is a tiger leopard wolf, it will inevitably disaster Luoyang."

"Yes, I am consistent with Liu Fujun!"

The palm of his hand was a shot in the seat handle, Shen Sheng: "Dong Zhuo, the thief!"

"The general military he served in Chang'an, he was full of violation of Yanyuan, this person's tiger's heart, it is clear!"

"Unfortunately, the generals don't listen to my words!"

Listening to the voice of angry, Liu Hao is thoroughly served.

He has perfect God's perspective, so it can make accurate judgment based on the direction of character character and history.

is just to analyze Dong Zhuo's intent by his own strategy, and it is difficult.

It is worthy of intelligence up to 95.

He Jungang is self-use, can't use people, and no wonder if people want to sick.

Wang Yun frowned, not willing!

He is hard to climb to the position of Zhonglan, is it going to tell the old hometown?

A few people were silent, and suddenly heard a melodious piano sound in the backyard of Wangfu.

Beautiful things will always bring a good feeling.

Liu Wei was attracted by this piano sound, and it could not help but stopped the movements in his hand.

Wang Yun once observed Liu Yu's gods, and smiled proudly: "Xian Yan, the piano of the little girl, compared with Cai Yu daughter, who is high?"


There seems to have a pit in this words!

Liu Wei's martial arts, of course, not to be mad, just smile: "The piano's piano is clear, but this piano is paying attention to the feelings of the feelings, two people are all good."

He is the god talent, is equivalent to the accomplishment of the masters of music, reviews the song, or a stitch.

The piano is too discounted, Liu Wei smiled, and the heart secretly speculated:

Wang Yun is not a daughter ...

Is it difficult to play the piano in this interior, is the first beauty of the Three Kingdoms?

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Chapter 43, Wang Yun's beauty meter? Liu Wei digs the wall

Liu Wei has always been a light look of light, but at this time, Wang Yun Dynasty saw that Liu Hao was unreasonable.

"Daughter, come out!"

He is proud to clapping, and he only sees a shadow in the back hall.


Hong Kong woman has a gift for Wang Yun, and looked at Liu Wei and looked at Liu Wei.

A beautiful woman!

This red dress woman, beautiful, Liu Hao, stunned.

I am afraid that there are hundreds of flowers to be ashamed!

Gu Pan Shenghui's eyes, simply called the moon to lose color.

Peak / hi / shrugging, quite waist is like a willow, double foot towering straight, very firm, this is the perfect body of this rich muscle!

It's really good!

It is simply watching 10,000 times, it is not enough to see any praise, it is a bit of a bit.

Use old driver's special terms, that is:

Can play for a lifetime!

"The four beautiful people, the appearance of the moon, really not talking ..."

Liu Wei suddenly knew why Lu Bu was able to make Directors of Directory in order to get the .

The beauty of this level is absolutely called the beauty of the country, how can it give others?

"Liu Fujun, we are no longer the first time."

When I passed over Liu Wei, I suddenly said, this suddenly smiled, smile as the smoke.

"Have you seen it, is it?"

Liu Wei's face is forced.

Leave and right, I can't think of it, I have seen this Jiejia people.

", !"

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